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Scekoah Faraneit

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This is the dialect spoken in the city of Scekoah and throughout the Southwestern area of Lescealh.


  Bilabial Labio-Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular
Stop p  b   t  d     k q
Nasal m   n        
Fricative   f  v s  z [ʃ]  ʒ ç x χ
Lateral Flap     ɬ l        
  • The phonemicity of [ʃ] is highly in doubt as it only contrasts with /ʒ/ prior to /a/, and only contrasts with /ç/ word finally.
  • Monophthongs: /a ɛ e ɪ i ɔ o ʊ u/
  • Diphthongs: [ə ia) ua) ai) ei) au) ou)]
    • The phonemicity of these is in doubt because they only appear directly prior to /χ/
  • Allophony:
    • /si zi ti di/ > [ɕi ʑi tɕ)i ʑi]
    • /f s/ > [v z] medially
    • /b d v z ʒ/ > [p t f s ʃ] word finally
    • /ni/ > /ɲi/
    • /'a 'e 'o/ > [a: e: o:]
    • Other vowels slightly center when stressed
    • /xa/ > [χa]

Colloquial Register

In the colloquial register, however, /χ/ not only deletes but often signifies where to split a morpheme or word, dropping the half following the /χ/ as well as that phoneme itself. As such, the diphthongs may be analyzed as phonemic as they then contrast with other vowels.

However, this innovation is not present outside of Scekoah itself, and there is indisputably relagated to the colloquial register.

Lhezoat Dialect

In the city of Lhezoat, a single shift has radically altered the vowel system. The vowel clusters /ei eɪ/ became analyzed as [e:] and /ou oʊ/ as [o:], regardless of stress. As a result, these two new phonemes add a dimension of vowel length to the system. Interestingly, the distinction between them and their "short" equivalents is very precarious, as both /'e 'e:/ are realized as [e:].

Cohut Dialect

In this smaller still settlement, the interesting development is the alternatively development of /au) ai)/ which became /ɑ: æ:/ combined with the realization of /χ/ as [χ h] or dropped in free variation, making this semi-phonemic.

Sound Changes from Standard Lescealh Faraneit

  • l ɭ > ɬ ɬ˞ > l ɬ˞ > l ɬ
  • aʀ ɛʀ eʀ ɪʀ iʀ > æɐ)ʀ əʀ eɛ)ʀ əʀ iɪʀ > ai)χ əχ ei)χ əχ ia)χ
  • ɔʀ oʀ ʊʀ uʀ > ɑɐ)ʀ oɔ)ʀ ɘʀ uʊ)ʀ > au)χ ou)χ ɘχ ua)χ
  • ʀ > χ
  • θ ð > s z
  • si zi ti di > ɕi ʑi tɕ)i ʑi
  • VsV VfV > z v
  • d# b# v# z# ʒ# > t p f s ʃ

Grammatical Differences