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Tsakxa pronouns

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Pronouns in Tsakxa mark case and number regularly.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns do not change for gender, but have emphatic and vocative forms, in addition to taking the same case clitics as nouns.

Basic forms

These forms are used in all contexts in which the other pronouns cannot be used. They are used when the pronoun is an argument of a verb, except when the pronoun is serving as topic or focus:

Singular Dual Plural
First person su su-f su-wa
Second person uʔ-ef u-wa
Third person aʔ-ef aʔ-uwa

These pronouns can then have the case suffixes applicable to Tsakxa nouns attached to them, as in u-wa-kxa (we deliberately), u-wa-ta (with us).

Emphatic pronouns

These pronouns are used in topical (i.e. initial) position:

Singular Dual Plural
First person a-su a-s-ef a-swa
Second person as-uʔ as-uf a-wa
Third person as-aʔ as-af a-swa

For example:

A-su-ø se-pesh-as - if I were a rich man
A-swa tas-tas-el ta-ma - he's definitely looking at us

Vocative forms

Singular Dual Plural
Second person et-uʔ et-uf et-wa

The vocative forms are used to call attention to the speaker. For example:

Et-uf! - You two!

Demonstrative pronouns

Distance from speaker
this that yonder
Ergative nxu ep e
Absolutive nxa a ate
Adverbial (s-)u- (s-)a- (s-)e-

The ergative and absolutive demonstratives are used as would be expected, whilst the adverbial demonstratives are used as a base for locative and other case markings.

Ep - That thing
U-atqe - Under that thing

The prefix s- + adverbial + locative suffix creates pronouns with the meaning of 'the thing (preposition) that thing':

Su-atqe - the thing under that thing