Senjecas - Tower of Babel

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ï ë ÿ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

babela̋s þőőro - The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
ivrëȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Hebrew

Literal translation of the Hebrew text

  • 1. And.was all earth of.language one and.of.speech one.
  • 2. as.they.traveled from.east, they.found level.valley Shinar, and they.lived.there.
  • 3. And.said to.his.neighbor, "Come, bricks and.burn (them) thoroughly." And.was to.them the.brick for.stone, and.the.asphalt it.was to.them for.mortar.
  • 4. And.they.said, "Come, city and tower in.the.heavens, and.make for. ourselves name, on.face.of
  • 5. And.came.down JHWH to.see and.the.tower which had.built sons.of Adam.
  • 6. And.said JHWH, "See, people one and language one to all them and this they.are.beginning And. now not from them all which they.have.imagined
  • 7. Come, and.mix.up there their.language so that not they can understand one language their neighbor's.
  • 8. And scattered JHWH them from there over.the.face.of, and they.ceased from.building
  • 9. Therefore was.called Babel because there mixed.up JHWH speech.of and.from. there scattered.them.abroad JHWH on.face.of

Senjecan text

  • 1. da őru v̌e̋e̋tu se̋m ȝeka̋sk̬e se̋m saṁa̋sk̬' e-e̋sa:
  • 2. da—tei nus. méti a̋a̋usam áfa e-ta̋ƣa. mexa̋s ṡinara̋s éna le̋e̋po le̋ðom e-de̋e̋si e-e̋sa. da tóru e-ṁe̋e̋sa:
  • 3. da nı̋ı̋gu nu-hausűs o e-te̋e̋a ṁa ǧe̋me: ṁú teeƣta̋inon te̋e̋ge da xófvi (non) a̋iðe ṁa. da teeƣta̋ino tainős ðééa núm o e-e̋sa da diiðı̋mo pikős ðééa núm o e-e̋sa:
  • 4. da e-te̋e̋a ṁa ǧe̋me: ṁú miṁúm éra rı̋ȝomk̬e no-főőro numőm éna þőőromk̬e de̋me. da miṁúm éra fe̋e̋tom va̋a̋ne—meetáádi őro v̌eetős moorős éva ża̋a̋daþus ı̋lo ṁar:
  • 5. da ȝa̋hṁu—tei adamű' sűnus non e-dïde̋mi—rı̋ȝomk̬e főőromk̬e na̋a̋ku tááda e-ı̋za:
  • 6. da ȝa̋hṁu e-te̋e̋a ṁa eenő. le̋uðu se̋m (e̋sa) da őru núm o se̋m ȝe̋ka (e̋sa). da nus nom kı̋u tőda. da ímu nus—tei nom kı̋u nïna̋mi—őrom ápa bőþaþ' u-ı̋la ne:
  • 7. ǧe̋me: ṁú a̋te da tóru nu-ȝe̋kam m̨a̋ne. meetáádi nu-hausű' se̋m ȝe̋kam þűmo ṁar:
  • 8. da ȝa̋hṁu tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva nun e-ża̋a̋da. da nus rı̋ȝom de̋mu e-de̋usa:
  • 9. nááru no-fe̋e̋to babe̋la fe̋e̋taþo ı̋la. hi ȝa̋hṁu tóru őro v̌eető' sa̋ṁam e-ṁa̋na. da ȝa̋hṁu tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva láfvi nun e-ża̋a̋da:


