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Senjecas religion

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ त्व त्य इ ई

पि पी
ए एै

पे पै
अ आ

प पा
ऒ ॵ

पॊ पॏ
ओ औ

पो पौ
उ ऊ

पु पू
तं तऺ तॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /tʷ/ /tʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


  1. afx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix added to a root, e.g., ƣonőivi, sacrosanct, < ƣo-, emphatic prefix + nőivi, adj. sacred.
  2. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g. ane̋ru , ancestor + a̋isa t.v., revere = ánera̋isa, ancestor reverence.
  3. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., ma̋żaþu, Christ, < ma̋ża t.v., anoint.
  4. P.N. = proper name.
  5. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  6. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  7. There are 40 root words (lemmata) of which five are verbs and four are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 23 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.

Religion – ȝőuna यो॓उन

  • cpd aiðfe̋ɫ̨o, holocaust [< a̋iða, t.v. burn; fe̋ɫ̨a, t.v. offer].
  • cpd álkiiƣtőőr|a, Jainism [< al, not; kı̋ı̋ƣta, violence; őőa, belief]. -lu, Jain.
  • cpd álȝumna̋a̋|a, impiety [< al, not; ȝumu, God; na̋a̋a, fear]. -i, adj. impious.
  • cpd álnespőőȝo, soma, haoma, wine after the consecration. [< al, not; ne̋ṡa, death; pőőȝo, drink].
  • cpd áner|a̋isa, ancestor reverence [< ane̋ru, ancestor; a̋isa, t.v. revere]. -tőzra, ancestor worship [< tőza, worship].
  • pol anga̋ru, angel [< anga̋ru, emissary].
  • pol a̋t|a, Tao [< a̋to, way]. -őőa, Taoism. -őőlu, Taoist.
  • 001 da̋rku, demon, evil spirit [> English dragon].
  • 002 d̨e̋m̃a, heaven [> English deity].
  • afx ðees|ðűűpa, t.v. baptize [< ðees-, spiritual; ðűűpa, immerse]. -ma̋a̋ma, abbess [< ma̋a̋ma, mother]. -mı̋þaþu, apostle [< mı̋þa, t.v. send]. -ta̋a̋ta, abbot [< ta̋a̋ta, father]. -ra̋a̋i=lu, martyr [< ra̋a̋ȝa, t.v. witness]. =ta, martyrdom. -ve̋uðlu, bishop [< ve̋uða, inspect].
  • 003 fı̋r|a, 1. t.v. bless. 2. i.v. bless [> Korean 빌다 pīlda, pray]. -i, adj. blessed. -o, blessing, boon. -ta, blessedness.
  • cpd f̨oþmődo, halo [< f̨őþo, light; mődo, circle].
  • 004 ı̋ı̋|ro, omen, augury [> Japanese うらないし, uranaishi, fortuneteller]. -ra, i.v. augur. -rı̋d̨a, t.v. augur, betoken, portend. -rlu, augur, seer, soothsayer. -r̈a, augury.
  • P.N. ı̋lmu, divine avatar of the Children of Air [PUr *ilma, god > Finnish ilma, air].
  • 005 ȝa̋us|i, adj. ritually pure [> English justice]. -ta, ritual purity.
  • 006 ȝa̋|ża, t.v. venerate [> English hagio-]. -zra, veneration, devotion. -żőőa, Sikhism. -żőőlu, Sikh. -ż̨i, adj. venerable.
  • P.N. ȝehűðr|u, Jew. -i, adj. Jewish; ~a kuȝa̋s épa, kosher. -őőa, Judaism.
  • 007 ȝe̋|ro, curse, execration [ > Udmurt juriśk-, scold]. -a, i.v. curse. -ri, adj. accursed, damned. -rı̋d̨a, t.v. curse, execrate, beshrew. -r̈a, execration. -r̨i, adj. execrable.
  • P.N. ȝe̋su, Jesus; ~ ma̋żaþu, Jesus Christ.
  • 008 ȝőun|a, right-, true-, -way; religion. -i, adj. religious.
