Naeso/Dictionary/Naeso-English dictionary

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Just ported from wikispaces - probably want to convert to a table.

A - B - Bv - D - Dj - Dz - E - F - G - I - J - K - L - M - N - Nh - O - P - Pf - S - T - Th - Ts - Tth - U - V - Y - Z


-am - progressive aspect suffix (it's not yet decided if the aspect suffixes are derivational or inflectional)

aoge - earth (planet)


bam - preposition for subordinate clauses (use like this: bam verb noun noun)

bel - they

benh - again

-bi - genitive suffix

bu - neutral agent preposition (can be used in place of the experiencer preposition with an inanimate noun phrase, or in place of the agent or experiencer prepositions for being neutral on whether the action is voluntary)

bunh - recipient (used for e.g. She gave it to me)



dakai - network

do - language

doize - conlang

dol - red

dola - fire

dovui - fish


djuvu - world



eana - Hello



gel - blue

gelan - water


ian - cat

ilki - IRC

inatuesu - welcome

inhtha - to enter, to connect

ipu - he/she/they (third person singular, participant in current IRC chat)

ize - self-made


-ja - perfective aspect suffix (it's not yet decided if this is derivational or inflectional)

jan - word

je - she

jen - experiencer preposition (marks an animate noun phrase whose referent is involuntarily undergoing a process or in a state denoted by the verb, e.g. "He sleeps")

jia - to speak/say/type a block text in IRC

jim - purple

jithi - white


kal - bye / see you

kelsa - to participate in a chat

kim - from (moving out of or away from, e.g., I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee; contrast with proposed source prepositions)

ku - agent preposition (marks the noun phrase whose referent is doing the action of the verb deliberately, e.g. "She hits it")


lavao - to write

-li - interrogative mood

lol - to laugh

luena - Farewell/Sayonara

lynh - inclusive we (speaker and addressee(s), possibly others as well)


min - subjective genitive/oblique agent preposition (used for e.g. my joining the IRC channel, the editing of the wiki page by you

mivo - human being


naeso - local

najan' - another (of the same kind); more, extra

non - to (in the direction of, to a person, to a place)


nha - hi


onan - man (adult human male)

ona - woman (adult human female)


pae - you (singular, someone who recently joined the IRC channel)

pan - focus preposition (marks the object of an agent or experiencer's attention, e.g. "He looks at it" or "She remembers it")

piuda - computer



sanzu - to read

si - I, singular

sifi - unreliable

silzu - page (of website); section, chapter (of book); round (of game)

sim - exclusive we (speaker and others, not including listener(s))

soenu - book; major online document like a conlang's grammar

sou - to be

sunhsa - to edit, change, modify, tinker with

syn - in (located inside of)


takam - chatroom

-ti - collective (a systematic grouping of things, not just more than one of them; kind of like Esperanto "-ar")

tue - objective genitive/oblique patient or focus preposition (used for e.g. the editing of the wiki page by you, during my watching of Star Trek)

tyma - he/she/they (third person singular, non-IRC-member)


tha - you (singular, someone who's been part of the conversation for a while)

thana - to thank

the - he

thenh - earth (material)

thyl - source (used for e.g. I bought it from her, She gave it to me)




uan - dog


va - patient or object-of-result preposition (marks a thing affected by the verb's action, or brought into existence by it, e.g. "She hits it")


y - you (familiar, singular)

yl - he/she/they (third person singular, sometime IRC member who is offline at the moment)


zaevu - sentence

ze - undefined third person singular

zelthi - to make, create, invent

-zo - inceptive aspect suffix (it's not yet decided if the aspect suffixes are derivational or inflectional)

General:VotingMember listAn Introduction to Naeso
Phonology and orthography:PhonologyStressOrthographyTransliteration
Lexicon and corpus:Naeso-EnglishEnglish-NaesoProposed wordsSwadeshNamesCorpus of SentencesMath
Conlang relay torches:LCC4 Relay
This page is part of the project Naeso. We meet up to discuss changes in 'real time' in #naeso on Freenode.