Senjecas - Magnificat

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Pronunciation table

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ɫ l c s z r n k g x h ȝ i e a ɵ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)
helȝeka̋s ų́da tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek

Literal Translation of the Greek

  • 46: Μεγαλύνει ἡ ψυχή μου τὸν Κύριον
Magnifies the soul the Lord
  • 47: καὶ ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πνεῦμά μου ἐπὶ τῷ Θεῷ τῷ σωτῆρί μου,
and exults the spirit on the God the savior
  • 48: ὅτι ἐπέβλεψεν ἐπὶ τὴν ταπείνωσιν τῆς δούλης αυτοῦ. ἰδοὺ γὰρ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν μακαριοῦσίν με πᾶσαι αἱ γενεαί,
because he looks-on on the lowliness of-the servant of.him. Behold for from the now shall.bless me all the generations,
  • 49: ὅτι ἐποίησέν μοι μεγάλα ὁ δυνατός, καὶ ἅγιον τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ,
because he.does great.things the and holy the name of.him
  • 50: καὶ τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γενεὰς τοῖς φοβουμένοις αυτόν.
and the mercy of.him to generations and generations to.the fearing.ones him.
  • 51: Ἐποίησεν κράτος ἐν βραχίονι αὐτοῦ, διεσκόρπισεν ὑπερηφάνους διανοίᾳ καρδίας αὐτῶν·
he.does strength in arm of.him he.scatters proud.ones in.mind of.heart of.them
  • 52: καθεῖλεν δυνάστας ἀπὸ θρόνων καὶ ὕψωσεν ταπεινούς,
he.lifts.down powerful.ones from thrones and raises low.ones
  • 53: πεινῶντας ἐνέπλησεν ἀγαθῶν καὶ πλουτοῦντας ἐξαπέστειλεν κενούς.
hungering.ones of.good.things and he.separates.from empty
  • 54: ἀντελάβετο Ἰσραὴλ παιδὸς αὐτοῦ, μνησθῆναι ἐλέους,
he.supported Israel servant of.him of-mercy
  • 55: καθὼς ἐλάλησεν πρὸς τοὺς πατέρας ἡμῶν τῷ Αβραὰμ καὶ τῷ σπέρματι αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα. he.talked to the fathers to.the Abraham and to.the seed of.him to the eon

Senjecan text

  • 46: mu-ċų̋u ande̋rumɛ me̋ᵶa
  • 47: da m'-ų̋nu mu-ȝűmum ne̋slum éna gı̨̋la:
  • 48: hi nu-nįxlűs ta̋ftam ᵶa̋ba: enő. hi őru sa̋iþlus ɱitérimɛ mum u-fı̋ra:
  • 49: hi ɱa̋xru mús o me̋ᵶon kı̋a da nu-fę̋to sa̋ko [e̋sa]:
  • 50: da nu-bűɫa saiþlűmk̬e saiþlűmk̬e ċúfa num nąantűm o [e̋sa]:
  • 51: nu-besős éna ɱa̋ltam kı̋a: nu-suðős kima̋s éna bą̋run ᵶą̋da:
  • 52: zilse̋don íza ɱa̋xrun ka̋ua da ta̋pun ę̋ga:
  • 53: va̋don xéma gɵ̋fantun pę̋la da ɱą̋nu ᵹa̋vantun tőba:
  • 54: bűɫam ᵶų̋maþu ı̋lu tą́da ísrae̋lum nu-nı̨̋xlum e-mɵ̋ra.
  • 55: épu ɱu-tąta̋m o. avrą́hąműsk̬e nu-sęőmk̬e o ȝı̋kam do e-sa̋ɱa:


mu=cïų̋-u ande̋r-um-ɛ me̋ᵶ-a
my=soul-NOM.SG lord-ACC.SG-EUPH magnify-IND
da m-'=ų̋n-u mu=ȝűm-um ne̋s-l-um éna gı̨̋l-a
and my-EL=spirit-NOM.SG my=God-ACC.SG save-AG-ACC.SG in exult-IND
hi nu=nįx-l-űs ta̋ft-am ᵶa̋b-a enő hi őru-Ø sa̋iþl-us ɱitérim-ɛ m-um u=fı̋r-a
for his=serve-AG-GEN.SG lowliness-ACC.SG behold for all-ABS generation-NOM.PL 1s-ACC FUT=bless-IND
hi ɱa̋xr-u m-ús o me̋ᵶ-on kı̋-a da nu=fę̋t-o sa̋k-o e̋s-a
for powerful-NOM.SG 1s-GEN to great-ACC.PL do-IND and his=name-NOM.SG holy-NOM.SG be-IND
da nu=bűɫ-a saiþl-űm=küe saiþl-űm=küe ċúfa n-um ną-a-nt-űm o e̋s-a
and his=mercy-NOM.SG generation-GEN.PL=and generation-GEN.PL=and through 3-ACC.SG fear-IND-AP-GEN.PL to be.IND
nu=bes-ős éna ɱa̋lt-am kı̋-a þu=suð=ős kim-a̋s éna bą̋r-un ᵶą̋d-a
his=arm-GEN.SG in strength-ACC.SG do-IND their=heart-GEN.SG intention-GEN.SG in proud-ACC.PL scatter-IND
zil-se̋d-on íza ɱa̋xr-un ka̋u-a da ta̋p-un ę̋g-a
rule-seat-ACC.PL down.from powerful-ACC.PL take.down-IND and humble-ACC.PL raise-IND
va̋d-on xéma gɵ̋f-a-nt-un pę̋l-a da ɱą̋nu-Ø ᵹa̋v-a-nt-un tőb-a
good-ACC.PL with starve-IND-AP-ACC.PL fill-IND and empty-ABS send.away-IND
bűɫ-am ᵶų̋m-a-þ-u ı̋l-u tą́da ísrae̋l-um nu=nı̨̋x-l-um e=mɵ̋r-a
mercy-ACC.SG remind.of-IND-PP-NOM.SG become-SUP Israel-ACC.SG his=serve-AG-ACC.SG PST=support-IND
épu ɱu=tąt-a̋m o avrą́hąm-űs=küe nu=sę-őm=küe o ȝı̋k-am do e=sa̋ɱ-a our=father-ACC.SG to Abraham-GEN.SG=and his=seed-GEN.PL=and to eon-ACC.SG to PST=speak-IND