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Hangraphy (maybe 漢抓?) is a system for representing Indo-European roots with Han characters (漢字, hanzi). After having done so, we can add a kind of okurigana for inflections and such and we have a readymade scheme to represent all Indo-European languages. Oversimplificated? You betcha.

For an example, we can take the numbers, which are pretty basic.

1 *oi-[no-] en: one, ru: один, la: unus, etc.
2 *dwo- en: two, es: dos, grc: δύο, ...
3 *tri- en: three, fr: trois, de: drei ...
4 *kʷetwor- en: four
5 *penkʷe en: five
6 *(s)(w)eḱs en: six
7 *septem en: seven
8 *oḱtō en: eight
9 *newn en: nine
10 *deḱm en: ten

Since words get borrowed about so much, some diverse words in a language may be spelled with the same zi, e.g. 一 goes in English words derived from "one", such as "alone" or "only", but it also goes in words of Latin origin such as "unique" or "union".

Of course some of these words inflect, so the Latin word for "one", for example, won't just be 一, but perhaps something like 一us, 一a, 一um.


IE Meaning English Latin Greek
*ad- to, near, at at ad
*ag- to drive, draw, move ag(o), ag(ere), eg(i), ac(tus)
*agh- a day (considered as a span of time) day, daw(n) (d- is a bit suss)
*agro- field (probably derivative of *ag-) acre ager, agr(i)
*aik- to be master of, possess ough(t), owe, ow(n)
襲 ? *aim- copy aem(ulus); im(itor), im(itari), im(itatus)
*ais- to wish, desire as(k)
壽 ? *aiw-, ayu- vital force, life, long life, eternity ? aev(um); ae(tas); ae(ternus) (→eon)
*ak- sharp egg (to egg on), ha(mmer)? ac(us); ac(er), ac(ris), ac(re)
*akʷ-ā- water is(land) aqu(a)
*al- beyond o(ther), el(se) il(le)?; ul(s), ul(tra); al(ter); al(ius) (→allo-)
*al- to grow, nourish ol(d), el(der) al(tus); al(mus); al(o), al(ere), al(ui), al(tus)
*al- all all, al(beit), al(ready), al(so), al(though), al(ways)
*albho- white elf? alb(us)
幻 ? *alu- in words related to sorcery, magic, possession, and intoxication ale
*ambhi, m̥bhi around (probably *ant-bhi, from both sides) ? amb(io); amb(ulo) (→amphi-)
*an- on on
*anə- to breath ani(mus); ani(mal) (anemos)
*angh- tight, painfully constricted, painful
鬼 ? *ansu- spirit, demon
*ant- front, forehead
*apo-, ap- off, away
*ar-, arə- to fit together
*arg- to shine, white; the shining or white metal, silver
燃 ? *as- to burn, glow
行 / 年 *at- to go; with germanic and latin derivatives meaning a year (conceived as "the period gone through, the revolving year")
*āter- fire
*au- to perceive
*aug- to increase
耀 *aus- to shine
禽 / 鳥 / 隹 *awi- bird
伯 / 叔 / 舅 *awo- an adult male relative other than one's father
*ayer- day, morning
*ayes- a metal, copper or bronze
*bak- staff used for support
*bel- strong
耀 ? *bhā- to shine
曰 / 云 *bhā- to speak
*bha-bhā- broad bean
好 / 良 *bhad- good
*bhag- to share out, apportion, also to get a share
*bhāgu- arm
*bhāgo- beech tree
*bhardh-ā- beard
*bhares-, bhars- barley
*bhau- to strike
*bhegʷ- to run
*bhei- a bee
*bheid- to split; with Germanic derivatives referring to biting (hence also to eating and to

