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Senjecas cuisine

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ĕ/ /ʊ/


  1. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., abe̋lo, apple, + űvlo, press, = ábelűvlo, apple press.
  2. afx = a word formed from a root and an affix, e.g., mőst̬i, rennet < mősa, curdle + -t̬i, substance used to perform the action.
  3. pol = a word with a different, but related sense to an original word, e.g., pűṡa, t.v. reduce < pűṡa, t.v. condense.
  4. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  5. Words in red indicate an object that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  6. At the end is a legend, Total: Total: 73/51+0/70%. This means that there are 72 root words (lemmata) of which 49 are verbs and none are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that 68 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.
  7. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.

Culinary terms – duƣsa̋m̃os

Utensils - ne̋uðlos

  • cpd ábelűvlo, apple press [< ábelo, apple; űba, t.v., press].
  • 001 a̋uxo, oven [> Latin aula, pot].
  • afx he̋e̋xlo, fork [< he̋e̋ka, t.v. fork].
  • 002 ke̋|ȝa, t.v. spoon [up]. -ilo, spoon.
  • 003 la̋nðo, griddle [> Old Greek λάσανον, trivet].
  • 004 perse̋lo, winepress.
  • 005 serűko, dish made from bark.
  • 006 sőro, plate, dish [ > Japanese sàra, plate].
  • 007 s̨a̋a̋bo, hook for hanging kettle over fire.
  • afx ṡa̋xko, fork [< ṡa̋xo, fork of a tree; -k-, diminutive suffix].
  • afx ṡűnko, spit [< ṡűno, spear; -k-, diminutive suffix].
  • cpd taƣvőulo, costrel, canteen [< ta̋ƣa, i.v. travel; vőulo, bottle].
  • 008 tőro churn-staff [> Latin trua, ladle].
  • 009 þő|la, t.v. skewer [> Evenki tule-, skewer]. -l̤o, skewer.
  • 010 þőmo, cutting board [> Korean toma, chopping board].
  • cpd uvre̋þo, rolling pin [< űba, t.v. press; re̋þo, cylinder].
  • 011 xőőn|a, t.v. ladle [> Japanese kùm scoop]. -lo, ladle.

Containers - ge̋rlos

  • 012 ba̋a̋n|o, pot, jar, cruse [> Telugu bāna, large earthenware pot]. -se̋e̋po, potholder. -ke̋xlo, pot-hook. -ı̋ȝo, pottery, crockery.
  • 013 bőőżo, water jar.
  • 014 gı̋ndo, cup, mug [> Tulu giṇḍi, goblet].
  • cpd hem̃tőm̃o, winecup [?].
  • cpd kaðgı̋ndo, cup with a lid [< ka̋ða, t.v. cover; gı̋ndo, cup].
  • 015 ka̋iko, bowl [> Biscayan kaiku, wooden bowl for milking sheep].
  • 016 ka̋ux|a, t.v. put in a barrel [beer, etc.]. -o, barrel.
  • 017 ke̋mo, pan, cauldron [> Korean kàmá, cauldron].
  • 018 kűűpo, vat [ > English cup].
  • 019 kűto, pitcher, jug, ewer [> Etruscan kutun], pitcher.
  • 020 k̨a̋nto, large earthenware jar for storing grain or flour [> Japanese kúda, pipe].
  • 021 k̨őpo, fish bladder for storing oil [> Evenki kewilde, kaluga bladder used for storing oil].
  • 022 m̃űɫo, cooking-, -pot, -pan, saucepan.
  • 023 pe̋e̋do, vessel, container, receptacle [> English vat].
  • 024 peelőm̃o, basin, tureen [> English pelvis].
  • 025 ṡı̋ı̋po, cup made of a leaf [> Kui sīpoṛi, leaf spoon].
  • 026 ṡı̋ı̋rso, a kind of vessel [> Korean kırıt, vessel].
  • 027 ṡűmpo, birch bark drinking vessel [Hungarian csobolyő, mug].
  • 028 űrko, earthenware for salting fish [> Latin urceus, jug].
  • 029 vı̋ð|a, t.v. cask [Latin fidēlia, earthenware pot]. -o, cask.
  • 030 vőul|a, t.v. bottle. -o, bottle.

