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Senjecas weaponry

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


  1. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., d̬ő, adj. two + ȝɪ̋no, edge of knife = d̬iȝɪ̋no, dagger.
  2. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., a̋iṡo, spearhead < a̋iṡa, t.v. point.
  3. pol = a word with a related, but similar sense to an original word, e.g., kőőfo, umbo, boss < kőőfo, umbilicus.
  4. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  5. Words in red indicate an object that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  6. At the end is a legend, Total: 24/13+0/54%. This means that there are 24 root words (lemmata) of which 13 are verbs and none are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that eight percent of the vocabulary is verbs.

Weaponry - piɫɪ̋ȝo

  • 001 aǧe̋s|a, 1. t.v. kill with a battle-ax. 2. i.v. brandish a battle-axe [> English ax]. -ṡűno, halberd. -ṡuna̋a̋gu, halberdier. -lo, battle-axe.
  • drv a̋iṡo, spearhead [< a̋iṡa, t.v. point, taper].
  • cpd baxlĕke̋iflo, staff sling [ba̋xlo, staff; ke̋ifIo, sling].
  • cpd d̬iȝɪ̋no, dagger.
  • 002 ǧe̋ȝ|a, t.v. string [a bow]. -o, bowstring.
  • 003ha̋is|a, t.v. throw a dart at, stick-, pierce-, -with a dart [> English gear]. -lu, dart thrower. -o, dart.
  • cpd hóólaǧe̋slo, pole axe [hőőlo, pole + aǧe̋slo, battle-axe]
  • 004 ȝe̋e̋ð|o, helmet. -sűűno, helmet crest.
  • cpd ȝeekı̋lo, catapult [ȝe̋e̋a, t.v. throw; kı̋lo, machine].
  • 005 ȝűna, i.v. notch-, nock-, -of an arrow [> Korean onɨi, arrow notch].
  • 006 ke̋ldo, hilt [> English hilt].
  • 007 kɪ̋ɪ̋|to, shield. -þlo, buckler [.
  • 008 ke̋i|pa, t.v. sling. -fðe̋iho, clay missile. -fðelpe̋no, retention cord. -fIo, sling. -flu, slinger. -fm̃elżűIo trebuchet. -fpa̋a̋do, sling cradle. -fpauspe̋no, release cord. -fpe̋no, sling cord. -fta̋a̋ino, sling stone. -z̨őőko, sling loop.
  • pol kőőfo, umbo, boss. [< kőőfo, umbilicus].
  • 009 kura̋mo, bow case [> Turkish koruluk, bowcase].
  • 010 la̋ƣ|a, 1. t.v. strike with the flat of the blade. 2. i.v. brandish a sword. -lo, blade [of a sword]. -sa̋iro, tang.
  • cpd leuƣve̋e̋mo, scimitar [le̋uga, t.v. curve; ve̋e̋mo, sword .
  • 011 l̨őm|a, t.v. draw [a bow] [> Japanese yumí, bow]. -lu, archer, bowman. -o, bow. -va̋a̋nlu, bowyer.
  • 012 mı̋t|o, arrowhead [> Kannada miṭṭe, a weapon]. -þ̨űslu, arrowsmith.
  • cpd móraaƣve̋e̋mo, saber. [mora̋a̋gu, horseman; ve̋e̋mo, sword)
  • cpd m̃eeɠőro, blowpipe. [m̃ę̋a, t.v. blow; ɠőro, reed)

  • 013 m̃ı̋|pa, 1. t.v. tilt, lance, pike. 2. i.v. tilt, joust. -flo, lance, pike. -fṡa̋to, Jousting, tilting match, tournament. -pa̋a̋gu, pikeman.
  • 014 na̋a̋lgo, bone arrowhead [> Yupik naŋquq, bone arrowhead].
  • drv na̋v|lo, bomb. -la̋a̋gu, bombardier. -t̬i, explosive.
  • cpd navpődo, gunpowder [navo, bomb; pődo, powder].
  • 015 nőr|a, 1. t.v. shoot [s.o. with an arrow]. 2. i.v. shoot an arrow. -lo, bow. -lőnlo, bow drill. -lu, archer. -o, arrow. -űűra, archery.
  • 016 pı̋ɫ|a, t.v. arm [> Chaplino piɫúɣaq, war]. -de̋mo, arsenal. -dűðlo, mace. -lo, weapon; -lon va̋a̋ȝa, i.v. lay down one’s arms, surrender. -lon ne̋xa, i.v. bear-, take up-, -arms. -ve̋e̋l̤u, weapons master.
  • cpd poozfűn|a, t.v. fletch ['pőőza, t.v. split; fűno, feather]. -ı̋ȝo, fletching. -lu, fletcher. -o, fletch.
  • cpd pondőlo, langet [pőno, metal; dőlo, slat, strip].
  • drv se̋e̋po, haft. [se̋e̋pa, t.v. hold (on)].
  • cpd ṡaþre̋iðo, war chariot [ṡa̋ta, t.v. fight; re̋iðo, chariot].
  • 017 ṡűn|a, 1. t.v. spear. 2. i.v. (throw a) spear. -lu, spearman [Wikipedia:Peltast|peltast]]. -o, spear, javelin.
  • cpd tarl̨őm|a, draw [a crossbow] ['ta̋ra, t.v. cross; l̨őmo, bow]. -lu, arbalist, crossbowman. -o, crossbow. -va̋a̋nlu, crossbowyer.
  • 018 tőőro, birch cover for a bow [> Korean ture, scoop].
  • 019 t̬őőlo, quiver [> German Dole, hole].
  • 020 ve̋e̋m|a, i.v. fight with a sword. -m̃a̋g=o, scabbard. =ka̋ðo, chape. -lu, swordsman. -nı̋ðlo, handle. -o, sword, glaive. -pı̋xo, pommel. -sı̋ko, baldric.
  • 021 x̨a̋ṡo, ends of the bow [> Korean koǯa, ends of bow].
  • 022 žǫ̋ro, bow and arrow.
  • 023 ża̋po, bolt, quarrel.
  • 024 że̋r|a, armor [> Japanese yòroi, armor]. -de̋mo, armory, arsenal. -mi, adj. armored. -m̃e̋ƣo, tank. -na̋a̋m̃o, armored ship. -o, armor. -þűslu, armorsmith, armorer. -űso, coat of mail.
