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Senjecas religion

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Pronunciation table

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ɫ l c s z r n k g x h ȝ sÿ i e a ɵ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

  • cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., ane̋ru , ancestor + a̋isa t.v., revere = ánera̋isa, ancestor reverence.
  • drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., ma̋ᵶaþu, Christ, < ma̋ᵶa t.v., anoint.
  • fix = a word formed from a root and an affix, e.g., ᵹǫnőivi, sacrosanct, < ᵹǫ-, emphatic prefix + nőivi, adj. sacred.
  • P.N. = proper name.
  • pol = a word with a different, but related sense to an original word, e.g., miþą̋gu, angel < miþą̋gu, messenger.
  • These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  • Words in red indicate an object that did not exist in Sefdaania.

  • cpd álkįᵹtǫ̋|a, Jainism [ < al, not; kı̨̋ᵹta, nonviolence; ǫ̋a, belief]. -lu, Jain.
  • cpd álȝumną̋|a, impiety (< al, not; ȝumu, God; ną̋a, fear]. -i, adj. impious.
  • cpd alȝumsı̋|to, idol [< al, not; ȝumu, God; sı̋to, representation]. -þtőza, idolatry. -þtoza̋gu,, idolater. -þtőzi, adj. idolatrous.
  • cpd álnespǫ̋ȝo, soma, haoma, wine after the consecration. [ < al, not; ne̋ca, death; pǫ̋ȝo, drink].
  • cpd áner|a̋isa, ancestor reverence [ < ane̋ru, ancestor; a̋isa, t.v. revere]. -tőza, ancestor worship.
  • pol a̋t|a, Tao [ < a̋to, way]. -ǫ̋a, Taoism. ǫ̋lu, Taoist.
  • P.N. caba̋ta, Sabbath.
  • cpd cuvda̋ro, Purgatory [< cűva, purge; da̋ro, place].
  • 001 cÿų̋u, soul.
  • 002 dÿe̋ɱa, heaven.
  • cpd ðęs|ðų̋pa, t.v. baptize [ < ðęs-, spiritual; ðų̋pa, immerse]. -mą̋ma, abbess [ < mą̋ma, mother]. -tą̋ta, abbot [ < tą̋ta, father]. -ve̋uðlu, bishop [ < ve̋uða, inspect].
  • 003 fı̋r|a, 1. t.v. bless. 2. i.v. bless. -i, adj. blessed. -o, blessing, boon. -ta, blessedness.
  • cpd fÿoþmődo, halo [ < fÿoþo, light; mődo, circle].
  • 004 ı̨̋|ra, 1. t.v. augur, betoken, portend. 2. i.v. augur. -r̨a, augury. -ro, omen, augury. -rlu, augur, seer, soothsayer.
  • P.N. ı̋lmu, divine avatar of the Children of Air.
  • 005 ȝa̋us|i, adj. ritually pure. -ta, ritual purity.
  • 006 ȝa̋|ᵶa, t.v. venerate. -zi, adj. venerable. -zǫ̋a, Sikhism. -zǫ̋lu, Sikh. -zra, veneration, devotion.
  • P.N. ȝehűðr|u, Jew. -i, adj. Jewish. -ǫ̋a, Judaism.
  • 007 ȝe̋|ra, 1. t.v. curse, execrate, beshrew. 2. i.v. curse. -r̨a, execration. -ri, adj. accursed, damned. -ro, curse, execration. -rÿi, adj. execrable.
  • P.N. ȝe̋su, Jesus; ~ ma̋ᵶaþu, Jesus Christ.
  • 008 ȝőun|a, right-, true-, -way; religion. -i, adj. religious.
  • 009 ȝűdi, adj. supernatural
  • P.N. Ȝumą̋þu Sa̋þru, mage guardian of the Children of Water.
  • P.N. Ȝumgővtu Ámerta̋tu, mage guardian of the Children of Stone.
  • P.N. Ȝumȝa̋ku Aurva̋tu, mage guardian of the Children of Wood.
  • P.N. Ȝumłe̋ntu A̋su, mage guardian of the Children of Fire.
  • P.N. Ȝumɱa̋ku Ma̋nu, archimage guardian of the Children of Air.
  • P.N. Ȝumɱa̋ltu Arma̋itu, mage guardian of the Children of Earth.
  • 010 ȝűm|u, god(dess]. -dı̋lu, avatar. -dǫ̋o, grace. -i, adj. divine, godly, spiritual. -ȝume̋xno, oracle. -lÿőmi, adj. mythic, mythical. -ḷőmo, myth. -lÿomsą̋ra, mythology. -lÿómsąrą̋gu, mythologist. -ną̋a, fear of god, piety. -ną̋i, adj. pious; god-fearing. -są̋ra, theology. -ta, divinity.
  • P.N. kabe̋iru, divine avatar of the Chil¬dren of Stone.
  • cpd kaiɱ̓e̋s|a, i.v. live as a hermit. -li, adj. eremitical. -lu, hermit, solitary, anchorite, recluse. -o, hermitage, hermitary.
  • 011 kı̋lþo, sanctuary.
  • cpd kaxle̋ᵶo, karma. ( < ka̋xa, t.v. merit; le̋ᵶa, gather].
  • 012 kı̋lþo, sanctuary.
  • cpd koin̨őn|lu, monk. ( < kóini, adj.; communal; nőna, t.v. make a vow]. -ɱę̋so, monastery.
