- Vojun nát, eráv bálot
- Townon úk svútutolas
- Townon krišpót atja
- Townon šalja toljas
- Džú bálot džu pánot
- Lakfadžo vojay vojunon banfadžáro bágwo kál
- Ši vojay vojunyojon plačoy gwalč
- Džu vój vojunyajon plajačošoy mijo gwalčen
- Ši vojo gorávtjámás ét majv
- Ýbo vojo ód gráwno nálutol.
- Amen
Bánon výr nókwon móro malžev ši medmojoyn porejoy nošev.
Kapálád okátjavy, ony čésy žylvanajás onot pánot Šinearot asátjuvek ši cefátevek.
Mí lolevek «Átjač, some bricks cooked with the fire toljen!» Noševek bricks instead of stones and bitumen instead of lime
Mí lolevek «Átjač, let's build a high tower until the sky, we get famous, so that we will not disperse all over the world»
The Lord went down and saw the tower and the city, the sons of men were building
The Lord said «Watch, they are an unique population and speak an unique language; this is the beginning of their work: now they can do all that they want»
«Go down and mix their language, so that nobody understand the language of the other one»
And the Lord dispersed them all over the wold and they stop the construction of the city.
So the Lord gave the city the name of Babel, because there the Lord mixed the language of the entire world and from there He dispersed them all over the world.