Dal'qörian personal pronouns

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Personal pronouns refer to people or things.

Nominative (subject) pronouns

The dal’qörian nominative personal pronouns (the subject of the sentence or clause) are:

binä I/I am
diö you/you are
he/he is
sia she/she is
éren they/they
tiÞ it/it is
ména we/we are

There are also two impersonal pronouns in dal'qörian: minä-you/one and minäla-they, and these are used when referring to people in general, the subjunctive mood, and to equate the use of the passive tense in English (see Verbs):

  • am iáda, minä näocr nörasägrax dal'qörian! One cannot learn dal'qörian in a day!
  • minäla gä’escanostr di abödä,, qösra tiÞ gé’stæméras. The house was demolished because it was dangerous. (lit: They demolished the house, because it was unsafe).

As you can see, the subject pronouns can also give us the meaning of the present tense inflections of the verb to be: am, are, is. In dal'qörian, one can assume that am/are/is can always be taken as read when a noun or pronoun is:

Followed by a present participle (a verb with the ia inflection) Followed by an uninflected adjective (including modifying words such as very/extremely)

am/are/is are not to be taken as read when a noun or pronoun is:

Followed by a modal verb (see Modals 6.11) Followed by the infinitive of a verb (a verb that ends in r) Followed by the imperfect and perfect past tense of a verb Followed by an inflected adjective


 • binä göria nöra.  
 • di gadörajel tädø.  
 • dörac iáda, ména gä’vecsár!    
 • öcra tirimiÞ, sia gé’námaroqu disiri. 
 • vonériáda, Gáré recévria ni Bemöa.  
 • stæ’irønet, vonéri sol, eviár binä abödä .  
 • éren voltir ni didérämös.  

Nominative (subject) pronouns

Accusative (direct object) pronouns

Dative (indirect object) pronouns