Šérele! My name is Milith Iusiguto (she/her). I am interested in 19th century British literature, languages, history, and a few other things.
I am a contributor to Sajem Tan under the name Tözen (Fog). I'm also working on some other conlangs: Loegrish, which is a Brythonic language spoken in southeastern Britain, and Branchidian, the language of a tribe of Greek exiles in Bactria and Sogdiana. I used to have a Vandalic conlang, but I stopped making it, although it could come back. I might start more when I have the time. I'm really excited to get back into conlanging and linguistics.
I'm 18. I also love birds, making new friends, androgyny, feelings, and colors. To describe myself, I'd say that, on a good day, I look like a mix between Oscar Wilde and Florence Welch (the latter of whom owns the better part of my soul). There's actually a girl in the background of The Roses of Heliogabalus who looks just like me; she's wearing a green robe and an olive wreath, and holding up a cup.
I really love talking to people, so if you happen to stop by and want to talk, please do! I'll expand this page with more meaningful content whenever I can. Also see here.