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Alphabet and Pronunciation - Tékenrol ok Utal

Viteberger uses an alphabet similar to English, but missing the letters c, j, q, w, x, and z. The letters ä and ö are added, following a and o respectively on the alphabet order. The vowels marked with diacritic accents, á, é, í, ó, and ú are not considered separate letters in the alphabet but just a variation of the original vowels because all they do is mark the stressed syllable (or syllables) of a word.

On foreign words and names the letters c, j, q, w, x, and z are used, but not in any Viteberger words.

<a> = [a] = a – on the vast majority of words it is pronounced short, like a in the Spanish casa, on a few rare words it is pronounced long, as the letter a in the English far.

<ä> = [ɛː] = ä – pronounced similar to the ai in fair, the same as a German ä.

= [b] - b – pronounced the same as in English.

<d> = [d] - d – same as English.

<e> = [ɛ] - e – pronounced as the e in deck, never as the e in deep.

<f> = [f] - f – same as in English.

<g> = [g] - g – always pronounced as the g in game with all vowels, never as the g in gesture.

<h> = [h] - h – same as in English.

= [i] - i – always as the e in be.

<k> = [k] - k – same as in English.

<l> = [l] - l – similar to English, but the sound is made with a flat tongue, not with its tip curled back as in English.

<ly> = [ʎ] - ly – pronounced as the Portuguese digraph lh as in baralho.

<m> = [m] - m – same as in English.

<n> = [n] - n – same as in English.

<o> = [ɔ] - o – always as the o in forward.

<ö> = [œ] - ö – same as a German ö.

= [p] – p - same as in English. <r> = [ɾ] - r – pronounced like an English r but with a single strong thrill, similar to a Brazilian Portuguese r as in prato. = [s] - s – always as the s in same, never as the s in Asian. <sy> = [ʃ] - sy – pronounced as the sh in sheet, always followed by a vowel. <t> = [t] - t - similar to English, but the sound is not retroflex, which means it is done with a flat tongue, not with it curled back. <ty> = [ʧ] - ty – always pronounced as the ch in chili pepper. <tv> - [dv] - tv – the t is pronounced as a d, and the v is fully pronounced. <ty> - [ʧ] - ty - pronounced as the ch in chili pepper, always followed by a vowel. = [u] - U – similar to the oo in boot but pronounced shorter. <v> = [v] - v - same as in English <y> = [j] - y – pronounced as the y in yellow, semi-vocalic. Viteberger vowels are divided in two groups: back vowels (a, o, u), and front vowels (e, i, y, ä, ö). The soft vowels influence the pronunciation of the letters G, K, T and D, making them slightly more aspirated than when pronounced with back vowels. The following digraphs are pronounced differently when used with back or front vowels:

  • sk - when used with a back vowel it is pronounced as the sc in scar, when used with a front vowel it is pronounced as the sh in shoot.

** Skotör – leap year, pronounced [skotœɾ] /skotör/ ** Sköl – bowl, pronounced [ʃœl] /shöl/ *gn - pronounced as gn in agnostic when used with back vowels, pronounced as a long n when used with front vowels. ** Gnat – gnat, pronounced as a hard g sound followed by the word not: [gnot] /g-not/ ** Bignid – building, pronounced as [binnid] /bin-nid/ When the letter k appears on the end of a syllable following a front vowel it sounds like a g: *Försíktig - careful, pronounced [fœrsigtig] /försigtig/

Marking of syllable stress - Stavélsestrésenus Märkar

Word order - Ord Ordnin

Nouns and grammatical cases - Substantiven ok gramatisk Falen

Personal Pronouns - Persónlisk Förnáven

Regular Verbs - Régelbúnden Verber

Infinitive - Infínitiv

The infinitive of all verbs is marked with the suffix -an following the verbal root:

verkan - to work

hopan - to jump

ritan - to draw

regnan - to rain

Participles - Participer

Viteberger has different participles for past, present and future, which are used to form the perfect aspect for each tense. The past participle is the verb root plus -et suffix. The present tense is the root plus -ar. The future participle is the root plus -érei.

Past participle: verket

Present participle: verkar

Future participle: verkérei

Simple Present - Énkelnúutidspänt

The present tense is marked by the verb root used by the singular and the root plus the suffix -en for the plural:

ey verk - I work

du verk - you work

er verk - he works

zi verk - she works

en verk - it works

min verk - one works

vey verken - we work

ney verken - you work

dey verken - they work

Present Perfect - Fulkómignúutidspänt

The present perfect is formed by the use of the auxiliary verb haban "to have", followed by the present participle:

ey hav verkar - I have worked

du hav verkar - you have worked

er hav verkar - he has worked

zi hav verkear - she has werked

en hav verket - it has worked

vey haven verkar - we have worked

ney haven verkar - you have worked

dey haven verkar - they have worked

Simple Past - Énkelfórtidspänt

The past tense is formed by the verb root plus suffix -et:

