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Word Glosses Note1 Note2 POS
aiš to excuse, to pardon, to forgive volitional-active verb
ši to speak, to say, to talk volitional-active verb
šiħ away, from implies "from 2nd/there to 3rd/yonder" adverb
ħaš us, you (polite), this mesioproximal pronoun
ħas you, there, then, that mediodistal pronoun
ha'ce to come, to go, to sidewind volitional-passive verb
gs to be, 이다, 是 (identity, property, class) non-volitional-active verb
gwh to breathe non-volitional-active verb
lëha in front, before, between the eyes postp
ñað I, here, now, this proximal pronoun
ñaðro fish, edible aquatic moving creature prey noun
ñaħal muggle prey noun
nës (open) door, doorway, portal non-prey noun
sa to be, to be at, to have, 있다, 有 non-volitional, passive verb
sayha to leave alone, to pass by, meta. to choose not to eat volitional-active verb
swoħ king, basilisk non-prey for a description, see [1] noun
sweh what, who, whom, whose, which interrogative may be used without a verb pronoun
sëł lord, master, owner, snake-charmer non-prey noun
dska sea-serpent non-prey for a description, see [2] noun
dyħal crowd, mob, masses (of humans) collective noun
wis fire mass noun
wył water, clear liquid mass noun
xwah who, whom, which, that, whose relative pronoun
ynš to answer, to respond with the right dance movement non-volitional active frequently appears with Agentive subject to indicate thoughtful answering verb
řinës portkey magical an object enchanted to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location. noun
řædæ runespoor magical see [3] noun
řyis magical fire, ashwinder non-prey a fire of magical origin or perpetuation, or the magical, ensuing creature (for a description, see [4]) noun
¡aa not cannot mean "no" adverb
¡æ'kæ to apologize, to capitulate, to back down from a threat display volitional-passive verb
  1. "The first recorded Basilisk was bred by Herpo the Foul, a Greek Dark wizard and Parselmouth, who discovered after much experimentation that a chicken egg hatched beneath a toad would produce a gigantic serpent possessed of extraordinarily dangerous powers. The Basilisk is a brilliant green serpent that may reach up to fifty feet in length. The male has a scarlet plume upon its head. It has exceptionally venomous fangs but its most dangerous means of attack is the gaze of its large yellow eyes. Anyone looking directly into these will suffer instant death. If the food source is sufficient (the Basilisk will eat all mammals and birds and most reptiles), the serpent may attain a very great age. Herpo the Foul’s Basilisk is believed to have lived for close on nine hundred years. The creation of Basilisks has been illegal since medieval times, although the practice is easily concealed by simply removing the chicken egg from beneath the toad when the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures comes to call. However, since Basilisks are uncontrollable except by Parselmouths, they are as dangerous to most Dark wizards as to anybody else, and there have been no recorded sightings of Basilisks in Britain for at least four hundred years." Fantastic Beasts, p.3-4
  2. "Sea serpents are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean seas. Though alarming in appearance, sea serpents are not known ever to have killed any human, despite hysterical Muggle accounts of their ferocious behaviour. Reaching lengths of up to a hundred feet, the sea serpent has a horselike head and a long snakelike body that rises in humps out of the sea." Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, p.38
  3. "The Runespoor originated in the small African country of Burkina Faso. A three-headed serpent, the Runespoor commonly reaches a length of six or seven feet. Livid orange with black stripes, the Runespoor is only too easy to spot, so the Ministry of Magic in Burkina Faso has designated certain forests unplottable for the Runespoor’s sole use..." Fantastic Beasts, p.36-37
  4. "The Ashwinder is created when a magical fire2 is allowed to burn unchecked for too long. A thin, pale-grey serpent with glowing red eyes, it will rise from the embers of an unsupervised fire and slither away into the shadows of the dwelling in which it finds itself, leaving an ashy trail behind it. The Ashwinder lives for only an hour and during that time seeks a dark and secluded spot in which to lay its eggs, after which it will collapse into dust. Ashwinder eggs are brilliant red and give off intense heat. They will ignite the dwelling within minutes if not found and frozen with a suitable charm. Any wizard realising that one or more Ashwinders are loose in the house must trace them immediately and locate the nest of eggs. Once frozen, these eggs are of great value for use in Love Potions and may be eaten whole as a cure for ague. Ashwinders are found worldwide." Fantastic Beasts, p.2