Senjecas Sayings
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Pronunciation table
p | b | f | v | m̃ | m | t | d | þ | ð | ɫ | l | ṡ | ż | s | z | r | n | k | g | x | ƣ | h | ȝ | š | s̨ | i | e | a | õ | o | u | ï | ë | ÿ | ||||||||||||
/p/ | /b/ | /ɸ/ | /β/ | /m̥/ | /m/ | /t/ | /d/ | /θ/ | /ð/ | /l̥/ | /l/ | /ʦ/ | /ʣ/ | /s/ | /z/ | /ɾ̥/ | /n/ | /k/ | /g/ | /ç/ | /ʝ/ | /j̊/ | /j/ | /sʷ/ | /sʲ/ | /i/ | /e/ | /ä/ | /ɒ/ | /o/ | /u/ | /ɪ/ | /ɛ/ | /ʊ/ |
Glossing abbreviations
1s/p = first person singular/plural | V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) | CAUS = causative | EQU = equative degree | IND = indicative | Q = interrogative particle |
2s/p = second person singular/plural | ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective) | DES = desiderative | F = feminine | M = masculine | QUOT = direct quotation |
3 = third person | ADV = adverb | DIM = diminutive | FRQ = frequentative | PP = patient (past) participle | REL = relativizer, relative |
4 = fourth person | AG = agent | ELIS = elision | FUT = future | PRF = perfect | RPRF = recent perfective |
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) | AP = agent (active) participle | EP = epenthesis | IMP = imperative | PRV = privative prefix | SBJ = subjunctive |
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) | AUG = augmentative | ELT = elative | INC = inchoative | PST = past | SUP = supine |
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) |
- þűn kűȝom ȝe̋kam va̋a̋nu vűűlu na̋mantum bűɫe:
- Pity him who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
þűn | kűȝ-om | ȝe̋k-am | va̋a̋n-u | vűűl-u | na̋m-a-nt-um | bűɫ-e |
one | method-A.s | language-A.s | create-SUP | | believe-IND-AP-A.s | pity-IMP |
- tu-m̃enaþős gővtam tu-kı̋aþom e̋su he̋ne:
- Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.
tu=m̃en-a-þ-ős | gővt-am | tu=kı̋-a-þ-om | e̋s-u | he̋n-e |
your=love-IND-PP-G.s | beauty-A.s | your=do-IND-PP-A.s | be-SUP | allow-IMP |
- méti tu-őősom t̬ı̋va. tu-me̋ina ð̨a̋a̋aþa ı̋lu ma̋a̋ƣa:
- Every time you open your mouth, people can read your mind.
méti | tu=őős-om | t̬ı̋v-a | tu=me̋in-a | ð̨a̋a̋-a-þ-a | ı̋l-u | ma̋a̋ƣ-a |
whenever | your=mouth-A.s | open-IND | your=mind-N.s | read-IND-PP-N.s | become-SUP | |
- sa̋a̋ra novt̬őőkim ma̋a̋lom e̋su sa̋a̋ru e̋sa: sa̋a̋sta maalme̋iṡom éna nim ðȩ̋u ne sa̋a̋ru e̋sa:
- Knowledge is knowing that the tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
sa̋a̋r-a | novt̬őők-im | ma̋a̋l-om | e̋s-u | sa̋a̋r-u | e̋s-a | sa̋a̋st-a | maal-me̋iṡ-om | éna | n-im | ðȩ̋-u | ne | sa̋a̋r-u | e̋s-a |
knowledge-N.s | tomato-A.s | fruit-A.s | be-SUP | know-SUP | be-IND | wisdom-N.s | fruit-mix-A.s | in | 3-A.s | put-SUP | not | know-SUP | be-IND |
- őpu ma̋a̋ƣlu. þóósi őpu kı̋þa néxum. xáál' űűþu vűűa sómi kísu őpu áfa sa̋baþu ı̋l̤u:
- How is a person who can vote, but who never takes time to do it, any better off than the person who is prevented from voting at all?
őp-u | ma̋a̋ƣ-l-u | þóósi | őp-u | kı̋þ-a | néxum | xáál-' | u~űþ-u | vűű-a | sómi | kísu | őp-u | áfa | sa̋b-a-þu-Ø | ı̋l-l-u |
vote-SUP | | but | vote-SUP | take.time-IND | never | how-ELIS | ELT~fortunate-N.s | be-IND | than | at.all | vote-SUP | from | prevent-IND-PP-ABS | become-AG-N.s |
- toáálu sa̋m̃e. táádi ánus tum a̋a̋m̃u piire̋ȝa: toáálu a̋a̋m̃m̃e. táádi ánus tús o sa̋m̃u piire̋ȝa:
- Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.
