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Senjecas dict. e

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ï ë ÿ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb tif kat hir han



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  1. affx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, e.g., -e, noun suffix naming an animal that is characterized by the action of the verb or by the noun, e.g., ga̋ṁa, to caw; ga̋ṁe, crow; or of the nature of the noun or adjective, e.g., sűűbo, hump; sűűbe, camel.
  2. comp = a word made of two or more roots, e.g., eine, deer + kőőno, hide = einkőőno, deerskin.
  3. derv = derivative, a word derived from a root, e.g., e̋inṁi, adj. cervine, pertaining to deer.
  4. gram = grammar, a morpheme denoting a grammatical aspect of a word, e.g., e-, the augment for past tense.
  5. These words are not numbered, as only lemmata are numbered.
  6. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  7. At the end of each alphabetic section is a legend, e.g., Total: 38/19+3/58%. This means that there are 38 root words (lemmata) of which 19 are verbs and three are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that 58 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • e001 e̋e̋|di, adj. silly, absurd, simple [> Japanese adá, vain]. -ðta, silliness, absurdity, simpleness.
  • e002 e̋e̋|ga, 1. t.v. lift-, raise-, (-up), hold up, elevate, hoist, hoise, rear, boost, heave. 2. i.v. arise [> Japanese àge-, raise]. -ƣlo, siphon. -ƣra, the Assumption.
  • e003 e̋e̋|ka, t.v. persuade, induce, prevail upon; bully [a p. to do a th.]. -k̨i, adj. persuadable, persuasible, inducible. -xlu, persuader, inducer, bully. -xra, persuasion, inducement. -xsi, adj. persuasive.
  • e004 e̋e̋l|a, 1. t.v. streak, stripe, striate; touch-, -slightly, -on, graze, brush, skim. 2. i.v. streak; graze, brush, skim [> German Aalstreif, black stripe on animal’s back]. -i, adj. striped, streaked, streaky, striated. -o, stripe, strip, streak, mark, band; sector.
  • e005 e̋e̋ɫ|a, t.v. rake [> Mongolian ele, rub off]. -lo, rake.
  • e006 e̋e̋n|a, 1. t.v. widen; stretch [shoes]. 2. i.v. widen [> Turkish en, width]. -i, adj. wide; t̨umrenőn pe̋n ~i; five miles across. -ta, width.
  • e007 eenő, intrj. behold, hey look [> Latin ecce].
  • e008 e̋e̋|pa, 1. t.v. associate [with, súna]. 2. i.v. associate, hang out [> Sanskrit āpí-, friend]. -flu, comrade, mate, colleague, associate, buddy, fellow. -fta, comradeship, camaraderie, fellowship. -pi, adj. comradely, sociable.
  • e009 e̋e̋r|a, 1. t.v. coarsen. 2. i.v. coarsen [> Turkish iri, rough]. -i, adj. rough, coarse, jagged; impolite, discourteous, rude, uncouth, boorish, gross, vulgar, churlish. -ta, coarseness, roughness; discourteousness, rudeness, uncouthness, grossness, vulgarity. -u, boor, churl, lout, oaf.
  • e010 e̋e̋þa, 1. t.v. save, secure; salvage, rescue, recover, help. 2. i.v. save; recover [> Turkish et, organize].
  • e011 e̋e̋v|a, t.v. command, order, bid [> Tamil ēvu, command]. -lu, commander. -o, order, command, commandment, behest, bidding.
  • gram e-, augment for past tense [> Greek e-, augment for past tense].
  • affx -e, noun suffix naming an animal that is characterized by the action of the verb or by the noun, e.g., ga̋ṁa, to caw; ga̋ṁe, crow; or of the nature of the noun or adjective, e.g., sűűbo, hump; sűűbe, camel.
  • e012 e̋|ba, 1. t.v. light upon, befall, bechance, happen to, become of, behave towards, treat (of), betide. 2. i.v. befall, happen, bechance, come-, -to pass, -about, -up, fall out, take place, occur, betide, transpire [> Japanese á, meet]. -ba, postp. in case of, against. -bi, cnj. in case, in the event that, if [with sbj.]. -bi, adj. incidental. -bo, happening, incident, treatment, occurrence, engagement, rendezvous, tryst. -v̈i, adv. incidentally, by the way. -vra, occurrence, instance, time, event.