hunting) and woodworking

*bheidh- to trust, confide, persuade
耀 ? *bhel- to shine, flash, burn; shining white and various bright colors
*bhel- to blow, swell; with derivatives referring to various round objects and to the notion of tumescent masculinity
*bhel- flower, thrive, bloom bloom, blossom, [blood] flos, folium φύλλον
*bhelgh- to swell
繫 / 束 / 縛 *bhendh- to bind
持 / 孕 *bher- to carry; also to bear children
*bher- bright, brown
*bherəg- to shine; bright, white
*bhergh- to hide, protect
*bhergh- high; with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts
呼 / 吸 *bhes- to breathe
覺 / 察 *bheudh- to be aware, to make aware
存 / 生 *bheuə-, bheu to be, exist, grow
*bheug- to bend; with derivatives referring to bent, pliable, or curved objects
*bhlē- to blow
*bhleu- to swell, well up, overflow
*bhoso- naked
兄 / 弟 *bhrāter- brother, male agnate
*bhreg- to break
*bhreu-, bhreuə-, bhreəu- to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn; with derivatives referring to cooking and brewing
*bhrū- eyebrow
*dā- to divide
*dail- to divide
*daiwer- husband's brother
*dakru- tear lacri(ma) δάκρυ(ον)
此 / 是 *de- demonstrative stem, base of prepositions and adverbs
顯 / 宣 *deik- to show, pronounce solemnly; also in derivatives referring to the directing of words or objects
*dek- to take, accept
*dekm ten
*deks- right (opposite left); hence, south (from the viewpoint of one facing east) dex(ter) δεξ(ιός)
*del- long
計 / 數 *del- to recount, count
*dem- house, household
*demə- to constrain, force, especially to break in (horses)
*dent- tooth
*der- to split, peel, flay; with derivatives referring to skin and leather
*derk- to see
堅 / 木 *deru-, dreu- to be firm, solid, steadfast; hence specialized senses "wood", tree" and derivatives referring to objects made of wood
*deu- to lack, be wanting
*deu- to do, perform, show favor, revere
*deuə-, dwaə long (in duration)
*deuk- to lead
*dhē- to set, put
*dhegʷw- to burn, warm
*dhē(i)- to suck
建 / 築 *dheigh- to form, build
*dher- to hold firmly, support
*dhers- to venture, be bold
示 / 祭 ? *dhēs- root of words in religious concepts
*dheu- to flow dew
死 / 亡 *dheu- to die dea(d), dea(th), die
深 / 虛 *dheub-, dheubh- deep, hollow deep
成 ? *dheuə- to close, finish, come full circle (probably related to *dheu-, to die) tow(n) fu(nus)
*dheugh- to produce something of utility ? (teukhos)
*dhghem- earth ? hum(us); hom(o), hom(inis) (khthon)
*dhgh(y)es- yesterday yes(terday)
插 / 修 ? *dhīgʷ- to stick, fix dig? fig(o), fig(ere), fixi=fic(si), fixus=fic(sus); fi(bula)
*dhreg- to draw, glide drink, drench, drow(n)
*dreibh- to drive, push; snow drive, drove
*dhreu- to fall, flow, drip, droop drea(ry), dro(p), droo(p) (thruptein)
女 / 閨 / 娘 *dhugəter- daughter
*dhwer- door, doorway (usually plural) door for(as); for(is); for(um) (thura)
(play) 玩 / 耍 / 嬉 *dlegh- to engage oneself play maybe (in)dulg(eo)
