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Béu : Chapter 8

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..... The -ana suffix

This suffix, added to a verb, gives a noun. For example ...

kludau = to write

kludana = writer/author

..... The béu participles and the NP with the present participle core

There are three participles in béu. They are known as plofai in the béu linguistic tradition.

A participle is an adjective that has been derived from a verb.

Taking kludau (to write) to demonstrate these participles.

1) kludi is an adjective meaning "written"

toili kludi = the written book ... and following the strong tendency for adjectives to get used as nouns in béu ... kludi => a thing that is written => a note

2) kludu is an adjective meaning "that must be written"

toili kludu = "the book that must be written" or "the book that should be written" ... and following the strong tendency for adjectives to get used as nouns in béu ... kludu => that which must be written => a (school) assignment

3) kludala is an adjective meaning "writing at this moment". For this participle la is suffixed. Also if the gomia is polysyllabic and ends in a diphthong, the last vowel is deleted.

Now kludala is definitely an adjective.

kludala toili "reading a book" is an adjective phrase (AP) in which the noun toili qualifies the adjective kludaula.

(If you remember, usually béu does not like a pilana making any phrase non-contiguous. -la suffixing to a gomia is an exception to this rule)

Now the phrase jono kludala toili is a noun phrase (NP) in which the AP qualifies the noun jono

(Notice that in the clause that corresponds to the above NP, jonos kludora toili (John is reading the book), jono has the ergative suffix and the 3 words can occur in any order : with the NP, jono does not take the ergative suffix and the 3 words must occur in the order shown.)

klói = to see polo = Paul timpa = to hit jene = Jenny

klori polo timpala andai = He saw paul hitting something

klori pá timpala ó = He saw me hitting her

klori jene bwola timpa = He saw Jenny being hit

klori polo timpala jene = He saw Paul hitting Jenny

klori pà timpala jene = He saw me hitting Jenny.

Now the question is where is this special NP used. Well it is used in situations where English would use a complement clause. For example with algo meaning "to think about",*

1) algara jono = I am thinking about John.

2) algara jono kludala toili = I am thinking about John writing a book.

Note ... According to Dixon, the standard English translation of 2) would be "I am thinking about John's writing a book" which I find quite strange even though English is my mother tongue. I have decided to call this sort of construction in béu a special kind of NP, while Dixon has called the equivalent expression in English the "-ing" type of complement clause. I think this is just a naming thing and doesn't really matter.

*"to think (that)" is alhu in béu. alhu also translates "to believe".

..... The Imperative

In béu it is called "order"-form/shape.

This is used for giving orders. When you utter an imperative you do not expect a discussion about the appropriateness of the action (although a discussion about the best way to perform the action is possible).

The imperative is formed by adding -s to the gomia.

doikas = walk !

Maybe the gomia already ends in s, in which case there is no difference for the imperative.

(for example géus "greenify") then the imperative is formed by adding -te.

geus = to greenify

geus = greenify !

aufa jè "you two" or alu jè "you lot" or simple "you" (plural, vocative) can be added to the imperative if you want to make it clear that you are talking to more than one person.

..... The Subjunctive or the irrealis

In béu it is called "suggest"-form/shape.

You change the "r" to an "n" basically. Nothing comes after the "n". So there is no tense/aspect or evidentiality expressed on this verb form.

When this form is used in a main clause, you are gently urging some action (and you are definitely open to discussion about it).

For example ;-

doikain = Let's walk .... now will this cause confusion with the verb chain where non-initial verbs get n suffixed to their gomia ??

It is also used in the ibla/ construction. When the first condition can now no longer be met and hence the second part can not be also.

ibla "ask"in pà jú "tell"an gì = If you had asked me, I would have told you

It is also used in other places .... for example, after the verbs "want", "

Often occurs when in English we have "would".

..... Want

Maybe I should forget about the subjunctive (ends in xn, before ended in xs, maybe should end in xk) and do things another way ??

If then the

1) wár bái nambo => I want to go home

2) wár bín nambo => I want you to go home ... subjunctive ?

3) wár timpin ò => I want you to hit her/him ... subjunctive ?

4) wár tà (gìs) timpirwa ò => I wish that you had hit her/him .... Note that we have timpirwa and not timpirwi

So in the above ... the construction as in 1) is used when the person doing the wanting, is also the subject (A or O) of the action required and the second action sort of "follows on" from the "wanting".

The construction as in 2) and 3) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required. The second action again sort of "following on" from the "wanting".

The construction as in 4) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required AND the second action DOES NOT "following on" from the "wanting".


Now we have said before that béu has free word order, however this really only applies to the verb in R-form (R) and the S argument in an intransitive clause, and the R, A and O in a transitive clause. When you have a verb in gomia-form (G), in the subjunctive form (Sub) or in the imperative form (Imp), you must have these elements in the following order ;-

S G : S Sub ... the last of these (S -S ) is quite unusual. Maybe can have S I ... but then S must be in vocative case

A G O : A Sub O : Imp O ... expand this and make it look good. Maybe can have A I O ... but then A must be in vocative case

In the béu linguistic tradition, a clause that has one R verb in it, or one N verb, or one I verb is called aʒiŋko baga or a simple clause. Any clause that has an R verb plus an G or N, verb is called a aʒiŋko kaza or a complex clause.

..... Start, Stop, Try

In béu, three secondary verbs (in English) are expressed by a copula plus a pilana. They are ...

to start drinking => láu solbelke

to stop drinking => láu solbelfe

to try drinking => sàu solbewo

And just to demonstrate that the above doesn't necessary lead to confusion ...

