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Thalassarctian (Mυnnᴥὼμiioι.gif Mυnnᴥὼμiioι, /mu̬nnᵜɔ̬m̬ijoi̬/) is the name given to the last surviving language of the icebears of Frontier.



Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Post-alv. Palatal Velar Focaneal Anticardial Diabrancheal
Nasal m n
Nasal w/rumble mᵜ m̬ᵜ nᵜ n̬ᵜ
Plosive p b t d k ɡ ɡ̌ ᴥ̥ ᴥ̬ ¿
Plosive w/rumble pᵜ bᵜ b̬ᵜ tᵜ dᵜ d̬ᵜ kᵜ ɡᵜ ɡ̌ᵜ
Fricative f s z x H
Affricate pᴴ tᴴ kᴴ
Approximants j ȷ̌
Lateral Approximant l
  • /z/ and /z̬/ are realized as /ɹ/ and /ɹ̬/ in some speakers.


Front Central Back
High i u
High-mid e o
Mid ə ə̬ ɔ ɔ̬
Low a


The symbols /ᴥ ◌̬ ¿ H/ in the charts above refer to sounds characteristic to icebear physiology. The technical terms vary, but the common names for these sounds collectively are 隆隆 lollong or "rumble" among colonists; the icebear name is zὼlαndᴥuunphat /ˈzɔ̬.la̬n.dᵜu.un.pᴴat/, which translates to "warmer sounds". These sounds could be approximated but not duplicated by the terrestrial colonists; their attempts were labelled "coldspeak" (Mυννᴥιbioι /ˈmu̬n̬.n̬ᵜi̬.bjo.i̬/ or, less charitably, Munnibioi /ˈ, and this name was sometimes given to terrestrial language in general.

Icebears have dual vocal apparatuses; the upper corresponds to that known in humans, from mouth to larynx, and the lower comprises a separate set of vocal folds and points of articulation deeper in the icebear throat[check this]. Any sound may thus be voiceless, upper voiced, lower voiced, or double voiced. In Thalassarctian, however, the lower voice alone does not produce distinctive phonemes. The voicing diacritic /◌̬/ is used on a voiced phoneme to indicate the lower voice is also applied.

voiceless upper voice double voice
k ɡ ɡ̌

There are conventionally three points of articulation involved in the lower sounds of Thalassarctian: the focaneum, the anticardion, and the diabranch.

  • The diabranch is the point of articulation for the voiceless stop symbolized as /¿/. The lower voice itself may be referred to as the diabrancheal rumble.
  • The focaneum is the point of articulation for the voiceless fricative /H/, which may also be syllabic. It may also be co-articulated with an upper voiceless stop (symbolized with /ᴴ/).
[+focanealized] kᴴ
[-focanealized] k

  • The anticardion is the point of articulation for the phonemes /ᴥ̥ ᴥ ᴥ̬/, which may be voiceless, voiced, or double-voiced when appearing on its own. These sounds are phonemically counted as stops but it is chiefly the POA and voicing that distinguish them—they may be realized as affricates, fricatives, or approximants. Upper stops may be co-articulated with these sounds, then symbolized as /ᵜ/.
voiceless single voice double voice
[+anticardialization] kᵜ ɡᵜ ɡ̌ᵜ
[-anticardialization] k ɡ ɡ̌


Thalassarctian is transcribed in the Latin alphabet with some additional characters.

Thalassarctian spelling
a α à b bᴥ β βᴥ d dᴥ δ
/a/ /a̬/ /ə/ /ə̬/ /b/ /bᵜ/ /b̬/ /b̬ᵜ/ /d/ /dᵜ/ /d̬/
δᴥ e η f g gᴥ γ γᴥ h i ι
/d̬ᵜ/ /e/ /e̬/ /f/ /ɡ/ /ɡᵜ/ /ɡ̌/ /ɡ̌ᵜ/ /H/ /i/, /j/ /i̬/, /ȷ̌/
k kᴥ kh l λ m mᴥ μ μᴥ n nᴥ
/k/ /kᵜ/ /kᴴ/ /l/ /l̬/ /m/ /mᵜ/ /m̬/ /m̬ᵜ/ /n/ /nᵜ/
ν νᴥ o ω ò p pᴥ ph q s
/n̬/ /n̬ᵜ/ /o/ /o̬/ /ɔ/ /ɔ̬/ /p/ /pᵜ/ /pᴴ/ /ᴥ̥/ /s/
t tᴥ th u υ x z ζ ϙ ¿
/t/ /tᵜ/ /tᴴ/ /u/ /u̬/ /x/ /z/ /z̬/ /ᴥ/ /ᴥ̬/ /¿/


The native script is called pᴥιϙλuϙintᴥu /ˈpᵜi̬ᴥ̬.l̬u.ᴥ̬inᵜ.tᵜu/, generally translated as bubble script, after the appearance of the syllables in careful writing and print. (In informal writing, the script is considerably less geometric.) The script is featural and its inventor is unknown.

Piqluqintu 1.png

Piqluqintu 2.png

Piqluqintu 3.png

Piqluqintu 4.png

Piqluqintu 5.png

Piqluqintu 6.png

Piqluqintu 7.png

Piqluqintu 8.png

Piqluqintu 9.png

Piqluqintu 10.png

Piqluqintu 11.png

Piqluqintu 12.png

Piqluqintu 13.png

Piqluqintu 14.png