User:Poswob Rare

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When the Tinks defeated their many enemies, they changed the name of their vast empire to Anzan in order to honor the Andanese tribes who provided many of their members.

Tinks (EE3)

The victorious Tinks had no time to celebrate their victory over the Raspara, for their many other enemies quickly pounced upon them. The Tink party stayed close to the ideology that had attracted its supporters in Vaamū, but added some new points:

  1. Free labor: Slavery is immoral and not permitted; the captured Dreamer slaves from the previous war must be killed.
  2. Control of land: The whole of the empire is Tinker territory, and imperial laws overrule all local ones. However, some lands deemed to have been unjustly conquered in the distant past shall be returned to their rightful inhabitants.
  3. Democracy: Citizens may vote in elections, and the Tink party must abdicate power in any areas where a majority of the citizens favor a non-Tink party, even if that party is at war with the Tinks.
  4. Imperialism: However, the Tinks have the right to suspend democracy in troublesome territories and rule directly. The central government in Săla shall appoint kings who wield absolute power in their areas, but no power outside their territory.
  5. Experience: Government power should be in the hands of men with wisdom and experience.
  6. Marriage: Men should beat their wives until the wives offer complete submission; men who do not control their wives will instead be beaten by other men.
  7. Crime: Judicial organizations are prohibited.
  8. Hardiness: By adopting meager living standards, the Tinks will thrive in times of poverty and experience rapid population growth precisely when enemy parties accustomed to luxury are doing the worst. (This doctrine is known as găya in Khulls.)

Female Party (FEM)

Within months of the Tinks' victory and establishment of their new state, a large number of pro-Tink girls defected and founded the Female Party. This was legal, because the Tinks had set up a multiparty democracy. However, they had not prepared for dissent from within their own party; they expected that enemy parties would be continuations of parties that had existed before the war.

Although the Tinks had opened schools, as promised, the girls' secession came so early that none of the founders had had any significant education, neither children nor adults. Therefore, the Female party had a platform consisting of only a single demand:

  1. Feminism: Women should share power with men, rather than men controlling the military, the government, and the production of food. If necessary, women are allowed to commit violence against children in order to force men to surrender.

The Female Party convinced the Tinks that they had discovered a way to turn all babies into girls and therefore deplete Anzan of its entire newborn male population. They thus achieved victory and changed their name to the Crystals. However, within a few weeks the Tinks overthrew them again, and then the two sides traded places several more times before finally signing an agreement to rule jointly. Nonetheless, the Tinks retained control of the military and most departments of the government, and they held firm to their promise to delegate power within these departments only to men.

The rebellious girls chose to continue identifying as Crystals, and adopted some male members from the preexisting Crystal minority. In some remote areas of the empire, it seemed likely that the Crystals would win local elections and therefore set up governments of their own while yet remaining loyal to the Tinks in Săla.

After three years in power,[1] the Tinks changed their name to the Swamp Kids as they committed themselves to the goal of conquering the distant tropical city of Baeba Swamp.

Swampy-derived parties

As the Swamp Kids attended school, their ideology rapidly evolved. The Raspara minority, who had traditionally been well-educated, had written many of the books used in the empire's school system and the eager Swamp Kids developed new political opinions that helped the Raspara increase their power.

In 4172, the Swamp Kids divided into two allied but rivalrous political parties as intractable military issues had split them apart:

Pioneers (BOM)

The Pioneers favored expanding the enormous empire of Anzan even further, and increasing their population by absorbing waves of immigrants from hostile nations such as Tarwas.

  1. Pacifism: Foreign invasions should be embraced, not resisted. Future military invasions can be mitigated by inviting the aggressors to march deeper into Pioneer territory and take up residence in the capital, where they may compete for control with many other invaders. Pioneer soldiers will be unarmed; the best soldiers are those who submit to their enemies and suffer intense pain in their mission to make peace with their enemies.
  2. Intermarriage: Because the men of many surrounding tribes are tall and strong, they make ideal partners for the Pioneer women in the heartlands whose would-be husbands are busy exploring new territory. Men from foreign tribes should be brought into the Pioneer heartlands and marry local Pioneer women.
  3. Slavery: The Pioneers can win the favor of their Raspara masters by doing good deeds above and beyond the slave labor the Raspara force them into. By enduring greater abuse than all other slaves, the Pioneers may convince the Raspara to breed more Pioneers.
  4. Terminology: Adult male Pioneers shall refer to themselves as "boys" (ŋapa) and "kids" (taā), apart from a small class of leaders who can truly be called men. However, the males of foreign tribes shall always be referred to as men.
  5. Obedience: Men may make and break laws at their pleasure, but boys must obey.