  • e013 e̋|da, 1. t.v. eat; take [medicine]. 2. i.v. eat [> English eat]. -dı̋slo, crib, manger. -do, food, meal, dish, viand, foodstuff, victuals. -ðfa̋rlu, grocer. -ðke̋e̋sa, mealtime. -ðko, snack, collation. -ðṁexle̋żo, menu. -ðne̋uðlo, utensils. -ðpe̋e̋ka, diet. -ðpı̋ı̋ra, appetite. -ðsı̋ı̋mlo, knife. -ð̨i, adj. eatable, edible.
  • e014 e̋fo, hundred million [> Japanese -, big].
  • e015 e̋|ga, 1. t.v. lack; miss. 2. i.v. be-, -in want, -missing [> English indigent]. -gi, adj. deficient, lacking, short, wanting, privative. -go, lack, scarcity, deficiency, shortage; tu íðu ~om kı̋a ne, you are not needed here. -ƣra, want.
  • e016 éh|a, postp. out (of), from (within). -u, adv. out.
  • e017 ehő, intrj. cry to get s.o.'s attention, hey there!
  • e018 e̋i|da, [lunar] month [> English Ides]. -di, adj. monthly. -ðme̋ra, month's mind.
  • e019 e̋ih|a, t.v. plait, braid [> Biscayan eio, braid]. -o, plait, braid.
  • e020 e̋il|a, 1. t.v. furrow. 2. i.v. furrow [> Lithuanian eilē̃, row]. -o, furrow.
  • e021 e̋im|a, t.v. copy [> English, image]. -o, copy, image.
  • comp einkőő|no, deerskin. -n̨őni, adj. made of deerskin.
  • derv e̋in|ṁi, adj. cervine, pertaining to deer. -n̈i, adj. cervine, resembling a deer.
  • e022 e̋i|ti, adj. clever [> Greek ίτης, eager, hasty]. -þta, cleverness.
  • gram -eȝ-, suffix for the causative mood [CAUS].
  • e023 e̋|ȝa, t.v. trust-, confide-, (-in), entrust, commit, charge, credit [with, ƣóma], rely upon; look to. -im=i, adj. confident, trusting. =vi, confidently, assuredly. -imı̋þo, credential(s). -iṁi, adj. confidential, private. -ira, trust, confidence, credit, reliance; ~m dőőa, t.v. assure. -iri, adj. trustworthy. -ȝa, postp. in the-, -charge-, -keeping-, -of. -ȝaþu, confidant. -ȝi, adj. creditable.
  • e024 e̋|ki, adj. bad, ill, wicked, base, fell [> Japanese akí-, bored]. -xta, wickedness, iniquity.
  • e025 elűno, linchpin [> Old English lyni, axeltree].
  • e026 e̋m|a, 1. t.v. capture, seize. 2. i.v. seize [> English redeem]. -ra, capture, seizure.
  • derv e̋ṁ|i, adj. finny, finlike. -mi, adj. finned. [< e̋ṁo, fin]
  • e027 én|a, postp. at, in, into, on, to [> English in]. -na̋ha, intercalary day. -n̈a̋a̋ṁa, t.v. fig. approach [a person], undertake [a business] [< en̈a̋a̋ṁa, embark]. -ðe̋=a, t.v. insert, put in. =o, insertion. -k̬ől=a, t.v. enflesh, incarnate. =ra, the Incarnation. -ṁe̋e̋s=a, i.v. indwell, dwell within. =i, adj. indwelling, immanent. -pőza, t.v. infuse. -u, adv. in, by.
  • e028 ép|a, postp. after the manner of, after, at, behind, in, under, according to, in terms of, as, in the role of, under, according to, in terms of [> English ob-]. -i, cnj. as, so. -u, adv. -wise.
  • e029 e̋r|a, 1. t.v. take advantage of, benefit. 2. i.v. be of-, -advantage, -service, stead [Etruscan -eri, for the sake of]. -a, postp. on behalf of, for (-the sake-, -the benefit-, -the interest-, -of). -i, adj. advantageous, beneficial; economical. -o, advantage, benefit, interest, stead, behalf.
  • e030 e̋s|a, i.v. be, exist [cf. vűűa] [English essence]. -i, adj. existent. -lu, being. -ta, existence.
  • e031 ést|i, cnj. but, however, yet, although, nevertheless, on the other hand [> Greek ἔστε, till]. -ítu, adv. (yet) even (still); nest~, not even. -u, adv. yet, still.
  • e032 é|tu, adv. also, too, as well, likewise, either, in addition [> Latin et, and]. -ta, postp. as well as, besides, in addition to, with. -ti, cnj. plus, and also, in addition to. -þfe̋e̋to, epithet, nickname.
  • e033 , intrj. exclamation of joy [PIE *eu, cry of joy].
  • e034 éu, adv. (close) by.
  • e035 e̋urþ|a, dignity [Etruscan eurtha, dignity]. -a̋a̋gu, dignitary. -i, adj. dignified.
  • e036 éva, postp. on, over, to, upon.
  • e037 exvı̋ƣo, small bag for belongings, purse, wallet [> Chugach ǝkxʷik, carrying bag].
  • e038 e̋z|a, t.v. esteem [Etruscan ez, esteem]. -i, adj. esteemed. -sűnu, form of address by an older person to a younger man. -ta, esteem. -z̈ı̋du, form of address by an older person to a younger woman.

total: 38/19+3/58%