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Revision as of 05:27, 16 September 2007 by Azucar (talk | contribs)
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Spoken in: Northern Britian
Time Period: 6000 B.C.E - ?
Total speakers: extinct
Genealogical classification:


Basic word order: SOV
Morphological type: semi-fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Ergative-Absolutive
Created by:
Colton Booth July 27, 2007-

Vaital was created July 27, 2007. It is the language spoken in Britian before Gaelic Or Welsh

I. Phonology:

A. Phoneme Inventory:

a. Plosives: /p b t d k g/ <p b t d k g>

b. Nasals: /m n N J / <m n nh nn >

c. Fricatives: / f B s z S T C/ <f v s z sh th kh >

d. Affricates: /ts tS dZ/ <ks ksh gh>

e. Lateral Approximants: /l/ <l>

f. Approximants: /r\ j/ <r y>

g. Vowels: /a e i o u ai au oi/ <a e i o u ai au oi>

B. Allophones:

a. [N] occurs medially as an allophone of /n/

b. [dZ] occurs medially as an allophone of /j/

C. Phonotactics

a. No consonant clusters consisting of only fricatives,plosives or approximants

b. The coda and onset cannot consist of more than two consonant sounds

c. Approximants also have to have a Plosive or only the following fricatives infront of them /f v s z h/ when ending a word.

d. /r\/ cannot come after /p b k s z g/

e. retroflex consonants can only come at the end of a word

D. Syllable Structure

a. CV(C)