Cold Men (CTC)

  1. Safety: The best way to respond to invasions is to flee to safety as quickly as possible, even if it means abandoning possessions and a stable food supply. By ceding more territory to their invaders, Cold Men shall coalesce together in compact habitats in which they can more easily protect each other.
  2. Combat: Cold Men should compete in sports against the much taller and stronger men of the enemy tribes. Even though the Cold Men will rarely win, the few victories they achieve will be far more memorable to both sides than the much more numerous defeats.

Play (BP4-D)

Conservative Swamp Kids in Dreamland rejected the Swampies' new platforms and revived the name Play for their party when they signed an alliance with the few remaining hereditary Play party members. They had earlier signed an agreement with the Tinks in 4149, and again in 4152, affirming that they were part of the same party, and would leave their occupation in Dreamland if the party back home in Paba needed them. (Thus, they had never formally dissolved the Play party, and retained the legal rights to the name; this was important in the Swamp Kids' democracy, as multiple parties were not allowed to share a name.)

Major opposition parties in Anzan

These parties fought the Swamp Kids for control of Anzan. However, some of the parties also at times fought on the same side as the Swampies. Three of the four major parties were very ancient, and padded their acronyms with "6D", to show that they were as old as the Gold Party which was in its sixth iteration, and that they were in their fourth phase, as was the Swamp Kids. Thus, the Swamp Kids were fighting armies a hundred times older than their own. (Though the Soap Bubbles were founded only in 3844, they claimed to be the only direct survivors of the much older Thunder party.)

Crystals (CRY-6D)

Formed:c. 1550
Language: Khulls

The Crystals at this point held to the Female Party manifesto of 4149, and thus sometimes still referred to themselves as the Female Party or the Feminists. However, since the Crystals from the wider world had now pledged allegiance to them, they preferred to identify as Crystals.

  1. Growth: Men who join the Crystals to find strong women shall likely never leave.

Soap Bubbles (BUB-6D)

  1. Justice: Crimes should be punished by a court system rather than individuals.
  2. Principle: The government must ensure the world follows a strict order.

Zenith (XLG-6D)

Language: various
Alignment: Tribal
  1. Empire: The Swamp Kids' struggle to keep the Empire united is good.
  2. Tribalism: Laws should benefit the tribe in power at the expense of unwelcome minorities.

Matrixes (3EE)

Language: North Dreamlandic
Alignment: Tribal

The Matrix party (3EE) was founded in the year 4177 as a militant wing of the much older #Raspara party. They believed they could surmount the problems of ideological movements by abandoning a fixed ideology and aligning themselves with whichever side of the war was winning at the time. Since they predicted that the Swamp Kids would soon fall, they considered the Swamp Kids their primary enemy. Nevertheless, they did hold some ideological beliefs:

  1. Reproduction: Men should kill their wives when they pass childbearing age, and also may kill women who become unattractive.
  2. Membership: Party membership is for men only; women cannot be Matrixes, and therefore all marriages are of mixed parties.
  3. Aggression: All actions taken against non-Matrixes are legal. Therefore, all non-Matrixes may be enslaved and abused, and no legal entity can declare such abuse to be a crime.
  4. Justice: Only Matrixes can be victims of crimes; these crimes shall be avenged by friends of the victim, rather than a third-party court system.
  5. Slavery: Small-statured tribes such as the Swamp Kids make ideal slaves, but slaves should also be bred with Matrixes to ensure they do not retain their original tribal identities, even if they thus become more physically robust with each generation.
  6. Service: Matrixes shall live on plantations in order to control their slaves. The Matrix party as a whole is responsible for the delivery of slaves to individual slave camps, with an ideal delivery rate of one new slave per camp per day.
  7. Self-reliance: The Matrix needs no allies in war; members' loyalty will keep the party alive.
  8. Language: The North Dreamlandic language shall be the language of diplomacy, and within one generation, also the language of daily communication.

The Matrixes' acronym, 3EE, here represents a byname in North Dreamlandic, which was simply the Swamp Kids' name spelled backwards syllabically. The Matrixes considered themselves self-sufficient and refused all alliances, but they specifically chose to antagonize the #Swamp Kids over and above the other armies.

Restore Repilian Civilization (RMC)

An ethnic party for Repilians only; non-Repilians were allowed to join as supporters but could not handle weapons or wield political power. RMC favored the ejection of all non-aboriginals from the continent. They had long been an ally of the #Zeniths, a distantly related group of tribes who also had no land, but now warned the Zeniths that they might seek a different foreign policy. (The acronym is due to the Repilians' native name beginning with M.)

  1. Foreign policy: Peace will finally come to the world when all Swamp Kids, Matrixes, Raspara, Crystals, Bubbles, Players, Dreamers, Dolphin Riders, and STWers are dead.

  1. "late 4152"