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Senjecas Tax. Mammalia

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  • In the Sefdaanian cultures, each individual is a member of a hierarchy of communities. The Ethrans have used this hierarchy as a pattern for their classification of life forms.
  1. The individual is, first of all, a member of one of the six Loquent Peoples. The largest of the taxonomic communities is that of the leudha (< le̋uðu, people). Thus, there are "animal people" and "plant people". This division corresponds to "kingdom" in modern taxonomy.
  2. Next, the individual lives in one of the seven regions (watersheds) of Sefdaania. This division, the ta̋iɱa (< ta̋iɱa, region), corresponds to "class" in modern taxonomy.
  3. Within the several regions, the individual lives in a commune. This division, the kőina (< kőino, commune), corresponds to "order" in modern taxonomy.
  4. Each commune is comprised of a number of families. This division, the ða̋ma (< ða̋mu, family), corresponds to "family" in modern taxonomy.
  5. Within the family, the individual is usually one of several siblings. This division, the ȝǫ̋ra (< ȝǫ̋ru, sibling), corresponds to "genus" in modern taxonomy.
  6. And finally there is the individual himself. This division, the še̋ða (< še̋ðu, individual), corresponds to "species" in modern taxonomy.
  • Finer divisions can be made with the use of prefixes, e.g.:
  1. uf-, higher = super-
  2. ner-, under = sub-
  3. sup-, low = infra-
  • This table makes use of the following ranks:
    • order (O) – kőina
    • suborder (sO) - nerkőina
    • infraorder (iO) – sufkőina
    • superfamily (SF) – ufða̋ma
    • family (F) - ða̋ma
    • subfamily (sF) - nerða̋ma
    • tribe (infrafamily) (T) – sufða̋ma
    • subtribe (supergenus) (sT) - ufȝǫ̋ra
  • Names in red are those of mammals that did not exist in Sefdaania. I've added them just for fun.



O. Eulipotypha – ?kőina
F. Erinaceidae – ehða̋ma
sF. Erinaceinae – éhnerða̋ma
001 e̋he, Erinaceus europaeus, European hedgehog
002 siȝe̋le, Erinaceus roumanicus, northern white-breasted hedgehog
003 hę̋re, Hemiechinus auritus, long-eared hedgehog
F. Soricidae – šorða̋ma
004 šőre, Sorex araneus, common shrew
ǧaršőre, Sorex alpinus, alpine shrew
F. Talpidae – k̬ɔmða̋ma
sF. Talpinae – k̬ɔ́mnerða̋ma
T. Talpini – k̬ɔmðą̋ma
005 k̬ɔ̋me, Talpa europaea, European mole
T. Desmanini – ɱefk̬órmɘðą̋ma
sįɱk̬ɔ̋me, Desmana moschata, Russian desman


O. Chiroptera – mánpeþkőina
sO. Megachiroptera – náxmanpéþnerkőina
sO. Microchiroptera – ƶ̇ǫ́nmanpéþnerkőina
F. Vespertilionidae – vą́palða̋ma
006 vąpa̋le, P. pipistrellus, common pipistrelle


O. Primates – mézt̬inkőina
sO. Haplorrhini – sausnásnerkőina
SF. Cercopithicoidea – naȝábufða̋ma
F. Cercopithecidae – náȝavða̋ma
nąime̋ce, Papio hamadryas, Hamadryas baboon
sF. Colobinae – múisnerı̋xa
007 műice , Semnopithecus dussumieri, southern plains gray langur
SF. Hominoidea – ábufða̋ma
F. Hominidae – avða̋ma
sF. Ponginae – reuðávnerða̋ma
reuða̋be, Ponga spp., orangutan
sF. Homininae – táḷon(ɘn)erða̋ma
T. Gorillini – cuþnéðsufða̋ma
cuþne̋ðe, G. gorilla, gorilla
T. Hominini – taḷónsufða̋ma
sT. Panina - cimpánzufȝǫ̋ra
cimpa̋nze, Pan troglodytes, common chimpanzee
bonőbe, Pan paniscus, bonobo
sT. ?ina – pézufȝǫ̋ra
iðṙőnu, Homo primicreatus, ethran
taḷőnu, Homo sapiens, human
taiṅőnu, Homo monticola, lithan
sT. ?ina – kúlufȝǫ̋ra
ąþ̇őnu, Homo ripacola, pyran
meþ̇őnu, Homo lacucola, hydoran
mąṭőnu, Homo silvicola, xylan
F. Hylobatidae - šékmuicı̋xa
šeka̋be, Hylobates spp., gibbon


