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Senjecas - Psalm 19A

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ðęsgą̋ȝo k.p - Psalm 19A

Literal translation from the Hebrew:

  • 1: for one-making-permanent psalm to.David
  • 2: the.heavens recounting-ones glory–of El
and-deed-of hands-his telling the atmosphere
  • 3: day he-utters saying
and.night to.night discloses knowledge
  • 4: (there)-is-no saying and.(there)-are-no words
not is-heard voice-their
  • 5: in.all-of goes-forth measuring-tape-their dwelling declarations-of.their
for.the.sun he-placed tent in.them
  • 6: and.he as.bridegroom going-forth from.canopy-his
he-is-being-elated as.strong-man path
  • 7: from·end-of the·heavens going-forth-his
and·revolution-his on ends-of·their
and·there-is-no one-concealed from·warmth-his

Pronunciation guide

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ł l c ƶ s z r n k g x h ȝ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/
i e a ɔ o u ı ɘ y
/i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ə/ /ʊ/

Senjecan text

  • 1: davidűs o. ðęsgą̋ȝo meilűs o
  • 2: nűmos ȝuműs ṁa̋gom ȝe̋ka da gą̋lo nu-manőm kı̋on tę̋a:
  • 3:a̋ha aha̋s o ðe̋uᵹom ðe̋uᵹa da lą̋ta ląta̋s o są̋ram te̋ida:
  • 4: ðe̋uᵹo vűla ne da sa̋ɱos vűla ne: no-ᵹa̋mo ą̋ɱaþo ı̋la ne:
  • 5: no-meðǫ̋ɱo őro v̌ę̋tom þáfa vı̋da da no-űo ɱęsa̋s műgam do:
nóm éna sųle̋s éra vőutom vyvőuta:
  • 6: da urúkurű' sóma ne-űngom éha vı̋da:
šainű' sóma bőnom bőnu főga::
  • 7: ne-vı̋du numőm műgam éha (e̋sa) da ne-f̣ǫ̋lo no-műgan do (e̋sa):
néxu ne-tįþa̋s éha lą̋ðaþu ı̋la:
  • N.B. In v.7 "e̋sa" must be introduced because, in Senjecas, a sentence must contain a verb.


david-űs o ðęsgą̋ȝ-o meil-űs o
david-STA.SG to psalm -NOM.SG establisher-STA.SG to
nűm-os ȝum-űs ṁa̋g-om ȝe̋k-a da gą̋l-o nu=man-őm kı̋-on tę̋-a
heaven-NOM.PL God-STA.SG glory-MOT.SG recount-IND and air-NOM.SG his=hand-STA.PL deed-MOT.PL tell-IND
a̋h-a ah-a̋s o ðe̋uᵹ-om ðe̋uᵹ-a da lą̋t-a ląt-a̋s o są̋r-am te̋id-a
day-NOM.SG day-STA.SG to utterance-MOT.SG utter-IND and night-NOM.SG night-STA.SG to knowledge-MOT.SG disclose-IND
ðe̋uᵹ-o vűl-a ne da sa̋ɱ-os vűl-a ne no=ᵹa̋m-o ą̋ɱ-a-þ-o ı̋l-a ne
utterance-NOM.SG not AND word-NOM.PL not their=voice-NOM.SG hear-IND-PPTCP-NOM.SG become-IND not
no=meðǫ̋ɱ-o őro-Ø v̌ę̋t-om þáfa vı̋d-a da no=ű-os ɱęs-a̋s műg-am do
their=measure-line-NOM.SG all-ABS world-MOT.SG throughout go.forth-IND and their=declaration-NOM.PL habitation-STA.SG end-MOT.SG to
n-óm éna sųl-e̋s éra vőut-om vy~vőut-a
3SG-MOT.PL in sun-STA.SG for tent-MOT.SG PF~pitch-IND
da urúkurű-' sóma ne=űng-om éha vı̋d-a šain-ű-' sóma bőn-om bőn-u főg-a
and bridegroom-STA.SG-ELIS like his=canopy-MOT.SG from leave-IND champion-STA.SG-ELIS like race-MOT.SG race-SUP rejoice-IND

{ |ne=vı̋d-u||num-őm||műg-am||éha||e̋s-a||da||ne= f̣ǫ̋l-o||no=műg-an||do||e̋s-a |- |his=leave-SUP||heaven-STA.PL||end-MOT.SG||from||be-IND||and||his=path-NOM.SG||their=end-MOT.PL||to||be-IND |}

néx-u ne=tįþ-a̋s éha lą̋ð-a-þ-u ı̋l-a its=heat-STA.SG from hide-IND-PPTCP-NOM.SG become-IND