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Body Parts in Your Conlangs

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A list of the body parts, in the Ttuan language. All words are monosyllables, combined in most cases into pairs or trios. Ttuan is atonal, but pronunciation is precise.

Body: Byae pyin. Blood vessel: Rien tyin. Artery: Rien tyin haing. Vein: Rien tyin hain. Bone: Tuan. Cartilage: Tua Skin: Guo tyi. Muscle: Guong thei. Fat: Pying byae. Blood: Rien. Torso: Byae byae. Chest: Byae kai. Heart: Rieng ghon. Lung: Huōng byae. Abdomen: Ghuong fu. Belly: Fu kai. Stomach: Fu tying. Liver: Puing. Spleen: Hsyu rien. Intestines: Qyon tyi. Waist: Byō paen. Neck: Tsōn dyeng. Extremity: D’ye ve. Head: Dyeng jung. Hair [on head]: Pyang ºō Hair [body]: Pyang ºyō. Ear: Fuin jung. Earhole: Pue fuin. Earlobe: Fuin ghein. Eye: Th’en. Eyeball: Th’en tsōng. Iris: Th’en ssuang. Pupil: Th’en ghon. Sclera: [??] Eyebrow: Hueng shain. Eyelid: Th’en twin. Eyelash: Pyang shain. Eye socket: Th’en jung. Tear gland: Th’en hsyu. Nose: Ssuein. Nostril: Kuie ssuein. Mouth: Kuie khuien. Jaw: Khuien thei. Jaw, upper: cf MAXILLA Jaw, lower: cf MANDIBLE Maxilla (upper jaw): Khuien jung. Mandible (lower jaw): Khuien byuung. Tooth: Tuang (khien). Incisor: Tuang Canine Tooth: Tuang kieng. Molar (and/or premolar?): Tuang zhō. Tongue: Hsueing khuien. Limb: Zhie d’ye. Arm: Dyen. Shoulder: Kyaing. Elbow: Byuung. Wrist: Fie qō. Humerus: Tuan buōng. Biceps: Guong buōng. Arm, upper: Dyen buōng. Forearm: Dyen tong. Hand: Qō. Hands, both: Qōn. Palm: Ghyong qō. Leg: D’ye. Hip: Byō byae. Buttock: Byō chua. Knee: Thyong. Patella: Thyong khuōn. Ankle: Fie ssyun. Thigh: Byōn (dyen, guong, thei). Shank: D’ye ton. Shin: Ton kai. Calf: Ton chuan. Foot: Ssyun. Sole: Ghyong ssyun. Heel: Byuung ssyun. Ball (of foot): Ghyo ssyun ven ºuun. Digit (toe or thumb or finger): Ghyo. Nail: Tua Ghyo. Fingernail: Tua ghyo qō. Toenail: Tua ghyo ssyun. Toe: Ghyo ssyun. Pollex (Big Toe): Tua ghyo ven. Toe, big: cf POLLEX. Little toe: Tua ghyo rain. Other individual toes? [No] Thumb: ºe qō Thumbnail: Tua (thumb). Finger: Ghyo qō. Index finger: Ghyo fyōng. Pinky finger: Ghyo ºe. Middle finger: Ghyo ghon. Ring finger: Ghyon zyin. Vagina: Kuie ºwō. Womb: Kuie tyin. penis: (Twin, tua, paeng, jyōng, …) ºyō Testicle: Jein ºyō. Side (of body): Qin qyain. Ribcage: Qyain tuan. Back (of body): Byae chuan. Posterior: Chua. Anterior: Kai. Left-handed: Gho. Right-handed: Ghong. Bottom (lower): Khin Top (upper): Lyain. Orifices: Kuie. Anus: Kuie hsyae. Urethral meatus: R’ying ºwō rien.