O. Carnivora – íþƶefkőina
sO. Feliformia – suðnéðnerkőina
F. Felidae - bųð(ɘð)a̋ma
sF. Felinae - máłnerı̋xa
008 bą̋ve, Felis catus, domestic cat
009 mą̋łe, Felis chaus, jungle cat
010 ɱı̋sle, Felis sylvestris, wild cat
naiva̋ke, Acinonyx jubatus, cheetah
ɱespɔ̋de, Puma concolor, cougar
011 lų̋ᵹe, L. lynx, Eurasian lynx
þeflų̋ᵹe, C. caracal, caracal
mą́slakɱı̋sle, Leptailurus serval, serval
sF. Pantherinae - bų́ðnerða̋ma
012 ȝa̋rge, Neofelis nebulosa, clouded leopard
013 pɔ̋de, Panthera pardus, leopard
ɱespɔ̋de, Panthera onca, jaguar
014 bų̋ðe, †Panthera leo spelaea, Eurasian cave lion
015 ḍűvle, †Panthera tigris virgata, Caspian tiger
016 ṭűnge, Panthera tigris altaica, Siberian tiger
017zı̋ke, Panthera uncia, snow leopard
F. Hyaenidae – ḅonða̋ma
sF. Hyaeninae – ḅón(ɘn)erða̋ma
018 ḅőne, †C. crocuta spelaea, cave hyena
sF. Protelinae – soidḅón(ɘn)erða̋ma
soidḅőne, Proteles cristata, aardwolf
F. Herpestidae – mavða̋ma
019 ma̋be, †Herpestes lemanensis, mongoose
sO. Caniformia – ivnéðnerkőina
F. Canidae – ɱailða̋ma
sF. Caninae – ɱáilnerða̋ma
T. Canini – máilsufða̋ma
020 ɱa̋ile, Canis lupus, gray wolf
021 ną̋ȝe, Canis familiaris, dog
022 tűre, Canis aureus, golden jackal
T. Vulpini – púxsufða̋ma
023 ulı̋ᵹe, Vulpes lagopus , arctic fox
pűke, V. vulpes, red fox
024 ka̋rse, Vulpes corsac, Corsac fox
025 kűȝe, Vulpes ferrilata, Tibetan fox
026 alǫ̋pe, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, gray fox
Basal caninae - ?
027 ȝa̋nte, Nyctereutes procyonoides, racoon dog
SF. Arctoidea – vérufða̋ma
F. Ursidae – verða̋ma
sF. Ailuropodinae – mixvérnerða̋ma
aiþve̋re, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda
sF. Ursinae – vérnerða̋ma
028 kara̋de, Melursus ursinus, sloth bear
méliþve̋re, Helarctos malayanus, sun bear
029 ȝa̋ƶe, Ursus americanus, American black bear
030 ve̋re, Ursos arctos, brown bear
031 taᵹűke, Ursus arctos horribilis, grizzly bear
032 la̋xle, Ursus maritimus, polar bear
pinve̋re, †Ursus minimus, small bear
033 gűᵹre, †Ursus spelaeus, cave bear
034 na̋ňe, Ursus thibetanus, Asian black bear
035 da̋st̬e, †Ursus etruscanus, Etruscan bear
F. Ailuridae – ą́þpuxða̋ma
ąþpűke, Ailurus fulgens, red panda
F. Mephitidae – ȩ́lcirða̋ma
ȩlcı̋re, M. mephitis, striped skunk
F. Mustelidae – ðusða̋ma
sF. Mustelinae – ðúsnerða̋ma
036 bőrse, G. gulo, wolverine
037 lűȝe, M. martes, pine marten
038 ke̋ce, Martes foina, beech marten
039 ke̋une, Martes zibellina, sable
040 va̋rke, M. meles, European badger
041 muste̋le, Mustela erminea, stoat, ermine
042 he̋he, Mustela eversmanii, steppe polecat
043 ke̋sle, Mustela lutreola, European mink
044 pőite, Mustela nivalis, least weasel
045 ðűse, Mustela putorius, polecat
046 solűxe, Mustela sibirica, kolinsky, Siberian weasel
sF. Lutrinae - dagérnerða̋ma
046 dage̋re, L. lutra, Eurasian otter
márdage̋re, Enhydra lutris, sea otter
F. Procyonidae – bánverða̋ma
banve̋re, Procyon lotor, racoon
SF. Pinnipedia
F. Odobenidae – áiveᵹða̋ma
048 aive̋ᵹe, Odobenus rosmarus, walrus
F. Phocidae – sélaxða̋ma
049 na̋rȝe, Pusa hispida, ringed seal
niláᵹsela̋ke, Pusa sibirica, Baikal seal
050 sela̋xe, Pusa caspica, Caspian seal
051 karı̋ᵹe, Histriophoca fasciata, ribbon seal


