Dal'qörian adjectives with prepositions
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There are a considerable number of adjectives which are linked to nouns by prepositions: scared of, angry about, grateful for, independent of, married to etc. However, in dal’qörian, the adjective is 'not' always used; sometimes the noun form is used instead. The prepositions used in English can also be different.
Dynamic adjectives Dynamic adjectives denote attributes which are, to some extent at least, under the control of the one who possesses them. Unlike stative adjectives, such as red/big/small for example, which are generally considered to be permanent, dynamic attributes are not always evident, but can be called upon at any time. However, some are more commonly used with prepositions than others, especially those which denote an emotion of some sort. The following are very common:
- dasqurinä-emotional
- qurivecsárädn-angry
- quranöra-happy
- dasquiriø-sad
- sæaÞögestra-enthusiastic
This part of dal’qörian grammar could be considered to be a little difficult. The main points to understand are outlined:
ː The adjective is never used with a following preposition; the noun form is always used.
ː When, in English, we say something ‘makes’ us feel something, in dal’qörian, the noun form is used and it is ‘given’ to us.
Look at the following using dasqurinä-emotional as an example. The prepositions in red are the ones that are used in dal'qörian as a pose to English, which in turn are normally with, at, about, over, of or for:
with preposition
• binä, tevehicamä séÞa qepétna qve di mosödrämös, sævála ábra dasqurinámn. without preposition • séÞa sævála ni dasqurinä qepétna qve di mosödrämös.
makes you/makes you feel • séÞa mösödrämös, te binä, sævála andöcr dasqurinámn. • tiÞ, te binä, andöcr qurivecsárämös,, vömä diö ságr sacéa sä taÞ.
without object • binä qurinistr disiri dasqurinä. • éren säquraséträdn,, qösra di talehaserämösel ritövag.