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Old High Jermench (MGR)

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Old High Jermench
Spoken in: Kingdom of Germany / Holy Roman Empire
Conworld: Mundus Germaniae Romanae
Total speakers: unknown
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
Old High Jermench
Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: nominative-accusative
Writing system:
Created by:
P Collier, BP Jonsson 2006+


The term Old High Jermench (OHJ) refers to the earliest stage of the Jermench language and it conventionally covers the period from around 500 to 1050 CE. Coherent written texts do not appear until the second half of the 8th century, and some treat the period before 750 as 'prehistoric' and date the start of OHJ proper to 750 for this reason.

The main difference between OHJ and the Northern-Romance dialects from which it developed is that it underwent the High Jermench Consonant Shift. This is generally dated very approximately to the late 5th and early 6th centuries - hence dating the start of OHJ to around 500. The result of this sound change is that the consonant system of Jermench remains different from all other Northern Romance languages, including {Rom-English} and Low Jermench. Grammatically, however, OHJ remained very similar to Old {Rom-English}, Old {Rom-Dutch} and Old {Rom-Low Saxon}.

By the mid 11th century the many different vowels found in unstressed syllables had all been reduced to 'e'. Since these vowels were part of the grammatical endings in the nouns and verbs, their loss led to radical simplification of the inflectional grammar of Jermench. For that reason, 1050 is seen as the start of the Middle High Jermench period.

Modern Descendants



Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p   b t   d k   g
Affricate p͡f     t͡s    
Fricative f   v θ     s   z x     h
Approximant w j
Trill r
Lateral l

¹The stop allophones occured in initial position or when geminated. In other positions b d and g are realised as fricatives.

  1. There is wide variation in the consonant systems of the OHJ dialects arising mainly from the differing extent to which they are affected by the High Jermench Consonant Shift. Precise information about the articulation of consonants is impossible to establish.
  2. In the plosive and fricative series, where there are two consonants in a cell, the first is fortis the second lenis. The voicing of lenis consonants varied between dialects.
  3. /θ/ changes to /d/ in all dialects during the 9th century.
  4. OHJ has long consonants, and the following double consonant spellings indicate not vowel length as in Modern Jermench orthography, but rather genuine double consonants: pp, bb, tt, dd, ck (for /kk/), gg, ff, ss, hh, zz, mm, nn, ll, rr.


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Near-high ɪ ʊ
High-mid e
Low-mid ɛ   ɛː ɔ   ɔː
Low a   aː

Phonological History



1st Declension

Group Ia


1st Declension – Group Ia
Singular Plural
Nominative – a – as
Accusative – a – as
Genitive – â – âr
Dative – â – îs

Group Ia


1st Declension – Group Ia
Singular Plural
Nominative – a – as
Accusative – a – as
Genitive – â – âr
Dative – â – îs

Group II


1st Declension – Group II
Singular Plural
Nominative – as
Accusative – as
Genitive – s – âr
Dative – â – îs

The following Latin paradigm declines per the above:

  • crambē, crambes

2nd Declension

Group I

Masculine, including originally neuter Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd declension.

2nd Declension – Group I
Singular Plural
Nominative – ī
Accusative – s
Genitive – s – ōr
Dative – ī – īs

The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:

  • rēte, rētis
  • pater, patris
  • *nōme, nōminis (< nōmen, nōminis)
  • opus, operis

Group II

Masculine, including originally feminine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd declension.

2nd Declension – Group II
Singular Plural
Nominative – s – ī
Accusative – s
Genitive – s – ōr
Dative – ī – īs

The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:'

  • amnis, amnis
  • *animālis, *animālis (< animāl, animālīs)
  • *amantis, amantis (< amans, amantis)
  • *ossus, ossis (< os, ossis)
  • *āeris, āeris (< āēr, āeris)
  • *hērōis, hērōis (< hērōs, hērōis)
  • *Periclis, Periclis (<Periclēs, Periclis)
  • *poēmatis, poēmatis (< poēma, poēmatis)

Group III

Masculine, including originally feminine or neuter Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 2nd and 4th declensions.

2nd Declension – Group III
Singular Plural
Nominative – s – ī
Accusative – s
Genitive – ī – ōr
Dative – īs

The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:

  • modus, modī
  • Lūcius, Lūcī
  • *Dēlus, Dēlī (< Dēlos, Dēlī)
  • *dōnus, dōnī (< dōnum, dōnī)
  • portus, *portī (< portus, portūs)
  • *genūus, *genuī (< genū, genūs)

Group IV

Masculine, including originally feminine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 2nd declension.

