Senjecas - A Man with a Withered Hand (Mark 3:1-6; Matthew 12:9-14; Luke 6:6-11)

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


m̃iiþma̋nmu m̃ı̋ı̋ru

म़ीथ्म॓न्मु म़ी॓रु

A Man with a Withered Hand (Mark 3:1-6; Matthew 12:9-14; Luke 6:6-11)

mukánȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • English Text
  • Literal Greek Translation
  • Devanāgari Text
  • Senjecan Translation
  • 1. He returned to the synagogue where there was a man whose right hand was shriveled up.
  • and he.entered again into the synagogue and there.was there man withered having the right
  • da náána sínagőgom éna e-tı̋ra. da m̃iiþta̋ɫmu m̃ı̋ı̋ru tóru e-vűűla:
da náána sínagőg-om éna e=tı̋r-a da m̃iiþ.ta̋ɫ.mu-Ø m̃ı̋ı̋r-u tóru e=vűűl-a
and again synagogue-A.s in PST=enter-IND and withered.right.hand.have-ABS man-N.s there

  • 2. The scribes and the Pharisees kept an eye on Jesus to see whether he would heal him on the sabbath.
  • and the scribes and the Pharisees were.watching him if on.the sabbaths he.will.heal him
  • da ȝa̋rlusk̬e pɛrı̋ı̋susk̬e éȝum e-pőta—táádi deese̋ȝa—ébi éȝu ṡabata̋s éȝum ȝake̋ȝa:
da ȝa̋r-l-us=k̬e pɛrı̋ı̋s-us=k̬e éȝ-um e=pőt-a táádi dees-e̋ȝa ébi éȝ-u ṡabat-a̋s éȝ-um ȝak-e̋ȝa
and write-AG-N.p=and Pharisee-N.p=and 3-A.s PST=watch-IND in.order.that find-SBJ if 3-N.s Sabbath-G.s 3-A.s heal-SBJ

  • 10. They put this question to Jesus, hoping to bring an accusation against him: "Is it lawful to work a cure on the sabbath?"
  • and they.questioned him saying if on.the sabbaths to.heal in.order.that they.might.accuse him.
  • da—táádi éȝum kaṡe̋ȝa—éȝum e-me̋ta te̋e̋antus: m̃a ṡabata̋s ȝa̋ku he̋n̨o e̋sa me m̃ar:
da táádi éȝ-um kaṡ-e̋ȝa éȝ-um e=me̋t-a te̋e̋-a-nt-us m̃a ṡabat-a̋s ȝa̋k-u he̋n̨-o e̋s-a me m̃ar
and in.order.that 3-A.s accuse-SBJ 3-A.s PST=ask-IND say-IND-AP-N.p QUOT Sabbath-A.s heal-SUP permissible-N.s be-IND Q QUOT

  • 11. He said in response: "Suppose one of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the sabbath. Will he not take hold of it and pull it out?
  • he but said to.them what among you man who will.have sheep one and if falls this on.the sabbaths into pit not will.take.hold.of it and raise.up
  • d' eȝúm o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ébi őm̃em űdantu m̃ı̋ı̋ru ȝúm áda vuule̋ȝa da ébi őm̃e ṡabata̋s xa̋nom éna foole̋ȝa. éȝem u-se̋e̋pak̬e u-kőþak̬e ne me m̃ar:
d' eȝ-úm o e=te̋e̋-a m̃a ébi őm̃-em űd-a-ntu-Ø m̃ı̋ı̋r-u ȝ-úm áda vuul-e̋ȝa
but-ELIS 3-G.p to PST=say-IND QUOT if sheep-A.s own-IND-AP-ABS man-N.s 2p-G among
da ébi őm̃-e ṡabat-a̋s xa̋n-om éna fool-e̋ȝa
and if sheep-N.s Sabbath-G.s pit-A.s into fall-SBJ
éȝ-em u=se̋e̋p-a=k̬e u=kőþ-a=k̬e ne me m̃ar
3-A.s FUT=grasp-IND=and FUT=lift-IND=and not Q QUOT

