- aba - n - father
- abhek - v - to agree; to consent; to be ready [to do ~]; willing
- alek - v - to take; buy; fetch
- from: almak
- amal - n - word; statement; speech; lyrics
- from: 말
- amek - v - to love; affection; to be fond of; to like
- from: amar
- amiya - n - love; affection; fondness
- andek - v - to be about; concerning
- apá - n - front; the front side; in front of
- from: 앞
- apek - v - to be in front, to be before
- from: 앞
- ara - n - time; length of time; moment; period
- aryá - n - eye
- aryek - v - to be about; concerning
- from: ر ء ي
- ashrá - v - to wish for; to desire; to want
- from: شاء
- ayek - v - to belong to; be held by
- from: j'ai
- bahek - v - to intend; to be about to
- bara - det - present; now
- from: "bu- + ara"
- bash - det - other; else
- from: başka
- bashrá - v - to be different; to be something else
- from: başka
- betá - n - house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room
- from: bayt
- biyá - n - area beside, area next to
- from: بجانب
- bulek - v - to find; to detect; to discover
- from: bulmak
- da - num - ten; 10
- from: दश
- daha - det - more; even more; further; still; still more
- from: -daha
- dahek - v - to increase; to expand; to add
- from: -daha
- dará - v - to present; to give; to hand over
- from: dar
- dashrá - v - to share; to use in common
- from: -daş
- dukrá - v - to motivate; spur into action
- from: どうき
- duyá - n - feeling; emotion; psyche
- from: duymak
- duyek - v - to feel; to be affected by; to emote
- from: duymak
eb passive [PASS] ed causative [CAUS] aff / mood edek cause; make; do v ed-ek do, cause to eg reflexive [REFL] aff / mood em interrogative mood [Q] aff / mood ém ordinal number aff / num emek ask; inquire v ena mother n / fam esh past tense; perfect action; complete [PRF] aff / tense esh past tense etib hay; grass n / natu eyel wind; air n / natu eyem food; sustenance n / food
gá multiple number aff / num gá-ni twice gá-wa once gelek come; arrive; return v gesha night; dusk til dawn n / time gesh-a night gi tool; device; machine aff / n mod giyel ship's sail n gun day; period of 24 hrs; daylight n / time gunémni Monday gura such part gurek be thus; like that; such v
ha four; 4 num ha four
habrá like; enjoy v hakrá be true; confirmed v hará be; exist [perm] v ha-rá be [perm] hesha thousand; 1000 num hesh-a thousand het-a tree het-im Trees
ibha intention n / idea ibha on purpose, intentionally, willingly idik rooster; cock; fowl n / anim ih abilitive mood [ABIL] aff / mood ik dual plural [DU] aff / pl íla but; however part im plural [PL] aff / pl in agentive; one who ~ [AG] aff / n mod irha every, each part ishrá drink; imbibe v ish-rá drink itrá press; push; leave aside or shelve v iyan cheek; jaw n / body iyin same part
- kanek - v - to read; to study
- from: 看
- kawal - n - horse; equine
- from: caballo
- kayek - v - to exist; to be (temporary sense)
- from: kay
- kesh - part - some, several, a few
- keshrá - v - to decrease; to reduce; to subtract
- kish - num - five; 5
- kitrá - v - to be short; to be small
- kiyek - v - to murder; to hurt; to harm
- kulek - v - to touch; to feel
- kupá - n - to exist; to be (temporary sense)
- from: köpek
- kutrá - v - to be able; to be capable; to be suitable; to be fit
- from: قدر
la no; not; negtive [NEG] [not used w 2/3s] aff / mood lanek work; labor v lesh milk; dairy n / food
ma what; which q ma what, that, which mada where? [Q-LOC] q mai their pro mai their mal-im ar-ai When? words man who? [which-person] q man who, whom manai whose? [who-GEN] q manai whose manda what about? q mara when; what time [Q-time] q mashrá walk; go v maye whatever, whichever part muna door; gate; window n / town munek close; shut v mushrá lack; be without v
na thing; object; material n / idea nai my pro nai my nanek to feel pain; to hurt; to ache v naprá listen; hear v nda concerning; about [OBL] ne no; not; negative [NEG] part nen nine; 9 num nen nine neshrá need; require v nesh-rá must, should, need neska girl; daughter n / fam ni two; 2 num ni two ni-da twenty niyek say; tell; speak; sound; express v nul zero; 0 num
pesha cat; feline n / anim pu eight; 8 num pu eight puyek be cold; cool v puyu winter n / time
rayek to seek, to look for, to search v ruyek dream; imagine v
sada hundred; 100 num sad-a hundred sarek be quick; fast v seb seven; 7 num seb seven sema boy; son n / fam suna sound n / idea
- sha - num - six; 6
- from: שש
- shabrá - v - to know; to be aware (of)
- from: saber
- shena - n - female; woman; daughter
- from: žena
- sh(u)- - pre - that; those; (one) another
- from: şu
cal shalek study; learn v
can shanyek to throw; hurl v
car sharek have; hold; possess v
caw shawa end; finish n / idea
caw shawek stop; end; finish v
cek shekrá pull, drag, draw v
cen shen woman; female; feminine n / fam
cub shub stick; twig; brach n / natu
cuk shuk many, much part
cuk shukrá be many; much; a lot v
cun-maq shuma why? [reason-Q] q
cun-maq shuma why
cun shun reason; because part
ta and; also; too part tai your (singular) pro tai your (singular) tebrá be good; enjoyable; nice v ti / e you [2s] pro ti / e you (singular) tuma all part tumek be complete; whole; entire v tusha city; town n / town
- ubul - n - discovery; finding
- ushab - n - knowledge; awareness
- from: saber
u / a he, she, him, her u / a / il she; he; it [3s] pro uduk motivation n / idea u-gun day uk we; us [1p] pro uk we, us ulek occur; happen; take place v ulyek lie; tell untruth v um they; them [3p] pro um they, them umek hope; expect, anticipate, look for v umul man; male; masculine n / fam umus banana n / food un reportative marker ur future tense [FUT] ura water n / natu ura water urra future urya vision; dream; imagination n / idea ush three; 3 num ush three ut / i you [2p] pro ut / i you (plural) uy-ek sleep
- wa - num - one; 1; single; a (article)
- from: واحد
- waná - n - cup; bowl
- wanek - v - wash up; do the dishes
- waprá - v - agree (with); consent; approve
- from: وافق
- watá - n - year; 365 days
yanek turn and face smth v yelek to sail; to cruise; to pilot a ship v yemek eat; ingest v yem-ek eat yera floor; ground; bottom n / town yinek be similar; same; unchanged v yirá be nice; pleasant v