Poswa sample sentences

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Here I will post sample sentences in Poswa and Pabappa. This huge empty page is intimidating, and I might not ever fill it all up. The section breaks are for ease of editing only.


I drove my car home from school.
Pepopubi papopebi plivompumbi wapfabompapie.
Pom puppabibor tiblebi blinibamapsa pulupampappa.
My pants have a hole in them.
Vilvipio vupfampolwo.
I gave you a car.

I threw my spear at the pig.
Fuffopi mavumpebi mesufaefum pumbi.
Pappuribap manadabi meserusim aspabi.

These candies are for the girl who helped me with math.
I want you in my room.
Is that all I am to you?

Your parents are siblings!

Would you like the black one or the white one?

Did the hunters shoot arrows or bullets at the deer?

The tank is full.

The two girls kissed the boy.

The two girls kissed each other.

On the dock stood a tall girl, a short girl, a fat girl, and a boy.

The man loves the woman and has the woman.


I am breaking it.

The man is being looked at by the woman.

The man dropped the melon and it burst.

The smaller boy walked the biggest dog.

The horse bears a heavy load.

Pampamel threw the ball to Papawasadam.

He said that he will come.

This one said that that one will come.


I need some explanations.

I'm not a linguist.

Can you speak Pabappa?

I ceased to behave like my former self.

Do what I ordered, you all!

He was sleeping when I entered.

This tree is not a tree.

It's a tool, like the brush.

They have green eyes.

I am looking at it.


We are angels with one wing; only by hugging each other can we fly.

The man just died.

The woman ran off long ago.

The man saw the animal and (the animal) ran off.

The man saw the animal and (the man) ran off.

The men came.

The men saw some women.

The men saw some women and then came.

The man lives at that place.

Give him his money back.

How cold is it outside?

The dog was sleeping until the cat woke him up.

The girl kissed the boy who kissed the cactus.

The girl climbed the tree the boy climbed.

I haven't found my comb yet, but I will if I keep searching.


I wanted to buy tampons, but the tampon store was closed.

I prefer to swim across the river.

The monkeys live across the river.

Some people are more fragile than flowers.

He told me that he wanted to stop the snakes biting the men.

The child is too small to be seen.

The child is too small to see (it).


We are sitting in the night, and like the night, we are silent.

I thought this darned thread was dead.

The cow jumped over the moon.
Mappamensam is taller than she thinks.

They named their child Pubbama.

They swept the floor clean.

I am standing between a cat and a rabbit.

On one side of the door stood a girl, and on the other side a goat.

Stop talking!


Red is a color.

We went to Pupompet yesterday.

He's dead, Bembed!

Sulalappa wants to marry some Milimapean.

I saw the food and water.

I thought that I saw Jamja.


Three birds are flying.

Pabappa is a simple language.

There were many beautiful trees in the garden.

My name is Pompomim.

Where is the book?

You are coming with me.

What is the name of that city?

The Weppalepen are those who form words with voices.

I am eating you.

I eat food.

I eat food at your home.


Wapsapo cooked the meat.

The fire burns the wood.

I saw a horse from the door.

If one is sick, it pays off to eat medicine.

Marpepsa likes the baby.

I can't recommend this book.

The army of Blumporbum sieged Potypobbem.

Three men longed to fabricate idols in honor of two goddesses.

She believes him to be good.

She seems to be good.

She hates for him to be good.

She wants him to be alive.


There seems to be a snowstorm.

For him to eat upsets her.

I don't know whether I'll go.

I saw a picture of me.

The apples, having fallen from the tree, ripened.

The dog with the man I saw was black.

I heard the bird singing.

Mappawawa likes fighting about as much as I do.

The girl whom I thought liked fighting about as much as I did actually didn't.


They say everyone was born free.

Lispeb kept his eyes closed.

This bed has clearly been jumped on.

She had suggested I take a walk in the park.


Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky;

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone;

Nine for mortal men doomed to die;

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.