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Halcánian dialect

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The Halcarnian dialect, also known as: Söemi'Dal'qörian (Finno-Dalcurian) and Gerödn'qonvetarämös (lit: under speech-an unfavourable term and offensive to Halcarnians), has several differences between itself and 'Dal'qöriádn-Standard Dalcurian'. These include:

  • Noun cases/markers
  • Spelling, pronunciation and word differences
  • Pronouns
  • Modal expressivness
  • Possesive structure
  • Word order

Here are brief descriptions of those differences.

Noun Cases and markers

Halcarnian has fifteen noun cases: 3 grammatical cases, 6 locative cases, 3 essive cases and 3 marginal cases.

Halcarnian cases
Case Suffix English prep. Sample Translation
nominative   - taloj house
genitive -in of talojin of (a) house
accusative -an - talojan house (as an object)
Locative (internal)
inessive -asä in talojasä in (a) house
elative -ta from (inside) talojta from (a) house
illative -sta into talojsta into (a) house
Locative (external)
adessive -la at, on talojla at (a) house
ablative -lta from talojlta from (a) house
allative -le to talojle to (a) house
essive -na as talojna as a house
exessive -attä from being talojattä from being a house
translative -iksi to (role of) talojiksi to a house
instructive -in with (the aid of) talojin with the house
abessive -uuta without talojuuta without (a) house
comitative -ne together (with) talojne with a house

Although the above cases almost replicate those of the Finnish language, their usage is much more 'definate'. And, since Halcarnian is an inflected dialect, word order within sentences can be comparatively free - the function of a word being indicated by its ending. But, for emphasis, word order does change on a regular basis:

  • Danuutt taloj. There is a house. (but its not important).
    • Talojan danuutt! Look, a HOUSE! (although in this sentence, HOUSE isnt technically an object, the object marker can be used to give special attention to it).
  • Mina gavisuur talojan . I saw a house.
    But for emphasis:
    • Talojan gavisur mina! I saw a HOUSE!
      This time, the abjective marker MUST be used. Leaving off the marker here could give rise to 'humerous ambuguity: Taloj gavisur mina potentially translates as A house saw I!

Note: The objective marker is ONLY needed when the noun/pronoun is NOT prepositioned, even when palce first in word order.

  • Haan habitr talojasä . He lives in a house.
    • Talojasä habitr han! It's a HOUSE he lives in! He lives in a HOUSE!
  • Sihaan gakamur talojatä. She came out of (from inside) a house.
  • Anke goria talojsta. Anke is going into a house.
  • Anke talojla. Anke is at home.
    • Talojla Anke! Anke is at HOME!
  • Anke gagor talojlta. Anke left a house. (lit: Anke went away from a house)
  • Anke goria talojle. Anke is going to a house.
  • Jonäokni, til talojna. At the moment, it's a house.
  • Eren gafuukr til talojattä talotuurijeliksi They changed it from a house into flats.
    In talotuurijeliksi, the suffix tuuri is a diminutive suffix (makes something small) and el is the plural marker, as in Standard Dalcurian.


The main differences are:

ö is written as uu

é is written as ee

á is written as aa

ø is written as ok but pronounced hard as in lock

c is replaced with k and pronounced hard

Þ is replaced with tt but pronounced the same

qu is written as ku

kk-the way to voice this is to pronounce the first k hard, the second is voiced like the English Y in yacht or the soft J in the German Javol or Ja. One has to be careful of spelling traps too, for example the Halcarnian word for a thin, summer jacket is hakan, but the same word spelled hakkan means peace or serenity. Here are some examples in Standard and Halcarnian respectively:

  • strömi, struumi-hot
  • vélø, veelok-cold
  • iáda, iaada-today
  • alsalöátsi, alsaluaatsi-fanatic
  • eÞöa, ettua-some
  • hemørämös, hemokrämus-forgiveness

Vowel Harmony

There is only a 'tinge' of vowel harmony in Halcarnian that came across from Finnish. When the short letter a is part of a syllable, in which the following consonant forms the first letter of a following syllable ending in another short a, then the final a must change to ä. To that, you will never see äa; the final a must change to ä. This is evident in some of the case endings, and also in the accusative pronoun 'polite' form: hanä-you but adding the accusative marker an must change to hanään. The ää is then pronounced as a short e (as in the English hen).


Personal pronouns (nominative)
Halcarnian English
mina I
sina you
haan he
sihaan she
til it
manuu one/you (impersonal)
meena we
elsina you
eren they
hanä you (polite)

Personal pronouns (accusative)
Halcarnian English
minan me
sinan you
haanan him
sihaanan her
til it
manuuan one/you (impersonal)
meenan us
elsinan you
erenan them
hanään you (polite)

Accusative (objective) pronouns are denoted with the noun markers:

  • Mina gavisuur sinan I saw you.. (If the subject noun or pronoun ends in a only an objective n is added)
  • Han gavisuur minan. He saw me.
  • Meena gavisur gaduurajan. We saw a dog. ( This sentence can also be written as: Gadurajan gavisur meena. It still means, We saw a dog because of the objective marker, but gives more importance to the dog as if to say, It was a DOG we saw!)
  • Sihan kualteedria haanan. She's asking him a question.

The Halcarnian case system can make it difficult for speakers of of Indo-European languages to grasp-especially if you're used to using prepositions to place a noun. Thankfully, this case system doesn't extend into the articles a and the as in German. In fact, the absence of the definate article the automatically renders a, and di is only used when its really neccessary to identify the noun:

Danuutt taloj. There is a house. but:

Danuutt di taloj. There is the house.

Word order

Generally, Halcarnian word order is SVO, though for emphasis it can change to OSV:

Mina goria talojsta. I'm going into a house. but for emphasis:

Talojansta mina goria! It's a HOUSE I'm going into!

Notice how in the second example, the 'objective' marker is also used. Although this isnt neccesary (since we know that 'I' am the one going into the house because it's taloj that carries the illative marker), the objective an is used for emphasis.