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Kingdom of Ladakh

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The Kingdom of Ladakh
[[]] [[]]
Flag of the Kingdom of Ladakh emblem
map of Ladakh
Capital Leh
Coordinates latitude: 39° 08' 43" N
longitude: 77° 34' 03" E
Head of State His Royal Majesty Tenzin Jigme Namgyal
Head of Government
Demonym Ladakhi
Official Bön Buddhism 94%
Other Krishnaism 4%
Sikhism 2%
Official Ladakhi 77%
Hindi 8%
Punjabi 5%
Founding 842
Independence 1842
Area 45,110 km²
17,417 mi²
Population 134,000
Ethnicities Tibetans 72%
Dards 15%
Sikhs 8%
Hindus 5%
Currency 1 Himalayan Rupee (Rs) = 20 sukaa (s) = 240 paisa (p)
Time zone UTC +6:00
Telephone Code
Aviation LDK
Amateur radio LDK
Radio prefix LDK
Organizations Himalayan Confederacy


Texts in bold print are points of departure.

Rock carvings found in many parts of Ladakh show that the area has been inhabited from Neolithic times. Ladakh's earliest inhabitants consisted of a mixed Indo-Aryan population of Mons and Dards, who find mention in the works of Herodotus, Nearchus, Megasthenes, Pliny, Ptolemy, and the geographical lists of the Puranas. Around the first century, Ladakh was a part of the Kushan Empire. Buddhism spread into western Ladakh from Kashmir in the second century when much of eastern Ladakh and western Tibet were still practicing the Bön religion. One of the five principal spiritual schools of Tibetan Buddhism, it remains the predominant religion of the kingdom. The seventh century Buddhist traveler Xuanzang also describes the region in his accounts.

In the eighth century, Ladakh was involved in the clash between Tibetan expansion pressing from the east and Chinese influence exerted from Central Asia through the passes. Suzerainty over Ladakh frequently changed hands between China and Tibet.

In 842, upon the dissolution of the Tibetan empire, Nyima-Gon, a Tibetan royal representative, annexed Ladakh for himself and founded a separate Ladakhi dynasty. During this period Ladakh acquired a predominantly Tibetan population. The dynasty promoted the second spreading of Buddhism (the first being the one in Tibet itself), importing religious ideas from northwest India, particularly from Kashmir.

In 912, Nyi-ma-mon, a great-grandson of Langdarma, the last king of the Tibetan Kingdom of Tubo, established a kingdom in Ngari and annexed Purang and Guge. Before dying, he divided his lands into three parts. His eldest son, Dal-gyi-mon, became the ruler of Mar-yul (Ladakh), his second son, Bra-shis-mon, received Guge-Purang, and the third son, Le-tsug-mon, received Zanskar.

Faced with the Islamic intrusions into South Asia in the thirteenth century, Ladakh sought guidance in religious matters from Tibet. For nearly two centuries, until the beginning of the seventeenth century, Ladakh was subject to raids and invasions from neighbouring Muslim states, which led some Ladakhis to convert to Islam who then fled to India.

In 1470, Lhachen Bhagan, the king of Basgo, overthrew the king of Leh, reuniting and strengthening Ladakh. He took the surname Namgyal and founded the Namgyal dynasty which survives to today. The Namgyals repelled raiders from Central Asia and temporarily extended the kingdom as far as Nepal.

In the early seventeenth century efforts were made to restore destroyed artifacts and gompas and the kingdom expanded into Zanskar and Spiti. In 1616, Sengge Namgyal conquered many parts of the Tibetan Plateau to the east. He died in 1642 on his return from an expedition against the Mongols who had occupied the Tibetan province of Tsang and were threatening Ladakh. However, despite a defeat by the Mughals, who had already annexed Kashmir and Baltistan, Ladakh retained its independence.

