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Slevan grammar outline

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Slvanjec -- the Slevan language

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IBWiki:Slvanjec, or in English Slevan, is spoken primarily in the republic of IBWiki:Slevania (Slvanja), but also by sizeable populations in the neighboring countries IBWiki:Hungary, the Republic of the Two Crowns and the Bohemian Kingdom, and by a few thousand persons in IBWiki:Austria. Together with IBWiki:Wenedyk, one of the official languages of the Republic of the Two Crowns, and IBWiki:Slezan it forms the north-eastern branch of the IBWiki:Romance languages, also known as the Slavo-Romance languages.

Alphabet and pronunciation

The Slevan alphabet consists of the following letters:

a á b c ch cz d dj dz dzs e é f g h i í j k l lj m n nj o ó p r s sz t tj u ú v y ý z zs

The letters b d f h k m n p t z have approximately the same pronunciation as in English.

The pronunciation of the other letters is as follows:


In general the vowels have the same pronunciation as in Italian or Spanish. Native speakers of English should note the following:

a [] as in English father, but shorter.
e [] as in English dress.
i [] as in English machine, but shorter.
o [] as in English north, but shorter.
u [] as in English brute, but shorter.
y [] is usually pronounced the same as i, but in some dialects y is pronounced similarly to English i in kit, though darker. Polish ryba or Russian ryba has the exact sound.

Vowels with an acute accent above (á é í ó ú ý) are in general pronounced the same as the vowels without such a mark, but longer. The exceptions are é and ó, which for many speakers -- perhaps a majority, although this pronunciation is not considered part of the standard language -- are pronounced as rising diphthongs [] and [o], similar to ye in English yes and wa in English want respectively. In the pronunciation of these speakers the spellings é and je are pronounced the same.


The word stress in Slevan always falls on the first syllable of the word. It should be carefully noted that the acute accent mark does not indicate stress, but vowel length.


The consonant letters and digraphs that differ from English are as follows:

c [ts] is in all positions pronounced like the tz in English waltz. English speakers should take special care to preserve this pronunciation also at the beginning of words, e.g. in cék 'blind'.
ch [x] is pronounced as in Scots loch or in German Bach, or in the English interjection yech. It is not a very frequent sound in Slevan.
cz [] is pronounced like the English ch in church.
dj [] is pronounced like the di in English medium.
dz [] is pronounced like the ds in English beds. As with c English speakers should take care to preserve the correct pronunciation at the beginning of words, e.g. in dzrn 'diurnal span (24 hours), date'.
g [] is always hard, like in English go or get, never soft like in English gem, e.g. gezél 'yourneyman'. The g sound isn't very frequent in Slevan, since it is found only in loan words.
j [] has the sound of the English consonantal y in you, yet, yard. The English sound of j in judge is written dzs in Slevan, but this combination has in most cases been replaced by the simple zs.
l [] at the beginning of a word before the vowels a á o ó u ú y ý has the dark sound of l in English loll. Before the vowels e é i í or before dj nj tj the letter l is pronounced like the li in English million. Before a consonant or at the end of a word many speakers pronounce l like an English w, but this pronunciation is not considered part of the standard language.
lj [] is pronounced like the li in English million. Some speakers tend to pronounce lj as a simple j in some positions, but this is not considered part of the standard language.
nj [] is pronounced like the ny in English canyon, or more exactly like the ñ in Spanish cañón!
r [] is a rolled sound like in Italian or Spanish carro. Note that Slevan r is never silent like in British English.
s [] is always pronounced voiceless like in English sit, miss, never voiced, like z. When a voiced s occurs in loanwords it is replaced by z, e.g. in prezident.
sz [] is pronounced like the English sh in ship.
v [] is pronounced like in English, but before another consonant or at the end of a word many speakers pronounce v like an English w. Unlike the similar pronunciation of l this is accepted as part of the standard language.
zs [] has the sound of z in English azure or of j in French jour. Cf. j.

The letters q and x are never used in Slevan. They are always replaced by k and ks respectively,

e.g. kvarc 'quartz' and tekst.

Syllabic liquids

The letters l and r can in Slevan form a syllable of their own without a supporting vowel, e.g. slván 'Slevan man', blb 'onion', dzrn 'diurnal span, date', krce 'cross'.

A native Slevan speaker would never confuse tj with cz or dj with dzs, but Slevans are rather used to speakers of German or Romany confusing these pairs of sounds.

Inflection of nouns and adjectives


Nouns in Slevan inflect for number and case, and adjectives in addition inflect for gender. There are three main declensions, with a few subtypes within each declension.

First declension nouns

First declension nouns are typically feminine in gender. Those few masculines of the first declension that existed in Latin have as a rule been superseded by other formations, and loanwords that belong to the first declension masculine in Latin are normally assigned to the second declension in Slevan.

The paradigms for the first declension are roza 'rose' and vilja 'daughter, girl':

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative roza roze vilja vilje
Genitive roze rozár vilje viljár
Dative roze rozav vilje viljav

Second declension nouns

The second declension in Slevan represents a merger of the second and fourth declension of Latin. The nouns belonging here are masculine, with a few exceptions like mán f. 'hand'. There is no neuter gender in Slevan, the neuter having merged into the masculine early on.

The paradigms for the second declension are mýr 'wall' and bánj 'bath':

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative mýr myry bánj bani
Genitive myry myrúr bani banjúr
Dative myru myrov banju banjov

The main subtypes of the second declension are represented by popol 'people' and lábelj 'lip'. Note the extra syllable in the nominative-accusative singular and the alternation between long and short vowel in the stem:

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative popol póply lábelj labli
Genitive póply póplúr labli labljúr
Dative póplu póplov lablju labljov/lablv

Two other subtypes are presented below. Áher 'field' is similar to the two previous types, while amec 'friend' together with other words which ended in -ICUS in Romance forms a subtype of their own:

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative áher ahry amec ameczi
Genitive ahry ahrúr ameczi amecúr
Dative ahru ahrov amecu amecov

Third declension nouns

The third declension includes both masculine and feminine nouns, without any difference in inflection based on gender. There are however, like in the second declension, a number of subtypes due to differences in the final sound of the stem. The most distinctive trait of the third declension is the lack of an ending (but lengthening of the vowel of the final syllable of the stem) in the genitive plural.

The two basic types of inflection in the third declension are represented by sule 'sun' and pasture 'shepherd':

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative sule sulje pasture pasturje
Genitive suli súlj pasturi pastúr
Dative suli suljev pasturi pasturev

Stems ending in c and dz are represented by krce 'cross' and ljedze 'law':

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative krce krcze ljedze ljedzse
Genitive krczi krcz ljedzsi ljédzs
Dative krczi krczev ljedzsi ljedzsev


Adjectives in Slevan are declined exactly like nouns of the corresponding declensions and types.

First and second declension adjectives

The first and largest class of adjectives follow the first declension in the feminine and the second declension in the masculine, e.g. nóv 'new':

Masculine Feminine
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative nóv novy nova nove
Genitive novy novúr nove novár
Dative novu novov nove novav

Third declension adjectives

Third declension adjectives also are declined just like nouns. The adjectives hrúde 'big' and hrave 'stern' represent yet two other inflection types in this declension:

Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative, Accusative hrúde hrúdje hrave hravlje
Genitive hrúdi hrúdj hravi/hravli hrávlj/hráv
Dative hrúdi hrudjev hravi/hravli hravljev