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Mahabhadhuphu vocabulary

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Revision as of 08:48, 16 February 2007 by JonMoore (talk | contribs)
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long khan
wide akhung
thick ethum
heavy abhum
small phere
short yudhan
thin eghan
woman kureng
man mahu
human rughu
being redhan
child bhehu
wife tebheng
husband tebhu
mother rukheng
animal ethu
fish thuren bird dhekheng dog wethu louse uyu snake eheng worm peyeng tree ebhem forest beng stickahu fruit tathu seed eha leaf agheng root rakhu bark taku flower ughun grass ethem rope ebhum skin dheng meat ubhan blood naheng bone thang fat petheng egg hurum horn wukheng tail penu feather uphen hair ngan head gerabhu ear yewem eye na nose urun mouth ephu tooth menu tongue pebhum fingernail dheyu foot muwem leg ngegha knee rahu hand bhathu wing kebhu belly gagheng guts huyum neck bebham back yudhe breast bheyeng heart raghu liver phekhu drink adham eat thuwun bite maw suck ahamuw spit uwaw vomit kheng blow ruw breathe aphaw laugh aghuw see buw hear menuw know weghew think radhuw smell udhenew

fear||ahenguw sleep||yudhaw live||herew die||uhum kill||phawe fight||phukha hunt||uwaw hit||naphaw cut||bhenuw split||gaghung stab||khabhew scratch||ngaw dig||dukhuw swim||heraw fly||nehuw walk||tekhuw come||bekhaw lie||hebhaw sit||khathuw stand||dedhuw turn||kewuw fall||phaw give||thudhuw hold||kebhuw squeeze||aphaw rub||heyuw wash||rakhuw wipe wem pull ghuphe push ngeham throw wuthen tie bhatha sew bheghang count nuphem say ngu sing ayun play yewen float uthu flow phukhang freeze mere swell heya sun erung moon ekhen star ghare water arem rain re river adhem lake ahum sea ughan salt kharu stone than sand nayeng dust tha earth erum cloud yang fog rehu sky waya wind ye snow naghum ice ya smoke ehu fire khethe ashes huhung burn huwu road hukhan mountain ayen red bha green rabha yellow ghubhem white rekhun black rayang night ngadhun day akham year ghudha warm wadham cold eghun full athen new rem old hen good ha bad khu rotten yuthu dirty haghen straight ngekha round dhakhu sharp thu dull aram smooth yadhung wet aya dry utham correct bhehung near bhayun far agha right gheng left dhan at heyem in rung with phem and etham if thayam because theng name ayung