Mracian orthography of Slevan

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The Mrácian orthography for Slvanjec

Modern Mrácian Description
á, é, í, ó, ú, ý â, ê, î, ô, oû, û Long vowels are marked with acute accent in the modern orthography but with circumflex in the Mrácian orthography.
c ç The sound /ts/ was consistently denoted by Ç ç, e.g. çêch, modern cék.
ch j/ch The sound /x/ was consistently denoted by J j, except before another consonant at the beginning of a word, where it was denoted by Ch ch e.g. Chrxtân, modern Chrsztán.
cz c/ci/ic The sound /tʃ/ was consistently denoted by C c before the vowels e, ê, i, î, and by Ci ci before other vowels. Before other consonants and at the end of words it is denoted by ic.
dj d/di/id The sound /ɟ/ was consistently denoted by C c before the vowels i and î, and by Di di before other vowels, including e and ê. Before other consonants and at the end of words it is denoted by id.
g g/gh The sound /g/ was denoted by Gh gh before the vowels e, ê, i, î, and by G g before other vowels and consonants.
i and í i/iu and î/îu The sound /i/ was denoted by I i, and its long counterpart /i:/ by Î î, except when followed by an unpalatalized c /k/, d /d/, g /g/, l /ɫ/, n /n/ or t /t/, where they are spelled iu and îu respectively.