*dn̥ghū- tongue tongue lingu(a)
*dō- to give d(o), d(are), de-d(i), d(atus) (didonai, dosis, doron)
*dus- bad, evil, mis- (derivative of *deu-, to lack) (→dys-)
*dwo- two two, twe(lve), twe(lfth) du(o), bi(s), bi(ni) (duo)
*dyeu- to shine (and in many derivatives "sky, heaven, god") Tue(sday) di(es); de(us); div(us); di(s), di(tis); div(es), div(itis); Iup(piter), Iov(is); Iu(lius) (Zeus, delos)
*ed- to eat (original meaning "to bite") eat ed(o), ed(ere), ed(i), ed(itus); (pran)d(ium) first meal
*es- to be a(m), is; ye(s) es(se), s(um), es, es(t), s(umus), es(tis), s(unt) (einai)
*gʷā-, gʷem- to go, to come come, (wel)come, (be)come ven(ire) (bainein)
*ko(n)kho- shell[fish] coc(h)lea κόγχος, κόχλος
*peH2wr fire fire πῦρ, pyro-
矯 (王?) *reg- to move in a straight line, with derivatives meaning to direct in a straight line, lead, rule righ(t)=矯了; rake (also rajah, maharajah from Sanskrit) reg(o), reg(ere), rexi=rec(si), rec(tus)=矯了us; rex=rec(s); reg(ula); rog(o), rog(are), rog(are), rog(avi), rog(atus)=矯了us Homograph Alert! (oregein)
響 / 音 / 聲 *swen- to make sound [swan] sono, sonare; sonus=音us
*upo- down, below, under up [!] sub ὑπό, hypo-
*weid- to see wit, wi(se)=見了 vid(eo), vid(ere), vid(i), vi(sus)
勝 / 克 *weik- to fight, conquer vinc(o), vinc(ere), vic(i), vic(tus)=勝了us
IE English Latin Greek German Mandarin Chinese Japanese
*seuH- [give birth] so(n) Soh(n) shēng じょう
*peH₃(i)- [drink] po(tus), bi-b(o) πόσ(ις), πί(νω) yǐn の(む)
*H₂eus- ear aur(is) οὖς Ohr ěr みみ
*okʷ- eye oc(ulus) Auge
*pH₂ter- father pater, patr(is) Vater ちち
*peisk- fish pisc(is) Fisch さかな
制 / 法 / 規 *yewes- [law] ius, iur(is), ius(tus) zhì / fǎ / guī
*lendh- land Land
男 / 雄 *wiH-ro (or *Hner-?) [male] (were-) vir nán / xióng ひと
女 / 雌 *gʷenH- [female] (queen) γυνή nǚ / cí おんな
*medhi- mid, midd(le) medi(us) zhōng なか
*maH₂ter- mother mater, matr(is) μήτηρ Mutter はは
*mūs- mouse mus, mur(is) μυς Maus shǔ ねずみ
*sneigʷh- snow nix=nic(s), niv(is) *νίψ (νίφα) Schnee xuě ゆき
*akʷa- [water] is(land) aqu(a) shuǐ みず
*wed- wat(er), wet, wint(er), hyd(ro)- und(a) hud(ōr) Wass(er) shī しめ(る)
*ghei-/*ghiems [winter] hiem(s), hiem(is) dōng ふゆ
*H₂weH₁-(nt)- wind vent(us) fēng かぜ
*wlkʷ- wolf lup(us) λύκ(ος) Wolf láng おおかみ
*wlp-e:- [fox] vulp(es) ἀλώπηξ きつね
*gʷou- cow bo(s, -vis) βοῦς Kuh niú うし
古 / 老 / 高 *al-(t-) old, (eld) alt(us) gǔ / lǎo / gāo ふる(い), お[い(る)], たか(い)
*melit- [honey] (mildew) mel (mulsus) μέλι みつ
雨  *reg- rain rig(are) regen あめ
圓 / 丸  *wel- [round] vol(vere) ἕλ(ιξ) yuán / wán まる(い)
*reg- [king, rule, right] right rex, reg(num), reg(ula) Reich wáng おう

English Words

男狼 werewolf *wiro-wl̥kʷo
男育了 world *wiro-al²-to

Latin Words

飲飲o, 飲飲re, 飲飲i, 飲飲了us bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus
食ibilis edibilis
父icius patricius
魚ina piscina
飲io potio
飲to, 飲tare, 飲tavi, 飲tatus poto, potare, potavi, potatus