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Hangraphy (maybe 漢抓?) is a system for representing Indo-European roots with Han characters (漢字, hanzi). After having done so, we can add a kind of okurigana for inflections and such and we have a readymade scheme to represent all Indo-European languages. Oversimplificated? You betcha.

For an example, we can take the numbers, which are pretty basic.

1 *oi-[no-] en: one, ru: один, la: unus, etc.
2 *dwo- en: two, es: dos, grc: δύο, ...
3 *tri- en: three, fr: trois, de: drei ...
4 *kʷetwor- en: four
5 *penkʷe en: five
6 *(s)(w)eḱs en: six
7 *septem en: seven
8 *oḱtō en: eight
9 *newn en: nine
10 *deḱm en: ten

Since words get borrowed about so much, some diverse words in a language may be spelled with the same zi, e.g. 一 goes in English words derived from "one", such as "alone" or "only", but it also goes in words of Latin origin such as "unique" or "union".

Of course some of these words inflect, so the Latin word for "one", for example, won't just be 一, but perhaps something like 一us, 一a, 一um.


English Latin Greek German Japanese pot(o), pot(are), pot(avi), pot(us) の(む)
ear aur(is) Ohr みみ
eat ed(o), ed(ere), ed(i), ed(itus) た(べる)
eye oc(ulus) Auge
father pater, patr(is) Vater ちち
fish pisc(is) Fisch さかな
(hero?) vir おとこ
mother mater, matr(is) Mutter はは
queen おんな
snow nix=nic(s), niv(is) Schnee ゆき
tongue lingu(a) Zunge した
hiem(s), hiem(is) ふゆ
wolf vulp(es) Wolf おおかみ

English Words

食ible edible
舌ist linguist
父ician patrician
魚es pisces
男ile virile
狼ine vulpine
男狼 werewolf

Latin Words

飲飲o, 飲飲ere, 飲飲i, 飲飲itus bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus
食ibilis edibilis
父icius patricius
魚ina piscina
飲io potio
男ilis virilis