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Typological structure

Kī́rtako is a morphologically agglutinative language, while also having a marked introflexive feature, shown in verbal roots.

The main word order is basically SOV (Subject-Object-Verb).

phū́kali mū́ke lī́lopɑt
(the) person sees (the) cow

The morphosyntactical system is clearly head-final. All syntactical parameters are aligned with this type:

  • object - verb
  • noun - postposition
  • adjective - noun
  • relative clause - noun



Almost all nouns in Kī́rtako language end in a vowel. There are limited samples of nouns ending in a consonant, mostly loanwords; in these cases -ɑ-, as an epenthetic vowel, is added, before the various endings of the noun declension.

Nouns are grouped in two declension classes: animate nouns, or first class and inanimate nouns, or second class. Broadly speaking the first class include nouns referring to animate beings, able to move and act on their own will, while the second class include nouns referring to object or inanimate beings. The classes are thus listed:

  • 1st class: human beings, animals, gods.
  • 2nd class: plants, objects, ideas, feelings, senses.

Nouns do not unchangingly belong to a determinate class, as they lack any morphological markers, which can unambiguously identify a given class.

For example, the noun sɑño, light, moves from a class to the other during time, just like the noun ñowe, love, varying their class accordingly as the cultural perception of their animation.

Despite the above-mentioned lack of any morphological markers to identify both classes, each class exhibits different declension patterns.

Almost all nouns have two morphological numbers, singular and plural.


Kī́rtako nouns do flect, according to an active-stative system with 9 cases:

  • Agentive: marks the subject of a transitive verb or the subject of an intransitive verb, which display a certain will or a certain degree of activity in performing the given action. It can be used only with nouns of the 1st class.
  • Passive: marks the object of a transitive verb, the subject of an intransitive verb, which display no intention or will or every inanimate subject.
  • Ablative: marks a natural belonging, with any intention of possession. It may mark also the origin point of a motion. It can be used to mark the object of an infinitival form, marking thus also the object of a negated transitive verb.
  • Genitive marks a possession, with a clear intention or will. It can be used only with nouns of the 1st class.
  • Dative: marks the indirect object. It may mark also the final point of a motion, the destination of a movement, or the ultimate goal of the action.
  • Causative: marks the reason or the cause which caused the action.
  • Instrumental: marks the tool or the instrument which are used to perform the action. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.
  • Abessive: marks the tool or the instrument which are absent while performing the action. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.
  • Locative: marks the place where the action is performed. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.

The cases are usually classified in 4 groups:

  1. Primary main cases: agentive, genitive
  2. Secondary main cases: passive, ablative
  3. Primary oblique cases: dative, causative
  4. Secondary oblique cases: instrumental, abessive, locative

Other complements are expressed through the postpositions, which select one or more cases to be used with the nouns.

Noun declension

Nouns do flect according to case and number, by adding the following ending to their base form.

1st class
2nd class
-li -noli
- -no - -no
-šu -nošu -šu -nošu
-ra -nora
-ɣɑ -noɣɑ -ɣɑ -noɣɑ
-khu -nokhu -khu -nokhu
-khɑ -nokhɑ
<centers>abessive -gil -nogil
<centers>locative -tsar -notsar

Vediamo di seguito alcuni esempi, di un nome della 1° classe, papu, padre, e uno della 2° classe, sṓgo, casa. 1° classe 2° classe singolare plurale singolare plurale agentivo papuli papunoli passivo papu papuno sṓgo sṓgono ablativo papušu papunošu sṓgošu sṓgonošu genitivo papura papunora dativo papuɣɑ papunoɣɑ sṓgoɣɑ sṓgonoɣɑ causativo papukhu papunokhu sṓgokhu sṓgonokhu strumentale sṓgokhɑ sṓgonokhɑ abessivo sṓgogil sṓgonogil locativo sṓgotsar sṓgonotsar

Regolarmente il nome della 1° classe non prende mai le desinenze dei casi obliqui secondari. Il nome della 2° classe invece non prende mai le desinenze dei casi retti primari.