  • kővl|u, Muslim [< kőba, t.v. submit]. -ǫ̋a, Islam.
  • P.N.kɵ̋ncu, Confucius. -dokǫ̋a, Confucianism. -dokǫ̋lu, Confucianist.
  • 013 kÿa̋mu, ghost.
  • 014 lı̋|la, 1. t.v. pray. 2. i.v. pray. -lo, prayer [words]. -lra, prayer (concept]. -l̨u, prayer [person].
  • 015 lı̋|ta, t.v. sacrifice, bring, offer, make [a sacrifice]. -taþu, sacrificial victim. -te, sacrificial animal. -te̋do, sacrificial meal. -ti, adj. sacrificial. -to, offering, sacrificial object. -þlu, sacrificer.
  • P.N. mąɱőrtu, agricultural god.
  • drv ma̋ᵶaþ|u, Christ. -ɱi, adj. Christian. -ɱu, Christian. ma̋ᵶaþǫ̋a, Christianity.
  • cpdmevȝűmu, Nataraja. [ < me̋ba, i.v. dance; ȝűmu, god].
  • cpd mįɱtę̋|a, i.v. repent [ < mı̨̋ɱa, t.v. mourn; tę̋a, say]. -i, adj. repentant. -ra, repentance.
  • pol miþą̋gu, angel. ( < miþą̋gu, messenger]; rę́ð~, archangel.
  • cpd ɱéskaiþme̋xa, land of western happiness [ < ɱe̋sa, west; kaiti, adj.; happy; me̋xa, land].
  • 016 ɱı̨̋m|e sacred primordial force. -a̋ta, Shinto. -a̋tǫ̋lu, Shintoist. -u, God at work; sa̋ku ~u, the Holy Spirit.
  • cpd nąlka̋þaþo, diatessaron.
  • 017 na̋pe, soul.
  • P.N. nę̋ru, divine avatar of the Children of Water.
  • 018 nǫ̋n|a, t.v. make a religious vow. -i, adj. votive. -lu, votary. -o, vow.
  • 019 nőiv|a, t.v. consecrate. -da̋ro, shrine. -i, adj. sacred. -o, sacred object. -ra, consecration. -ta, sacredness.
  • 020 ǫ̋|a, t.v. believe, have faith in. -ita, credibility. -ȝi, adj. believable, credible. -kőinta, church [people]. -lu, believer. -ra, belief, faith; -ism. -ri, adj. faithful. -rta, faithfulness. -tőlk̬o, creed.
  • 021 ǫ̋r|a, i.v. pronounce a ritual formula. -ɱę̋ro, ritual formula. -o, religious ceremony, ritual, rite.
  • P.N. orgűma, the underworld, the abode of the damned; Hades; hell.
  • cpd ɵ́nsindǫ̋|a, Hinduism [ < ɵ́na, prep. beyond; sı̋nde, Indus; ǫ̋a, belief]. -lu, Hindu.
  • P.N. perküűnu God of the Children of Wood.
  • P.N. perǫ̋unu, name for Yumu.
  • P.N. püase̋nu, divine avatar of the Children of Fire.
  • drv pÿűdaþ|u, the Buddha [ < pÿűda t.v. enlighten]. -e̋slu, bodhisattva. -ǫ̋a, the Buddhism. -ǫ̋lu, Buddhist.
  • cpd ᵹǫnőivi, adj. sacrosanct [ < ᵹǫ-, emphatic prefix; nőivi, adj. sacred].
  • 022 ᵹős|a, t.v. eat ritual food. -o, ritual food.
  • fix rı̋zla, Dharma [ < rı̋za, t.v. support; -l-, verbal agentive suffix].
  • 023 rű|ta, 1. t.v. incense. 2. i.v. incense. -to, incense. -þpę̋do, censer, thurible.
  • P.N.sątą̋nu, satan, devil.
  • 024 sa̋|ka, t.v. hallow, sanctify, sanction. -ka, sanctification, sanctity. -ki, adj. holy, godly, hallowed, saintly. -ku, saint, holy man/woman; ~ tı̋ru, Holy Trinity. -xta, holiness, godliness, saintliness. -xtą̋ta, pope. -xtą̋ti, adj. papal.
  • 025 sa̋mu, shaman.
  • 026 sɵ̋þ|a, i.v. chant an incantation. -o, incantation.
  • 027 süı̨̋to, sacrificial place.
  • 028 ta̋ᵹa, life force.
  • cpd tarne̋ca, afterlife [ < tara postp., across ; ne̋ca, death].
  • P.N. tarőnu, divine atavar of the Children of Earth.
  • 029 te̋mo, sacred place.
  • cpd toðpą̋þo, Paradise [ < tődi adj., original ; pą̋þo, garden].
  • 030 tove̋ru priestess; úf~, high priestess.
  • 031 tőz|a, 1. t.v. worship, adore. 2. i.v. wor¬ship, adore. -de̋mo, church. -ra, worship, adoration. -te̋ro, worship room, chapel.
  • 032 þa̋fno, chalice.
  • 033 þangı̋ru, god.
  • 034 þőx|a, celebrate a-, -ceremony, -ritual. -o, ceremony. -lu, presider at a ceremony.
  • cpd úfðęsve̋uðu, cardinal.
  • 035 ų̋n|u, spirit [being]. -i, adj. spiritual. -ɱa̋ko, fetish. -ra, spirit [abstraction]. -ta, spirituality.
  • cpd vaðtę̋o, gospel [ < va̋di adj., good ; tę̋o, news].
  • 036 va̋m|a, i.v. preside, officiate [as a priest]. -i, adj. priestly. -lu, priest.
  • P.N. záraþűstar|u, Zoroaster. -ǫ̋a, Zoroastrianism. -ǫ̋lu, Zoroastrian. -ǫ̋ɱi, adj. Zoroastrian.