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Má šik mila ér? - Who is that woman?

- Hans: Pétr, má šik mila ér?
- Pétr: Žana Peta, vjéša kijunu máwriw
- Hans: Vnosum méra ér.
- Pétr: De, méra ér. Hijuneton nénet domešvi eruke ši hijunyjon vlohšy dlyg ši vryn eruk.
- Hans: Ši šik mon blúz Žanajot?
- Pétr: Hiju monson ér. Za osterajčar indžiner ér. Firmajot Vínot twače.
- Hans: Delwa ér. Méra džisma eruke. Ši héj mijčunon awto ér?
- Pétr: De!
- Hans: Ši píkuj mijču esuk?
- Pétr: Džis. Pali yšy mijčunan vikšteja esuk ši mánéj lučery mijčunan vokeša esuk.
- Hans: Swot skjaček?
- Pétr: Vínot, ýbo čuk lójo firmawo vojunon mjáwejot stoltuke. Žana vnosum fami ér, méske hijuneton lájačanet, hijun marí ši bányjon hijuny nalájačany ájot skjaček.

- Hans: Pétr, who is that woman?
- Pétr: Žana Peta, a friend of my sister
- Hans: She's very beautiful.
- Pétr: Yes, she's beautiful. Her eyes are azure and her hair are long and black.
- Hans: And that man near Žana?
- Pétr: He's her husband. He's an Austrian engineer. He works in a company in Vienna.
- Hans: He's nice. They are a beautiful couple. And that is their car?
- Pétr: Yes!
- Hans: And do they have children?
- Pétr: Two. Their daughter is 4 years old, and their son some months old.
- Hans: Where do they live?
- Pétr: In Vienna, but now they open a new company in our country. Žana is very happy, because her parents, her brother and all her relatives live here.

Bány čésy nálu ši medol in dignità e diritti lačukis. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.