Čalžot Dá ono bálo ši ono páno žalvuv. Ona pána bášt ét esev ší héj kilkane erev, ši ó mlopeče the depth covered ší the spirit Dáw af onas ačas flew. Dá lolev: «Ó váne era». Ši ó váne erev. Dá sáljev ža ó váne dén erev ši ono vánewo ód ono mlopešewo separated ši vanewo “fádwo” ši mlopečewo “štádwo” wámev. Ši it was evening and it was morning: first day. God said «Be the sky in the middle of the waters so that it can separate waters form waters». God created the sky and separate the water, that are under the sky, from water that are over the sky. And so it happened. God called it “heaven”. And it was evening and it was morning: second day. God said: «The water, that are under the sky, must come together in an only place and appear the dry land». And so it happened. God called the dry land “earth” and the reunited water “sea”. And God saw it was a good thing. And God said «The Earth will produce offshoots, grasses which can produce seed, and fruit trees, which will produce fruits with seed over the earth». And so it happened: the earth produced offshoots, grasses which produce seed, and trees that produce fruits with seed. God saw it was a good thing. And it was evening and it was morning: third day.
Bány čésy nálu ši medol in dignità e diritti lačukis. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.