Conlang relay

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A conlang relay is a translation game involving conlangs. It is similar to the game called by names such as Telephone or Chinese Whispers, where a message is whispered from person to person, often in the process being changed beyond recognition. Instead of by whispers, in a relay the text is passed by translation: it is translated from the conlang it is received in, into one's own conlang, and then passed to the next person to be translated. The resulting text is generally much changed; a tendency noticed in early relays was for the original texts to mutate into creation myths.

A typical conlang relay takes around a month or two to run, excluding the initial planning phase and delays in publishing the final results (which are unfortunately common). On the relay mailing list one or two relays are run per year.

Current relays

Conlang Relay 18 is technically currently running, though it has been finished modulo the final retranslations and a few stragglers since early March 2011.

The main ring of the LCC4 relay is finished, but the scheduleless Ring B is in essentially the same situation as Relay 18.

Conlang Relay 19 is being planned on the relay mailing list.

Known previous relays, in order of occurrence, are listed in the navigation box below.

External links

Conlang relay
Conlang relays: 1234567891011121314151617181919½202122232425
Forum relays: Conlingual Telephone (ZBB) • Conlanger's broken translation game 12 (Unilang) • Polish Conlang Relay (PFJ) • CBB Conlang Relay2345678910111213141516Audio 1 (CBB)
Other relays: First Planetpii relayInverse Relay 12Conculture Relay 1LCC2LCC3LCC4LCC5LCC6LCC7LCC8dLCCLCC10LCC11Tumblr Conlang Relay 1234
What is a relay?list of relays and participantsedit the TOC aboveedit this template