Methods - mőődas

  • 031 a̋ira, i.v. prepare-, make-, -kumis.
  • 032 a̋rka, t.v. preserve, pickle.
  • 033 ba̋sma, t.v. spice, season.
  • 034 bűla, t.v. gel.
  • 035 da̋a̋m̃a, t.v. roast [meat][> Latvian žaût, dry].
  • 036 de̋|pa, t.v. steep, brew, infuse. -fba̋a̋no, tea pot [< ba̋a̋no, pot]. -fma̋xko, tea bag [< ma̋xo, sack; -k-, diminutive suffix].
  • 037 dűƣ|a, 1. t.v. cook, stew. 2. i.v. cook, stew [> Georgian duɣ-, cook]. -i, adj. culinary. -kı̋ı̋ro, culinary herb. -lu, cook. -ra, cooking, cookery, cuisine.
  • 038 ðőőna, t.v. make bread [> Lithuanian dúona, bread].
  • 039 ga̋a̋ga, t.v. make dumplings [> German Kuchen].
  • 040 ga̋nð|a, t.v. can. -o, can, canister.
  • 041 ge̋ula, t.v. bake under hot coals [> English coal].
  • 042 ı̋ı̋ɫ|a, 1. t.v. fry. 2. i.v. fry [> Manchu jila, burn]. -o, frying pan, skillet.
  • 043 ȝűm|a, t.v. add yeast to, leaven. -o, yeast, leavening agent.
  • 044 kı̋r|a, t.v. mince. -lo, mincer [instrument]. -lu, mincer [person]. -o, anything minced.
  • 045 k̬a̋|þa, 1. t.v. ferment. 2. i.v. ferment, work [> Russiam квас, kvass]. -þa, fermentation, ferment. -þ̨i, adj. fermentable.
  • 046 k̨őőra, 1. t.v. churn, make butter. 2. i.v. turn to butter [> Turkish kar-, mix].
  • 047 k̨őma, 1. t.v. hop, add hops to. 2. i.v. hop, add hops.
  • 048 la̋ṡa, i.v. brew from berries [> Komi ĺaz, brew of meal and berries].
  • 049 me̋nþ|a, t.v. whisk, beat [eggs, etc.]. -ĕlo, whisk, beater.
  • 050 mő|la, 1. t.v. grind, mill. 2 i.v. grind, mill [> English meal]. -l̤o, mill, grinder, quern. -l̤u, miller. -lre̋þo, millwheel. -lta̋a̋ino, millstone. -lvőgo, millstream.
  • afx mőst̬i, rennet [< mősa t.v., curdle; -t̬i, substance used to perform the action].
  • 051 me̋ða, i.v. brew mead [> English mead].
  • 052 m̃e̋in|a, t.v. make wine; wine.
  • 053 n̨őg|a t.v. put on [a kettle]. -o, kettle.
  • 054 n̨űd|a, 1. t.v. boil. 2. i.v. boil [> Japanese -, boil]. -o, boil.
  • 055 pe̋ȝ|a, t.v. lard [> English fat]. -i, adj. lardy. -o, lard.
  • 056 pı̋ı̋ga, t.v. smoke meat [> German Specht, bacon].
  • 057 pı̋sa, t.v. (reduce to) pulp, mash, purée.
  • pol pűṡa, t.v. reduce [< pűṡa, t.v. condense].
  • 058 ra̋ma, 1. t.v. add cream. 2. i.v. form cream.
  • 059 sa̋a̋l|a, t.v. salt [for preserving], cure; salt [add for taste] [> English salt]. -a̋rka, t.v. pickle with salt.
  • 060 sa̋x|a, t.v. brew. -gı̋ndo, beer mug, stein, tankard [> Korean sak-, ferment].
  • 061 se̋e̋iba, t.v. render.
  • 062 sőga, i.v. distill alcohol [> Japanese sàke, sake]. -ƣlo, still.
  • 063 sőka, t.v. stuff [sausage].
  • cpd suur|a̋rka, t.v. pickle with vinegar [< sűűri, adj. sour; a̋rka, t.v. preserve]. -sűlo, verjuice. -t̬i, vinegar.
  • 064 sűl|a, (extract the) juice -o, juice [> Lithuanian sulà, birch-water]. -i, adj juicy.
  • 065 sűta, 1. t.v. simmer. 2. i.v. simmer.
  • cpd šaada̋a̋rka, t.v. candy [< ša̋a̋da, t.v. sweeten; a̋a̋rka, t.v. preserve].
  • 066 s̨a̋ka, t.v. husk, hull, shuck [> Japanese sukumo, rice husks].
  • 067 ṡ̬e̋la, i.v. separate whey from curds.
  • 068 tűűra, t.v. make cheese [> Greek τυρί, cheese].
  • 069 þ̨a̋m|a, t.v. knead [> Mongolian čimar, flour kneaded with butter]. -lo, kneading trough.
  • pol ve̋d|a, t.v. glaze [< ve̋da, t.v. glass]. -o, glaze.
  • 070 vőő|ga, t.v. bake [> English bake]. -ƣlu, baker.
  • 071 vőm̃a, t.v. grill, broil.

Other - a̋no

  • cpd aaȝe̋d|a, i.v. eat breakfast [< a̋a̋ȝa, morning; e̋da, t.v., eat]. -o, breakfast.
  • cpd daƣbűlo, isinglass [< da̋ge, fish; bűlo, gelatin].
  • 072 dőr|a, i.v. dine, sup. -o, dinner, supper.
  • 073 ȝõ̋la, t.v. butter, spread with butter.
  • cpd naaże̋d|a, i.v. eat lunch. -o, lunch [na̋a̋ża, noon; e̋da, t.v. eat].
  • cpd n̨oope̋do, hors d'œuvre [< n̨óópa, before; e̋do, food].
  • cpd poš̤a̋a̋do, dessert [< pósa, postp. after; ša̋a̋di, adj. sweet].
  • Total: 73/51+0/70%