O. Cetacea – márṡųþɱɘkőina
sO. Mysticeti – cúvᵹɘnerkőina
F. Balaenopteridae – kípuxða̋ma
052 kipűke, Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale
sO. Odontoceti – rįsk̬álnerkőina
F. Delphinidae – áᵹluᵹða̋ma
sF. Orcinini – aᵹlúᵹnerða̋ma
053 aᵹlűᵹe, Orcinus orca, killer whale
F. Monodontidae – cų́rk̬alða̋ma
sF. Delphinapterinae – citúrnerða̋ma
054 citűre, Delphinapterus leucas, beluga
sF. Monodontinae – cųrk̬álnerða̋ma
cųrk̬a̋le, Monodon monoceros, narwhal


O. Sirenia – ǧɔ́ðk̬alkőina
F. Dugongidae - ɔ́fpołða̋ma
ɱesǧɔðk̬a̋le Dugong dugon, dugong
F. Trichechidae – érpołða̋ma
ǧɔðk̬a̋le, Trichechus senegalensis, West African manatee


O. Proboscidea – mézmųkőina
F. Mammutidae - ǧįða̋ma
055 ǧı̋ȝe, †Mammut borsoni, mastodon
F. Elephantidae - kámaxða̋ma
056 kama̋ke, †Mammuthus primigenius, wooly mammoth
057 tűlᵹe, Loxodonta africana, African elephant
058 ȝę̋ne, Elephas maximus, Asian elephant


O. Perissodactyla – ṡónsoskőina
sO. Hippomorpha – mórnerkőina
F. Equidae – morða̋ma
059 e̋če, Equus ferus ferus, tarpan, tahki
060 mőre, Equus ferus przewalskii, Przewalsky’s horse
061 ka̋be, Equus ferus caballus, domestic horse
062 e̋łƶe, Equus africanus, donkey
063 le̋mre, Equus hemionus, onager
064 kűlme, Equus luteus, kulan
065 kązűde, †Equus hydruntinus, European ass
sO. Ceratomorpha – kíðnerkőina
F. Tapiridae – sę́fnasða̋ma
sęfna̋se, Tapirus spp., tapirs
F. Rhinocerotidae – kirsɘða̋ma
sF. Rhinocerotinae – kírsɘnerða̋ma
T. Rhinocerotini – ƶerkírsɘðą̋ma
naskı̋de, Rhinoceros unicornis, Indian rhinoceros
T. Dicerorhinini - kirsɘðą̋ma
066 kı̋rse, †Coelodonta antiquitatis, wooly rhinoceros
T. Dicerotini - ? ɘðą̋ma
lafe̋me, Ceratotherium simum, white rhinoceros
kexfe̋me, Diceros bicornis, black rhinoceros
sF. Elasmotheriinae – þ̇ą́xnerða̋ma
067 þ̇ą̋ke, †Elasmotherium caucasicum, elasmotherium