  • 12. Well, think how much more precious a human being is than a sheep. Clearly, good deeds may be performed on the sabbath." At this they remained silent.
  • how.much.more therefore man than.a.sheep therefore on.the sabbaths good they but were.silent
  • sááru xóþvi kyk̬őinu tal̨őnu om̃e̋' sóma e̋sa: sááru ṡaba̋tan va̋dom kı̋u he̋n̨o e̋sa: ésti éȝus e-sa̋a̋ma:
sááru xóþ=vi ky~k̬őinu-Ø tal̨őn-u om̃-e̋-' sóma e̋s-a sááru ṡaba̋t-an va̋d-om kı̋-u he̋n̨-o e̋s-a
therefore how.much=ADV ELT~valuable-ABS human-N.s sheep-G.s-ELIS than be-IND therefore Sabbath-A.p good-A.s do-SUP permissible-N.s be-IND
éȝ-us e=sa̋a̋m-a
but 3-N.p PST=keep.silence-IND

  • 3. He addressed the man with the shriveled hand: "Get up and stand up here in front!" The man rose and remained standing.
  • and he.says to.the man to.the the withered hand having rise and stand.up in the middle and having.arisen he.stood
  • da m̃iiþma̋nmu m̃iirűs o te̋e̋a: m̃a koþe̋ȝak̬e meðős éna ṡure̋ȝak̬e m̃ar: da kykőþaþu e-ṡűra:
da m̃iiþ.ma̋Ø m̃iir-űs o te̋e̋-a m̃a koþ-e̋ȝa-k̬e með-ős éna ṡur-e̋ȝa=k̬e m̃ar da ky~kőþ-a-þ-u e=ṡűr-a
and withered.hand.have-ABS man-G.s to say-IND QUOT rise-SBJ=and middle-G.s in stand-SBJ=and QUOT and PRF~arise-IND-PP-N.s PST=stand-IND

  • 5. He looked around at them with anger, for he was deeply grieved that they had closed their minds against him. Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." The man did so and his hand was perfectly restored. It became as sound as the other.
  • and having.looked them with anger being.deeply.grieved at the hardness of.the heart of.them he.says to.the man stretch.out the hand and he.stretched.out and was.restored the hand of.him healthy as the other
  • da geƣra̋s móóda éȝunɛ nynőőaþu. eȝu-suðős ṡeþta̋s ha lábu mı̋ı̋m̃ru m̃iirűs o te̋e̋a: m̃a ma̋nom nive̋ȝa m̃ar da e-nı̋va da eȝu-ma̋no ȝuunı̋d̨aþo e-ı̋la. sa̋a̋no anó' sóma:
da geƣr-a̋s móóda éȝ-un=ɛ ny~nőő-a-þ-u eȝu=suð-ős ṡeþt-a̋s ha lábu mı̋ı̋m̃r-u m̃iir-űs o te̋e̋-a
and anger-G.s with 3-A.p=EP their=heart-G.s hardness-G.s because.of very grieved-N.s man-G.s to say-IND
m̃a ma̋n-om niv-e̋ȝa m̃ar da e=nı̋v-a da eȝu=ma̋n-o ȝuunı̋d̨-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a sa̋a̋n-o an-ó-' sóma
QUOT hand-A.s extend-SBJ QUOT and PST=extend-IND and his=hand-N.s restore-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND healthy-N.s other-G.s-ELIS like

  • 6. When the Pharisees went outside, they immediately began to plot with the Herodians how they might destroy him.
  • and going.out the Pharisees immediately with the Herodians consultation held against him him they.might destroy
  • da tı̋rantu pɛrı̋ı̋sus áv̈i heroodűs daƣlűm súna e-va̋a̋a—móódi éȝum ole̋ȝa:
da tı̋r-a-ntu-Ø pɛrı̋ı̋s-us áv=vi herood-űs daƣ-l-űm súna e=va̋a̋-a móódi éȝ-um ol-e̋ȝa
and leave-IND-AP-ABS Pharisee-N.p immediate=ADV Herod-G.s follow-AG-G.p with PST=consult-IND how 3-A.s destroy-SBJ

  • 10. Jesus was aware of this, and so he withdrew from that place.
  • the Jesus but knowing departed from there
  • ésti sa̋a̋rantu ȝe̋su tórþis e-vı̋da⁝
ésti sa̋a̋r-a-ntu-Ø ȝe̋s-u tór=þis e=vı̋d-a
but know-IND-AP-ABS Jesus-N.s there=ABL PST=depart-IND