ey verket - I worked

du verket - you worked

er verket - he worked

zi verket - she worked

en verket - it worked

vey verketen - we worked

ney verketen - you worked

dey verketen - they worked

Past Perfect - Fulkómigfóstidspänt

Formed by using the auxiliary verb haban in the past tense, plus the present participle:

ey hat verket - I had worked

du hat verket - you had worked

er hat verket - he had worked

zi hat verket - she had worked

en hat verket - it had worked

vey haten verket - we had worked

ney haten verket - you had worked

dey haten verket - they had worked

Simple Future - Énkelfrámtidspänt

Formed by adding the suffix -éra to the singular forms, and -éran to the plural forms. Notice how the syllable stress moves with the future tense.

ey vérkera - I will work

du vérkera - you will work

er vérkera - he will work

zi vérkera - she will work

en vérkera - it will work

vey vérkeran - we will work

ney vérkeran - you will work

dey vérkeran - they will work

Future Perfect - Fulkómigfrámtidspänt

Formed by using the auxiliary verb haban plus the future participle:

ey hátera verkérei - I will have worked

du hátera verkérei - you will have worked

er hátera verkérei - he will have worked

zi hátera verkérei - she will have worked

en hátera verkérei - it will have worked

vey háteran verkérei - we will have worked

ney háteran verkérei - you will have worked

dey háteran verkérei - they will have worked

Conditional mood - Vilkórligskap

Formed by using the suffix -erat after the verb root:

ey vérkerat - I would work

du vérkerat - you would work

er vérkerat - he would work

zi vérkerat - she would work

en vérkerat - it would work

min vérkerat - one would work

vey vérkeraten - we would work

ney vérkeraten - you would work

dey vérkeraten - they would work

Past conditional mood - Fórstidvilkórligskap

Formed by the use of the conditional form of the auxiliary verb haban with the past participle:

ey háterat verket - I would have worked

du háterat verket - you would have worked

er háterat verket - he would have worked

zi háterat verket - she would have worked

en háterat verket - it would have worked

vey háteraten verket - we would have worked

ney háteraten verket - you would have worked

dey háteraten verket - they would have worked

Suggestive - Fórslagskap

The suggestive is formed by using the present tense with the auxiliary verb skud:

ey skud verk - I should work

du skud verk - you should work

er skud verk - he should work

zi skud verk - she should work

en skud verk - it should work

min skud verk - one should work

vey skud verken - we should work

ney skud verken - you should work

dey skud verken - they should work

Imperative mood - Imperativskap

The imperative is formed by using the suffix -e attached to the root:

verke - work

The verbal prefix tig- - tig- vérbalisk Forskeytet

When making requests or wishes the verbal prefix tig- is used in conjunction with the imperative:

vaknan - to wake up

vakne! - wake up!

tigvakne - please wake up

Note: the prefix tig- comes from the verb tigan “to beg”.

Prepositions and the dative case - Forméninger ok dátiv Falet

In general, the dative is used to mark the indirect object of a Viteberger sentence. In the following example Man is in the dative:

Ey Manit Boket sendet - I sent the book to the man

In English, the same sentence may be rendered: “I sent the man the book.” The indirect object here is marked by standing in front of the direct object. The normal word order in Viteberger is also to put the dative in front of the accusative (as in the example above). However, since the Viteberger dative is marked in form, it can also be put after the accusative: Ey Boket Manit sendet.

Certain Viteberger prepositions require the dative: fra, nem, mot, med, efter, seden, av, fyer. Other prepositions (til, ö, bak, i, darauk, um, under, för, mil) may be used with dative (indicating current location), or accusative (indicating direction toward something). Boket ö Bordit li (dative: the book is lying on the table), but Ey Boket ö Bordet set (accusative: I put the book onto the table).

In addition, the four prepositions vegne (“because of”), trots (“in spite of”), anstät (“instead of”) and vid (“during”), which require the genitive in formal language, are most commonly used with the dative in colloquial Viteberger. For example, “because of the weather” is expressed as vegne Väterit instead of the formally correct vegen Väterus.

Note that the concept of an indirect object may be rendered by a prepositional phrase. In this case, the noun’s or pronoun’s case is determined by the preposition, NOT by its function in the sentence.

Some Viteberger verbs require the dative for their direct objects. Common examples include folgan, hyalpan, and svaran. In each case, the direct object of the verb is rendered in dative. For example:

Men Viner mir hyalp. - My friends help me.

W Words - V Order

Telling time - Tídmätar

Time, Manner, Place - Tid, Hat, Stat

How to start a conversation in Viteberger

Short texts - Kort Texter

Short texts in Viteberger can be found here: Viteberger short texts

Viteberger Culture - Viteberger Mening

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