O. Hyracoidea – bų́suðkőina
F. Procaviidae – kanpɘða̋ma
068 ka̋npe, Heterohyrax syriacus, steppe hyrax


O. Tubulidentata – tı̨́vsįłkőina
F. Orycteropodidae – ebúlverða̋ma
ébulve̋re, Orycteropus afer, aardvark


O. Artiodactyla – néisoskőina
sO. Tylopoda – bųspódnerkőina


F. Camelidae – þivnɘða̋ma
069 þı̋vne, Camelus ferus, Bactrian camel
semsų̋ve, Camelus dromedarius, dromedary
sO. Suina – nelsúðnerkőina


F. Suidae – éperða̋ma
sF. Suinae – epérnerða̋ma
T. Suini – epérsufða̋ma
070 epe̋re, Sus scrofa, wild swine
071 ᵹőre, Sus domesticus, domestic pig
T. Phacochoerini – fégepérsufða̋ma
fégepe̋re,Phacochoerus spp., warthogs


F. Tayassuidae – ƶiféperða̋ma
ƶífepe̋re, Tayassuidae spp., peccary
sO. Ruminantia – rúsnerkőina
iO. Ancodonta - rǫvrís(ɘs)ufkőina


F. Hippopotamidae – dą́morða̋ma
dąmőre, Hippopotamus africanus, hippopotamus
dąmőrke, Choeropsis liberiensis, pigmy hippo


F. Antilocapridae - čaitı̋xa
072 ča̋ite, Antilocapra americana, pronghorn
F. Giraffidae - nérkosþı̋xa
goxmőre, Giraffa camelopardis, giraffe
ęla̋ke, Okapia johnstoni, okapi
iO. Pecora – kiðrús(ɘs)ufkőina


F. Cervidae – ląnða̋ma
sF. Cervinae – lą́n(ɘn)erða̋ma
T. Muntiacini - łorðą̋ma
þefłőre, Elaphodus cephalophus, tufted deer
073 łőre, †Muntiacus spp., muntjac
T. Cervini - sesðą̋ma
074 se̋se, D. dama, fallow deer
075 ḍűke Rusa unicolor, sambar
076 lą̋ne, Cervus elaphus, red deer
077 mų̋ne, †Megaloceros giganteus, giant deer
sF. Capreolinae – róisnerða̋ma
T. Capreolini – róis(ɘs)ufða̋ma
078 ȝőle, A. alces, European elk (moose)
079 rőice, C. capreolus, European roe deer
T. Rangiferini – górsufða̋ma
080 gőre, Rangifer tarandus, caribou