He talks about drinking => cator solbewo

We talk about trying to drink => catair wo sàu solbewo

So in fact the gomia take 8 of the 12 pilana ... ji ge n ho la lfe lkx wo

The ergative s also occurs but only in its prepositional form

..... -am- as a none-productive infix

klói = to see

klamoi = to show

tàu = to know

tamau = to tell

bái = to go, to move

bamai = to drive

kàu = to come

kamau = to summon

fyu = to fly

fyamu = to throw

gwoi = to jump (involuntarily), to give a start

gwamoi = to make somebody jump, to give somebody a start

doika = walk

damoika = to manage, to run ......... damoikanai = "the management" or "the managers"

..... To think about

Further uses of the "s" form of the verb. That is the subjunctive.

Also used in dependent clauses with the meaning ...

that xxx should yyy.

Used after "want/hope/believe ?" if the subject is different. If subject is the same then the verb is in the gomia form.

hear, see, think, like, remember, know, believe | use tà + full verb with FACT complements.

hear, see, like, remember | use gomia with ACTION complements (English would use "-ing")

Sometimes when English would use the "to" construction, béu would use the -u participle | remember

Some rubbish

poma = leg

pomas = to kick, pomari = I kicked

pomaswan = liable to kick, fond of kicking

pomonda = good to kick

klonda = worth seeing

To fix up this bit.....Of course we can make two clauses, and have the second clause one element inside the first clause. To do that you must use the particle . Equivalent to one of the uses of "that" in English. basically tells you that the following clause should be treated like a single element, like a single noun.

I should mention sá tà ...

solbe = to drink

heŋgo = to live (or it could mean "a life")

soŋkau = to die (or it could mean "death")

glabu = person

moze = water

moʒi = steam

heŋgola = alive, living

soŋki = dead

..... KENKO

keŋko = salt ... base form ... noun

keŋkua = salty ... adjective

keŋkia = salt-free ... adjective

keŋkari = I added salt ... verb (transitive)

keŋkos = to add salt

kenkoska = to not add salt

..... Examples of prepositions

move these somewhere else

ilai = between

geka = without

= outside of

muka = outside

pika = inside

pòi = to enter or to put in

piwa nambo = go into the house

wiwa toilia di poiho toilicoi = put these book in the bookcase

wiwa toilia di pòin nambo = take these book into the house

wiwa toilia di pòin nambo kyén jeneye = take these book into the house and give to Jane

méu = to exit or to take out ... I guess cat must be mèu

miwa nambo báin = come out of the house, get out of the house

.... -NI, NAI and -GO

pronounced operation label example
-nai adjective => noun "-ness" or "-ity" boinai = goodness
-go noun => adjective, plus adjective => adjective, plus verb => adjective "ish" gla.go = effeminate, hia.go = reddish, bla.go = quarrelsome
gèu green geunai greenness
juga wide jugani width
tumu stupid tumuni stupidity
bòi good boinai goodness
mutu important mutumni importance


= to resemble, to be like

gó dó = to be the exact image of

gla.go = effeminate, hia.go = reddish, bla.go = quarrelsome

Sometimes the -go derived words have negative connotations, as in gal.go

There is a suffix -ka (notice it is not considered a pilana), that often has a positive connotation, sometimes making a couplet with a -go derived word. For example ;-

gla.ka = womanly

kài = to appear, to seem

= appearance

..... Getting the opposite by adding "u"

.... A prefix for adjectives

taitau = many

utaitau = few

mutu = important

umutu = unimportant

.... and a prefix for adverb

nan = for a long time

unan = not for a long time

.... and a prefix for nouns

mezna = to fight

meznana = combatant

umeznana = non-combatant

As in English, not found that often. Sometimes found in rule books.

.... but an infix for verbs

There is a reason why we do not simply prefix u to the verbs also.

kanja = to fold

kunjana = "folding" (an adjective) or "one that folds" (a noun)

ukunjana = "one that doesn't fold"

Suppose we did simply prefix u to the verb. Then "to unfold" would be ukanja, and hence ukanjana would be a noun meaning "one that unfolds". But if you look up a bit, you can see that this form (ukanjana) already has the meaning "one that doesn't fold". This would cause confusion.

kunja to fold kunjua to unfold
laiba to cover laibua to uncover
fuŋga to fasten, to lock fuŋgua to unfasten, to unlock
benda to assemble, to put together bendua to take apart, to disassemble
pauca to stop up, to block paucua to unstop
sensa to weave sensua to unravel
fiŋka to put on clothes, to dress fiŋkua to undress
tasta to tangle tastua to untangle

Note that in any other form but the geladi, the u changes to a w. For example ;-

fiŋkwori = he undressed


  1. Introduction to Béu
  2. Béu : Chapter 1 : The Sounds
  3. Béu : Chapter 2 : The Noun
  4. Béu : Chapter 3 : The Verb
  5. Béu : Chapter 4 : Adjective
  6. Béu : Chapter 5 : Questions
  7. Béu : Chapter 6 : Derivations
  8. Béu : Chapter 7 : Way of Life 1
  9. Béu : Chapter 8 : Way of life 2
  10. Béu : Chapter 9 : Word Building
  11. Béu : Chapter 10 : Gerund Phrase
  12. Béu : Discarded Stuff
  13. A statistical explanation for the counter-factual/past-tense conflation in conditional sentences