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Senjecas - Tree Alphabet

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Labial clan – peműko
Tree Binomial Name Lunar phase
pe̋rk̬i Quercus robur pediculate oak NM
bere̋ƣni Pyrus communis wild pear FM
fe̋lṡi Carex elata tufted sedge NM
va̋a̋gi Fagus sylvatica European beech FM
ṁı̋þi Populus tremula Eurasian aspen NM
me̋si Vitis vinifera grape FM

Dental clan - riisűko
Tree Binomial Name Lunar phase
tűli Sambuca racemosa red elder NM
d̨űlgi Tamarix parviflora tamarisk FM
þűþi Aesculus hippocastanum common reed NM
ða̋ňi Abies alba silver fir FM
ɫa̋ṡi Larix sibirica Siberian larch NM
le̋nti Tilia europea linden FM

Alveolar clan - ab̬űko
Tree Binomial Name Lunar phase
ṡerműsi Prunus avium sweet cherry NM
że̋sni Salix cinerea grey willow FM
se̋rvi Sorbus domestica service NM
z̨axha̋zdi Salix alba white willow FM
rűsi Ulmus glabra wych elm NM
nűlki Picea orientalis Caucasian spruce FM

Palatal clan - heemnűko
Tree Binomial Name Lunar phase
kősli Corylus avellana hazel NM
gaműni Cuminum cyminum cumin FM
xe̋di Hedera helix common ivy NM
ƣőli Rumex acetosella red sorrel FM
hőli Fagopyrum esculentum buckwheat NM
ȝőini Juniperus communis common juniper FM

Vowel clan – ṡ̨úúše̋nűko
Tree Binomial Name Lunar phase
ı̋ı̋ṁi Taxus baccata yew ?
ele̋nti Juniperus communis juniper ?
abe̋li Malus sylvestris crab apple ?
õƣműűsi Hycomium splendens glittering wood-moss ?
őősi Fraxinus excelsior European ash ?


Calluna vulgaris heath ?