F. Bovidae – taurða̋ma
sF. Alcelaphinae – písnerða̋ma
081 pı̋ce, †Alcephalus monoceros, unicorn
sF. Antilopinae – íþnerða̋ma
082 ı̋te, Saiga tatarica, saiga
sF. Bovinae – táurnerða̋ma
083 ka̋xþe, Bubalus bubalis, water buffalo
084 ta̋ure, †Bos primigenius, aurochs
085 űde, Bos grunniens, yak
086 ȝűne, Bos taurus, domestic cow
sųvȝűne, Bos indicus, zebu
kiðkǫ̋fe, Syncerus caffer, African buffalo
ɱésɱisőnte, B. bison, American bison
087 ɱisőnte, Bison bonasus, wisent, bison
sF. Caprinae – kíþnerða̋ma
T. Ovibovini – ƶifȝúnsufða̋ma
hǫlɱa̋ke, Ovibos moschatus, musk ox
T. Caprini – kíþsufða̋ma
088 kı̋te, Capra caucasica, tur
089 a̋iƶe, Capra falconeri, markhor
090 ᵹa̋ide, Capra aegagrus, bezoar ibex
091 kę̋ƶe, Capra aegagrus hircus, domestic goat
092 pę̋ke, Ovis ammon, argali
093 őɱe, Ovis aries, domestic sheep
ɱespę̋ke, Ovis canadensis, bighorn
T. Naemorhedini – k̬ı̨́s(ɘs)ufða̋ma
094 k̬ı̨̋ce, Rupricapra caucasica, chamois
sF. Hippotraginae – ġúlnerı̋xa
095 ġűle, †Hippotragus volans, pterippus


O. Rodentia – vąskőina
sO. Castorimorpha – vévrɘnerkőina


F. Castoridae – vevrɘða̋ma
096 ve̋vre, Castor fiber, European beaver
sO. Hystricomorpha – sáiðnerkőina


F. Hystricidae – saiðða̋ma
097 sa̋iðe, Histrix indica, Indian porcupine
sO. Myomorpha – mų́snerkőina
SF. Dipodoidea – ṗúnufða̋ma


F. Dipodidae – ṗunða̋ma
sF. Sicistinae – alíxnerða̋ma
098 alı̋ke, Sicista spp., birch mouse
sF. Dipodinae – ṗun(ɘn)erða̋ma
099 ṗűne, Stylodipus telum, three-toed jerboa
SF. Muroidea – mų́sufða̋ma


F. Cricetidae – kamða̋ma
sF. Arvicolinae – ƶámlɘnerða̋ma
T. Arvicolini - ƶamlɘðą̋ma
100 ƶa̋mle, Arvicola amphibius, water vole
101 simı̨̋e,Chionomys gud, Caucasian snow vole
ǧársimı̨̋e, Chionomys nivalis, European snow vole
T. Lemmini - maxsɘðą̋ma
102 ma̋xse, L. lemmus, Norway lemming
sF. Cricetinae – kámnerða̋ma
ka̋me, C. cricetus, common hamster


F. Muridae – mųsða̋ma
sF. Murinae – mų́snerða̋ma
103 ċa̋mre, Apodemus uralensis, Ural field mouse
aivmų̋se, Micromys minutus, Eurasian harvest mouse
104 mų̋se, Mus musculus, house mouse
kébarmų̋se, Mus specilegus, steppe mouse
105 ṡőɱe, Rattus norvegicus, brown rat
sO. Sciuromorpha – oɱérnerkőina


F. Gliridae – galða̋ma
106 ga̋le, G. glis, fat dormouse


F. Sciuridae – óɱerða̋ma
sF. Sciurinae – oɱérnerða̋ma
T. Sciurini – oɱérsufðą̋ma
107 oɱe̋re, Sciurus vulgaris, Eurasian red squirrel
T. Pteromyini – ḍársufðą̋ma
108 ḍa̋re, Pteromys volans, Siberian flying squirrel
sF. Xerinae – lúngɘnerðą̋ma
T. Marmotini – lúngɘsufðą̋ma
sT. Marmotina – lúngufȝǫ̋ra
109 lűnge, M. marmota, Alpine marmot
110 ṁőnde, Marmota bobak, Bobak marmot
sT. Spermophilina – dórkufȝǫ̋ra
111 dőrke Spermophilus citellis, suslik
112 ṡuƶa̋ke, Spermophilus pygmaeus, little ground squirrel


O. Lagomorpha – caskőina
F. Leporidae – casðą̋ma
cą̋se, Lepus europaeus, European hare
113 ha̋ȝe, Lepus timidus, mountain hare
F. Ochotonidae – mumðą̋ma
114 műme, Ochotona pusilla, steppe pika