In the late seventeenth century, Ladakh sided with Bhutan in its dispute with Tibet which resulted in its being invaded by Tibet. During the reign of Delegs Namgyal (1660–1685), the raja of Kashmir, at the time a province in the Mogul Empire, arranged for the Tibetan army to leave Ladakh. As payment for the assistance, the raja made conditions, one of which was to build a large Sunni Muslim mosque in Leh. He also required that the Ladakhi king convert to Islam. The Treaty of Tismogang in 1684 settled the dispute between Tibet and Ladakh, but severely restricted Ladakh's independence, although the king returned to the Bön religion.

In 1839, the Dogras under Zorawar Singh, a general of Ranjit Singh, invaded and annexed Ladakh. In 1842, a Ladakhi rebellion re-established the kingdom's independence and restored the Namgyal king to the throne. During the period of occupation, the deposed king had been given the jagir of Stok. This has remained the personal property of the King of Ladakh.

In 1990, a new constitution was promulgated.

The Yarlung Kings of Ladakh

Name Relationship Reign Died Notes
Nyima Gon founds first Ladakh dynasty
1) Palgye Gon son of Nyima Gon
king of Ngari
960-990 990
2) Drogon son of 1) 990-1020 1020
3) Drakpa De son of 2) 1020-1050 1050
4) Changchub Sempa son of 3) 1020-1080 1080
5) Gyalpo son of 4) 1080-1100 1100
6) Utpala son of 5) 1110-1140 1140 conquers Kulu, Mustang, and parts of Baltistan
7) Naglug son of 6) 1140-1170 1170
8) Gebhe son of 7) 1170-1200 1200
9) Jodor son of 8) 1200-1230 1230
10) Tashi Gon son of 9) 1230-1260 1260
11) Kunga Namgyal son of 10) 1260-1290 1290
12) Jopal son of 11) 1290-1320 1320
13) Ngodrup son of 12) 1320-1350 1350
14) Jowo Rinchen son of 13) 1350-1380 1380
15) Lhachen Sherab son of 14) 1380-1420 1420
16) Lhachen Tritsug De son of 15) 1420-1459 1459
17) Lhachen Drakbum De son of 16) 1420-1460 1460 king of Leh
18) Lhachen Drakpa Bum son of 16) 1459-1470 1470 king of Rabten Lhatse
19) Lodro Chogden son of 17) 1460-1500 deposed
20) Lhachen Bhara son of 17) 1500-1540 king of Rabten Lhatse
21) Lhachen Bhagan son of 20) 1540-1555
22) Lhachen Lawang Namgyal son of 21) 1555-1575 1575 deposed
23) Tashi Namgyal son of 21) 1575-1595 1595 repels Central Asian invaders
24) Tsewang Namgyal I son of 22) 1595-1616 1616 extends kingdom as far as Nepal
25) Jamyang Namgyal son of 22) 1616-1623 1623 unsuccessful efforts by Kashmir to convert nation to Islam
26) Senge Namgyal son of 25) 1623-1624
27) Norbu Namgyal son of 25) 1624-1642 ???
Senge Namgyal son of 25) 1642-1694 1694 restored; conquers Zanskar and Spiti; defeated by Mughals; defeats Mughals in Baltistan; sides with Bhutan against Tibet; settles dispute with Tibet; independence restricted
28) Deden Namgyal son of 26) 1694-1729 1729
29) Nyima Namgyal son of 28)'s son
Delek Namgyal
1729-1739 1739
30) Dekyong Namgyal son of 29) 1739-1753 1753
31) Phuntsok Namgyal son of 30) 1753-1782 1782
32) Tsewang Namgyal II son of 31) 1781-1802 1802
33) Tseten Namgyal son of 32) 1802-1837 1837
34) Tsepal Namgyal son of 32) 1837 deposed by Jammu
35) Tsewang Rabten Namgyal son of 34) 1837-1839 co-ruler 1830-1837
Tsepal Namgyal son of 32) 1842- to Sikh Kashmir 1839-1842; restored
36) Kunga Namgyal son of 35) 1842-1877 1877
37) ??? Namgyal son of 36) 1877-1905 1905
38) ??? Namgyal son of 37) 1905-1938 1938
39) Jigme Wangchuk Namgyal son of 38) 1938-1978
40) Tenzin Jigme Namgyal son of 39) 1978-


  • The ruler of Ladakh has the titles His Royal Majesty King of Ladakh, of Basgo and Leh, jagirdar of Stok.
  • The wife of the king, the queen, has the style of Her Royal Majesty.
  • The heir apparent, the crown prince, has the style of His Royal Highness.
  • The younger sons and daughters of the king have the style of Their Royal Highnesses.

