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Conlang Relay 20/Xylphika

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Warning: there are spoilers below! Do not read if you are participating in Conlang Relay 20.

This is CJ Miller's Xylphika ttorch from Conlang Relay 20's Ring 2.


Note: A version in the Xylphika alphabet can be found here.

Merenűnesakkun šarű þaimneła han aimatnesatsimat melarikata. Marna ainała yairirű meren, «Kialtel kelari Kauqǔltsa? Cǔošyrali tsut melavval han.»

Marfa «Hé kieleq mein maun.» Marna «Migilonúná meit kiteka melafrša han.»

Cǔmak hat mein han. Cǔmir mein satsimat. Miriná hyaltt aiman. Cǔkuvun qume venket satsima. Kelarűná aimatnesatsimat þaimne inyre. Kemigaraná tsut aima «Ošyrűnátel satsimat?» Marna «Nie.»


Name Type Meaning
inyre Adjective regardless
 -(i)n Case genitive
 -(u)t Case nominative
 -ért Case causative
 -kata Case perlative
 -ła Case adessive
 -ne- Case comitative
 -ša Case inessive
 -val Case instrumental
ya- Case vocative
nie Interjection yes
aima Noun woman
aina Noun time
eleq Noun guest
hyalt Noun host
Kauqǔltsa Noun (proper name)
mei Noun family
melafr Noun opinion
melari Noun coast
sakku Noun intent
satsima Noun man
teka Noun fight
þaimne Noun house
venke Noun evil
cǔ- Particle negative
ki- Particle plural
tel Particle question marker
ha Pronoun first-person singular
kial Pronoun why
mau Pronoun third-person singular (fem./masc./sentient)
tsu Pronoun second-person singular
har Verb be
irir Verb finish
kelar Verb leave
kemigar Verb speak (telepathic)
kuvun Verb want
marf Verb say
meren Verb walk
migilan Verb cause
ošyr Verb like
qum Verb know
šar Verb stay
ali Verb mood dubitative
Verb tense past

Grammar notes

  • Basic word order is verb-subject-object. Adjectives generally follow the nouns they modify.
  • Xylphika is normally an ergative-absolutive language; however, the ttorch was written by a speaker of the Qalanin dialect, which is nominative-accusative, and which marks the nominative instead of the accusative.
  • Verbs are declined as follows. Note that a * before the inflection means that the last consonant of the root is to be mutated (stops becoming fricatives, fricatives becoming nasals, <ň> becoming <r>, and <r> <l> becoming <ř> <ľ>); and that the first-person singular indicative form of the verb is the same as the infinitive.
  indicative imperative declarative
present 1 oy usoy uvoy
2 es ues uves
3 a usa uva
4 (ə) us (ə)fu
future 1 (ə)moy usmoy uvəmoy
2 (ə)mes umes uvəmes
3 (ə)ma usma uvəma
4 (ə)m um (ə)fum
past 1 oyats usoyats uvoyats
2 ets uets uvets
3 ats usats uvats
4 (ə)ts uts uvəts