da őru-Ø v̌e̋e̋t-u se̋m ȝek-a̋s=k̬e se̋m saṁ-a̋s=k̬-' e=e̋s-a
and all-ABS earth-NM.s one language-GN.s=and one speech-GN.s-and-ELIS PST=be-IND
da tei n-us méti a̋a̋us-am áfa e=ta̋ƣ-a mex-a̋s ṡinar-a̋s éna le̋e̋po-Ø le̋ð-om e=de̋e̋s-i e=e̋s-a
and that 3-NM.s as east-AC.s from PST=journey-IND land-GN.s Shinar-GN.s in wide-ABS valley-AC.s PST=find-REL PST=be-IND
da tóru e=ṁe̋e̋sa
and there PST=live-IND
da nı̋ı̋g-u nu=haus-űs o e=te̋e̋-a ṁa ǧe̋m-e ṁ-ú teeƣ-ta̋in-on te̋e̋g-e da xóf-vi n-on a̋ið-e ṁar
and each-NM.s his=neighbor-GN.s to PST=say-IND QUOT come-IMP 1p-VC bake-stone-AC.p bake-IMP and thorough-ADV 3PL-NOM burn-IMP QUOT
da teeƣ-ta̋in-o tain-ős ðééa n-úm o e=e̋s-a da diiðı̋m-o pik-ős ðééa n-úm o e=e̋s-a
and bake-stone-NM.s stone-GN.s 3-GN.s to PST=be-IND and asphalt-NM.s pitch-GN.s 3-GN.s to PST=be-IND
da e=te̋e̋-a ṁa ǧe̋m-e ṁ-ú mi=ṁ-úm éra no=főőr-o num-őm éna étu rı̋ȝ-om=k̬e þőőr-om=k̬e de̋m-e
and PST=say-IND QUOT come-IMP 1p-VC self=1p-GN for its=top heaven-GN.p in with city-AC.s=and tower-AC.s=and build-IMP
da mi=ṁ-úm éra fe̋e̋t-om va̋a̋n-e meetáádi őro-Ø v̌eet-ős moor-ős éva ża̋a̋d-a-þ-us ı̋l-o ṁar
and self=1p-GN for name-AC.s make-REL lest all-ABS earth-GN.s surface-GN.s on scatter-IND-PP-NM.s become-SBJ QUOT
da ȝa̋hṁ-u tei adam-ű-' sűn-us n-on e=dï~de̋m-i rı̋ȝ-om=k̬e főőr-om=k̬e na̋a̋k-u tááda e=ı̋z-a
and Jhwh-NM.s that Adam-GN.s-ELIS son-NM.s 3p-NM PST=PRF~build-REL city-AC.s=and tower-AC.s=and see-SUP PST=come.down-IND
da ȝa̋hṁ-u e=te̋e̋-a ṁa eenő le̋uð-u se̋m e̋s-a da őru-Ø n-úm o se̋m ȝe̋k-a e̋s-a
and Jhwh-NM.s PST=say-IND QUOT behold people-NM.s one be-IND and all-ABS 3-GN.p to one language-NM.s be-IND
da n-us þ-om kı̋-u tőd-a da ímu n-us tei n-om kı̋-u nɪ~na̋m-i őr-om ápa bőþ-a-þ-' u-ı̋l-a ne
and 3-NM.p 4-AC.s do-SUP begin-IND and now 3-NM.p that 3-AC.s do-SUP PRF~imagine-REL all-AC.s from restrain-IND-PP-ELIS FUT=become-IND not
ǧe̋m-e ṁ-ú a̋t-e da tóru nu=ȝe̋k-am m̨a̋n-e táádi nu=haus-ű-' se̋m ȝe̋k-am þűm-o mee ṁar
come-IMP 1p-VC go-IMP and there his=language-AC.s confuse-IMP in.order his=neighbor-GN.s-ELIS one language-AC.s understand-SBJ not QUOT
da ȝa̋hṁ-u tór=þis őro-Ø v̌eet-ős moor-ős éva n-un e=ża̋a̋d-a da n-us rı̋ȝ-om de̋m-u e=de̋us-a
and Jhwh-NM.s there=from all-ABS earth-GN.s surface-GN.s on 3-AC.p PST=scatter-IND and 3-GN.s city-AC.s build-SUP PST=stop-IND
nááru no=fe̋e̋t-o babe̋l-a fe̋e̋t-a-þ-o ı̋l-a hi ȝa̋hṁ-u tóru őro-Ø v̌eet-ő-' sa̋ṁ-am e=m̨a̋n-a
therefore its-name-NM.s Babel-NM.s name-IND-PP-NM.s become-IND for Jhwh-NM.s there all-ABS earth-GN.s-ELIS speech-AC.s PST=mix-IND
da ȝa̋hṁ-u tór=þis őro-Ø v̌eet-ős pint-ős éva la̋f-vi n-un e=ża̋a̋d-a
and Jhwh-NM.s there=from all-ABS earth=GN.s surface-GN.s on broad-ADV 3-AC.p PST=scatter-IND