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User talk:Muke

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[Talk about me here, yo.]

LOL. This is Trebor Jung of Conlang. Is this Wiki for your own personal use or can anyone post stuff on their conlangs and/or conworlds? You can reply to me at treborjung at free dot fr. Thanks.

Anyone can feel free to post here. :x) —Muke Tever | 11:32, 24 Jun 2004 (PDT)

Trebor again. How do you make tables in Wikipedia? I've seen examples but they look complicated... Thanks. 28 June 2004 14:55 EST

If you know how, you can use HTML to make tables. Otherwise, there is a simpler wiki table markup described in brief at FrathWiki:How does one edit a page, and a detailed description of a the table formats the wiki understands at MediaWiki User's Guide: Using tables. If that's still not clear, you could mark what needs tabulated, and I could give working on it a shot. —Muke Tever | 13:16, 28 Jun 2004 (PDT)

Thanks. Please make tables at Kasin for consonants and vowels (please add place of articulation; you can delete the X-Sampa representation), and at Kosi for these: Consonants, Vowels, (again please add POA), Cases, Possession, Demonstratives, Aspects, Moods, Voices, Derivation, and Lexicon . Much appreciated!

I tried creating a table for Kosi's vowels. How does it look? (Because I'm visually impaired I can't actually check it myself.) --Trebor, 29 June 2004, 18:00 EST

It looks all right, except the purpose of the rounded / unrounded line confuses me — the way it lines up it shows "Unrounded" in the same column as "Mid", and "Rounded" in the same column as "Front" (so that i and e seem to be classed as front rounded vowels). I'd fix it now but I can't quite make out which cells "Rounded" and "Unrounded" are intended to head (it might need a little more reformatting). —Muke Tever | 15:30, 29 Jun 2004 (PDT)

Whoops. Here are Kosi's vowels and their X-Sampa equivalents: i /i/, ü /y/, û /M/, u /u/, e /e/, ö /2/, y /@/, jo /jo/, ô /7/, o /o/, a /a/, ja /ja/. And could you also help me with tables for Kosi Cases, Possession, Demonstratives, Aspects, Moods, Voices, Derivation, and Lexicon (Lexicon headings: Kosi, Etymology, English; you can remove the brackets and < for the etymology. Also, could you make a vowel table and grammatical structures table at Kasin. Thanks! Or if you like, I'll try making tables and you can check them? --Trebor, 12:27 EST, 30 June 2004

I'm working on them by and by. —Muke Tever | 11:53, 30 Jun 2004 (PDT)

Oh, I see.

How come when I enter in an accent with Alt codes (e.g. o-trema alt+0246), the page goes out of forms mode without having saved my changes? Annoying. --Trebor, 19:24, 30 June 2004

My guess is your number lock is off, thus instead of the alt-46 at the end it's reading it as alt-left and alt-right (go back a page, then go forward again) — if I do that in IE it will erase changes that I've made. If that's not the problem, I'm not sure offhand what else it could be. —Muke Tever | 17:51, 30 Jun 2004 (PDT)

That's strange, I just tried alt+0246 and it worked. But my numb lock was on when I noticed this problem yesterday too (AFAIK)... --Trebor, 08:57 EST, 1 July 2004

The wrong version loads

The Sisiwön article mentions it is a collaborative conlang. In the group for discussing it, Alex Fink mentioned he added to it, but he additions aren't on the page. I thot maybe the Recent Changes page might give a link to the new version, but it doesn't work. On the Recent Changes page I also noticed you added a Lexicon table to Kosi, but it's not on that page. I went to edit the page, but the table formatting exists in the Edit This Page box, so why not in the actual article? This is very puzzling. --Trebor, 09:52 EST, 2 July 2004

My guess is that your browser is loading from its cache instead of the server. Try a hard reload (usually shift-F5) when you view a page, and see if that helps. —Muke Tever | 07:08, 2 Jul 2004 (PDT)

Even more puzzling, I edited Sisiwön and Kosi, and the changes appeared in the articles :O --Trebor, 11:04, 2 July 2004 EST

Problem with Table

Sisiwön has a consonant table but it won't show up properly in the article. Why won't it work? --Trebor, 21:17, 2 July 2004 EST

It should be fixed now. The table had been begun with pipe then open-brace "|{", instead of open-brace then pipe "{|", so it wasn't interpreting it as a table. —Muke Tever | 18:25, 2 Jul 2004 (PDT)

Hi Muke, I have a small request: Would you mind please deleting my Trebor page as well as the Kasin page? Thanks. --Trebor


Hi Muke, here's a question to you...

A few days ago, I asked Grzegorz Jagodziński to comment on the Slavic soundchanges discussion on Talk:Slevan. However, when he tried to register (or to make an edit), he got the following answer: Your IP address is listed as an open proxy in the [ SORBS] DNSBL. You cannot create an account. As he assured me, his IP address is not an open proxy at all. His Internet connection is of such kind that his IP is hidden, and that instead the IP of his provider is shown. There's nothing he can do about that, and obviously he has nothing in common with disseminating spam. Is there anything that can be done? Oddly enough, he had no problem at all registering at Wikipedia.

Cheers, IJzeren Jan 11:38, 22 Aug 2005 (PDT)