2nd Declension – Group IV
Singular Plural
Nominative – ī
Accusative – s
Genitive – ī – ōr
Dative – īs

The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:

  • liber, librī
  • puer, puerī

3rd Declension

Feminine, including originally masculine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd and 5th declensions.

4th Declension
Singular Plural
Nominative – s – s
Accusative – s
Genitive – s
Dative – ī – ius

The following Latin paradigms decline per the above

  • *clādis, clādis (< clādēs, clādis)
  • *urbis, urbis (< urbs, urbis)
  • *laudis, laudis (< laus, laudis)
  • *aetātis, aetātis (< aetās, aetātis)
  • rēs, *reis (< rēs, reī)
  • *Naiadis, Naiadis (< Naias, Naiadis)
  • *mōris, mōris (< mōs, mōris)
  • *ratiōnis, ratiōnis (< ratiō, ratiōnis)



Indicative Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation
3rd Conjugation
4th Conjugation

Subjunctive Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation
3rd Conjugation
4th Conjugation

Imperative Mood

Infinitive and Past Participles

Auxilliary Verbs

Eszar (to be)

Singular Plural
1st person sou soums
2nd person es ests
3rd Person est suntz

Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person duī doums
2nd person dustī dusts
3rd Person duz dourntz

Eszar was used in conjunction with a passive participle to create the passive voice.

The passive participle agrees in gender with the patient. For example, ella est cunâmâzza (she is loved), el duz cuntâts (it was given).

Hâbeir (to have)

Singular Plural
1st person hâb hâbeims
2nd person hôs hâbeits
3rd Person houz hôntz

Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person houuuî houuueims
2nd person houuuistî houuuists
3rd Person houuut houuueirntz

The present tense of hâbeir was used in conjunction with a past participle to create the perfect: iu hâb cundouz (I have been).

The preterite of hâbeir was used in conjunction with a past participle to create the pluperfect: uuus houuueims cunuuintz (we had come).

UUienîr (to come)

Singular Plural
1st person uuien uuienîms
2nd person uuienîs uuienîzzîs
3rd Person uuienaz uuienantz

Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person uuinuuî uuinuueims
2nd person uuinuuistî uuinuuists
3rd Person uuinuz uuinuueirntz

The present tense of uuienîr was used in conjunction with an infinitive to create the future: zû uuienîs intûzar (you will lead).

The preterite of uuienîr was used in conjunction with an infinitive to create the conditional (i.e. 'future-in-the-past): iu uuinuuî ferdounâr (I would forgive).

Sample Texts

Sacramenta Argentariae

The Sacramenta Argentariae are the pledges of allegiance taken in 842 by Louis the German and his brother Charles the Bald. As well as their allegiance to each other, Louis and Charles pledged their opposition to the Emperor, their elder brother Lothair.

According to our chief source for the meeting, Nithard's De dissensionibus filiorum Ludovici pii (On the Dissensions of the Sons of Louis the Pious), each king swore the oath not in Latin but in the vernacular of the other's kingdom, in front of the assembled armies, which then made their pledge in their own languages. The first oath is in a variety of old Gallo-Romance, the ancestor of Old French; The second is in Old High Jermench. They are one of the first texts we have written in Romance languages clearly distinct from Latin.

Pro Deo amur et pro Christian poblo et nostro commun salvament, d'ist di in avant, in quant Deus savir et podir me dunat, si salvarai eo cist meon fradre Karlo et in aiudha et in cadhuna cosa, si cum om per dreit son fradra salvar dift, in o quid il me altresi fazet, et ab Ludher nul plaid numquam prindrai, qui, meon vol, cist meon fradre Karle in damno sit
Fôr Iî âmarî ez louis cristânî foaflî ez nôstrâ ambôs sâlûzzî, tei ikchlouî iurn ah âbantz, in sî mouî Ius seffanza ah foatsâz ferdaz, sî uuard iu ekchlou mou drazar, sîht hôm âbad teiriht sou drazar tiuz, in lâ cî el mei sî meizzêma daz, ez âbad Luozzâr in nurr côsa nei soubîr, lâ mâ uuuonzâz souî nôzeir uuienaz.