Rule of Succession

Male primogeniture among the legitimate descendants of King Lhachen Bhagan.


The Tibetan name for the region is la-dwags meaning "land of high passes".



Capital Area Population Prefectures
Leh (L) Leh 45,100 km²
17,413 mi²
117,000 Nubra (LN)
Khalsi (LK)
Leh (LL)
Kharo (LR)
Durabk (LD)
Nyoma (LM)
Diskit (LT)
Kargil (K) Kargil 14,086 km²
5,439 mi²
119,000 Sarku (KS)
Chiktan (KC)
Shargole (KG)
Taisu (KT)
Zanskar (KZ)
Drass (KD)
Kargil (KK)

Thus, the total area of the kingdom is 59,186 km² (22,852 mi²), somewhat smaller than the American state of West Virginia.



Based, as much as possible, on World Map 2001.

Ladakh is bordered by on the:

North: Tibet
East: Tibet
South: Tibet
Southwest: Jammu
West: Jammu, Kashmir

The Kingdom of Ladakh is contiguous with *here's* Ladakh in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, including the Siachen Glacier and the Demchok region. It does not include Aksai Chin.


  • The climate of Ladakh displays great diversity. In the summer there is an average temperature in the range of approximately -3° C to 30° C. *Ladakh experiences extremely cold winters with heavy snowfall. The average temperature in the winter season is somewhere around -20° C to 15° C. The sun's effect is harsher in the winter due to the rarified air.



  • The original inhabitants of Ladakh were Tibetans who immigrated into the region from the east. They still make up 72% of the population. They brought with them the variety of Buddhism known as Bön. An Indo-European people, known as Dards immigrated from the north. They make up about 15% of the population and have become Bön Buddhists.
  • More recent immigrants from the south include Hindus and Sikhs. The Sikhs, 5% of the population, are the remnant of the brief occupation by the Sikh R.S. and are practitioners of the Udasi sect of Sikhism. They live mainly in the northern part of the Province of Kargil, although some live in the capital cities of Kargil and Leh. Most of them work in the business world or are in civil service. Their language Punjabi is one of the official languages of the kingdom.
  • The other group of immigrants from the south are the Indians, 8% of the population, who remained behind after the fall of the Moghul Empire. Most of them live in the southern part of the Province of Kargil and work the land. Their language Hindi is one of the official langauges of the kingdom. They are members of the Krishnaite sect of Hinduism.


National symbols

  • National mammal: Markhor (Capra falconeri)
  • National bird: Black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis]
  • National flower: Brahma Kamal (Sausurrea obvallata)
  • National tree: Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara)
  • National dish: sku (noodle stew, with or without mutton)
  • National emblem:
  • National aviation roundel:
  • National instrument:
  • National colors: sky blue and green

Ladakhi holidays

(Dates in italics are postponed)

Date Name Notes
14 February Losar New Year
The King's Birthday
28 February Chotrul Düchen Butter Lamp Festival (2010 only)
21 March Father's Day
27 May Suga Dawa Düchen The Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvana (2010 only)
21 June Guru Rinpoche's Birthday
15 July Chokhor Düchen The Buddha's First Sermon (2010 only)
24 August Ulambana Ancestor Day (2010 only)
23 September Thri-bab Blessed Rainy Day (2010 only)
17 October Dashain Victory of the Goddess Durga (2010 only)
29 October Lhabab Düchen The Buddha's Descent to Earth (2010 only))
6 November



Flora and fauna