toáál-u | sa̋m̃-e | táádi | án-us | t-um | a̋a̋m̃-u | piir-e̋ȝ-a | toáál-u | a̋a̋m̃-e | táádi | án-us | t-ús | o | sa̋m̃-u | piir-e̋ȝ-a |
such-ADV | speak-IMP | so.that | other-N.p | 2s-ACC | | desire-SBJ-IND | such-ADV | | so.that | other-N.p | 2s-G | to | | desire-SBJ-IND |
- mi-tús éra me̋ine: ítu kı̋u boþı̋tom ba̋ȝu étu ánun he̋ne:
- Think for yourself (and) let others enjoy the privilege of doing so, too.
mi=t-ús | éra | me̋in-e | ítu | kı̋-u | boþı̋t-om | ba̋ȝ-u | étu | án-un | he̋n-e |
self=2s-G | for | think-IMP | so | do-SUP | privilege-A.s | enjoy-SUP | too | other-A.p | let-IMP |
- sa̋a̋ru vűűu mőőm̃on na̋mu áfa tı̋ı̋ðum sa̋ba ne: átu maaƣta̋m a̋a̋ram a̋a̋ra:
- Being intelligent doesn't prevent one from believing in stupid things, it just expands the realm of possibilities.
sa̋a̋r-u | vűű-u | mőőm̃-on | na̋m–u | áfa | tı̋ı̋ð-um | sa̋b-a | ne | átu | maaƣt-a̋m | a̋a̋r-am | a̋a̋r-a |
intelligent-N.s | be-SUP | stupid-A.p | believe-SUP | from | one-A.s | prevent-IND | not | just | possibility-G.p | realm-A.s | expand-IND |
- tús úpa vűűantun na̋ȝe ne. tús néra vűűantun va̋ise nek̬e:
- Do not envy those above you, nor despise those below you.
t-ús | úpa | vűű-a-nt-un | na̋ȝ-e | ne | t-ús | néra | vűű-a-nt-un | va̋is-e | né-k̬e |
2s-G | above | be-IND-AP-A.p | envy-IMP | not | 2s-G | below | be-IND-AP-A.p | despise-IMP | not-and |
- ébi tu toda̋s áfa abélvooƣkőðom vőőgu ɫele̋ȝa. toári tu alme̋ȝom ne̋e̋ru kele̋ȝa:
- If you wish to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. (Carl Sagan)
ébi | t-u | tod-a̋s | áfa | abél-vooƣkőð-om | vőőg-u | ɫel-e̋ȝ-a | toári | t-u | þúnt-u | alme̋ȝ-om | ne̋e̋r-u | kel-e̋ȝ-a |
if | 2s-N | start-G.s | from | apple-pie-A.s | bake-SUP | wish-SBJ-IND | then | 2s-N | first-ADV | universe-A.s | invent-SUP | must-SBJ-IND |
- sa̋a̋rantuk̬e num sa̋a̋ru ne sa̋a̋rantuk̬e še̋pa: num ze̋le: sa̋a̋rantuk̬e num sa̋a̋ru sa̋a̋rantuk̬e sa̋a̋ṡa: num da̋ge:
- He who knows and knows not he knows, (he) is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows, (he) is wise. Follow him.
sa̋a̋r-a-nt-u=k̬e | n-um | sa̋a̋r-u | ne | sa̋a̋r-a-nt-u=k̬e | še̋p-a | n-um | ze̋l-e | sa̋a̋r-a-nt-u=k̬e | n-um | sa̋a̋r-u | sa̋a̋r-a-nt-u=k̬e | sa̋a̋ṡa | n-um | da̋g-e |
know-IND-AP-N.s=and | 3-A.s | know-SUP | not | know-IND-AP-N.s=and | sleep-IND | 3-A.s | wake-IMP | know-IND-AP-N.s=and | 3-A.s | know-SUP | know-IND-AP-N.s=and | be.wise-IND | 3-A.s | follow-IMP |
- tainősk̬e żirősk̬e áfa i-ve̋e̋mom da̋bantu őr' angel̨a̋s że̋naþu re̋e̋ƣu m̃éérvi e̋sa:
- Whoso pulleth out this sword of the stone and anvil is rightwise king born of all England. (Lord Tennyson)
tain-ős=k̬e | żir-ős=k̬e | áfa | i=ve̋e̋m-om | da̋b-a-nt-u | őr-'-Ø | angel̨-a̋s | że̋n-a-þ-u | re̋e̋ƣ-u | m̃éér-vi | e̋s-a |
stone-G.s=and | anvil-G.s=and | from | this=sword-A.s | pull-IND-AP-N.s | all-ELIS-ABS | England-G.s | be.born-IND-PP-N.s | king-N.s | right-ADV | be-IND |