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Word Order

kalama has a strict word order. The general word order is:

subject noun phrase — verb phrase (— object noun phrase)
yano payo - "John runs"
mailya sami yano - "Maria hears John"

A noun phrase has this order:

(determiners —) noun (- quantifiers) (— adjectives)
otoko san ta - "The three large men"
ona aku malu - "The many small women"

A verb phrase has this order:

(leading verb —) verb (— tense/mood) (— adverb)

A prepositional phrase generally follows what it modifies, and has this order:

preposition — noun phrase


Nouns only decline for number and possession. They are altered with -lo to show plurality, and possessiveness with -yo.


Determiners in kalama precede the noun they modify.

  • kula - all
  • pu - this; these
  • su - that; those
  • xxx - every; each
  • xxx - whichever; whatever
  • xxx - some; several; a few
  • ne - no; none; zero
  • aku - many; much (one hundred)
  • malu - few; a little
  • xxx - more
  • xxx - less; fewer
  • xxx - other
  • xxx - same
  • xxx - such


kalama has three basic pronouns; wa [1sg], ni [2sg], and ko [3sg]. These do not indicate gender.


Verbs do not change and are only ever modified by particles.


Past tense is indicated by the particle le following the verb. Future tense is indicated by the particle sa.

  • ko ne kome le
3sg NEG eat PST
He didn't eat.
  • walo wite sa ko
1pl see FUT 3sg
We will see her.


  • sunya - zero; nothing
  • iwa - one; single; alone
  • ili - two; double; duo
  • isan - three; triple
  • isi - four
  • ipen - five
  • iwe - six
  • ina - seven
  • ipa - eight
  • inun - nine
  • iye - ten
  • aku / ku - hundred
  • mila - thousand



  • ama - but; yet; however
  • awa - or; either
  • ayo - any; whatever; whichever; whatsoever


  • enpo - be away from; move away


  • ila - be near; move toward; in direction of


  • kasa - house; building; apartment; room; residence
  • kata - speak; talk; language
  • kome - eat; consume
  • koye - some; a few; a little
  • kula - all; whole; entire; every; complete


  • loka - place; location; spot; point
  • loma - bump, nose, hill, mountain, button


  • ma - interrogative particle
  • malu - be small; little; tiny
  • muki - ocean; sea; bay


  • nama - sleep; rest; relax
  • ne - no; not; negative
  • note - night; darkness


  • o - direct object particle
  • oma - female parent
  • ona - woman; female
  • opa - male parent
  • otoko - man; male


  • pala - word; morpheme; unit of language
  • pan - food; bread
  • paya - white; whiteness
  • payo - run; move quickly
  • peka - run; flee; move quickly
  • pu - this; these


  • sami - hear; listen
  • simu - letter (of the alphabet)
  • su - that; those


  • ta - be large; big; grand
  • tani - be aware of; know; understand


  • u - and; also; too; as well


  • wite - see; look; watch; observe


  • ya - vocative / imperative particle
  • yati - hand; arm
  • yo / -yo - have; hold; contain
  • yu - be in; at; on
  • yuma - day; daylight
  • yunta - gather; collect; amass


  • wa tani ko
1sg know 3sg
I know her.
  • ma loka kasa niyo
Q place house 2sg.GEN
Where is your house?