  • 009 ȝűdi, adj. supernatural [> Mongolian iduɣan, female shaman].
  • 010 ȝűm|u, god(dess) [> Finnish jumala, god]. -te̋iðru, avatar []. -dőőo, grace [< dőőo, gift]. -i, adj. divine, godly. -ȝe̋ko, oracle [< ȝe̋ko, speech]. -l̨őm=i, adj. mythic, mythical. =o, myth [< l̨őmo, tale]. =sa̋a̋r̈a, mythology [< sa̋a̋ra, know]. =sąr̈a̋a̋gu, mythologist. -ȝűmna̋a̋=a, fear of god, piety [< na̋a̋a, t.v. fear]. =i, adj. pious, godly, devout; god-fearing. -sa̋a̋r̈a, theology. -ta, divinity.
  • P.N. kabe̋iru, divine avatar of the Children of Stone.
  • cpd kaim̤̃e̋e̋s|a, i.v. live as a hermit [< kaimi, adj. alone; m̃e̋e̋sa, i.v. live]. -li, adj. eremitical. -lu, hermit, solitary, anchorite, recluse. -o, hermitage, hermitary.
  • cpd kaxle̋żra, karma. [< ka̋xo, merit; le̋ża, t.v. gather].
  • 011 kı̋lþo, sanctuary [> Etruscan cilth, sanctuary].
  • cpd koin̈őőn|lu, monk. [< kóini, adj. communal; nőőna, t.v. make a vow]. -li, adj. monastic. -m̃e̋e̋so, monastery.
  • drv kővl|u, Muslim [< kőba, t.v. submit]. -őőa, Islam.
  • P.N. kǫ̋ǫ̋nṡ|u, Confucius. -ĕdokőőa, Confucianism. -ĕdokőőlu, Confucianist.
  • 012 k̨a̋mu, ghost [> Japanese kami, spirit]].
  • 013 lahűr|o, altar [Hittite lahhura, piece of furniture used for offerings]. -őőro, altar cloth.
  • 014 lı̋|la, 1. t.v. pray. 2. i.v. pray [> Finnish lyyli, pray]. -l̤u, prayer [person]. -lo, prayer [words]. -lra, prayer (concept].
  • 015 lı̋|to, offering, sacrificial object [> Latin litāre, appease]. -ta, t.v. sacrifice, bring, offer, make [a sacrifice]. -taþu, sacrificial victim. -te, sacrificial animal. -te̋do, sacrificial meal. -ti, adj. sacrificial. -þlu, sacrificer. -þro, sacrifice.
  • 016 maam̃őrtu, agricultural god [> English Mars].
  • cpd ma̋żaþőőra, Christianity [< ma̋ża, t.v. anoint; őőra, belief].
  • drv ma̋żaþ|u, Christ [< ma̋ża, t.v. anoint]. -m̃=i, adj. Christian. =u, Christian.
  • cpd mééȝumtőzlu, pagan
  • cpd mevȝűmu, Nataraja. [< me̋ba, i.v. dance; ȝűmu, god].
  • cpd miim̃te̋e̋|a, i.v. repent [< mı̋ı̋m̃a, t.v. mourn; te̋e̋a, t.v. say]. -ra, repentance. -i, adj. repentant.
  • cpd m̃éskaiþme̋xa, land of western happiness [< m̃e̋sa, west; kaiti, adj.; happy; me̋xa, land].
  • 017 m̃ı̋ı̋m|e sacred primordial force, mana, kami. -a̋t=a, Shinto. =őőrlu, Shintoist. -u, God at work.
  • cpd naalka̋þaþo, diatessaron [< na̋a̋l, four; ka̋þa, t.v. merge].
  • 018 na̋pe, soul [nonloquent, but sentient being].
  • P.N. ne̋e̋ru, divine avatar of the Children of Water [> English Nereid].
  • 019 nőőn|o, vow [> Kannada nōn, observe a vow]. -a, i.v. make a religious vow. -i, adj. votive. -lu, votary.
  • 020 nőit|u, priest [> Finnish noita, sorcerer]. -a, i.v. preside, officiate [as a priest]. -i, adj. priestly.
  • 021 nőiv|i, adj. sacred [> Old Irish nōib, holy]. -da̋ro, shrine. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. consecrate. -o, sacred object. -ra, consecration. -ta, sacredness.
  • 022 őő|a, t.v. believe (in), have faith in [> English omen]. -ita, credibility. -ȝi, adj. believable, credible. -kőinu, church [people]. -lu, believer. -me̋iþlu, convert [< me̋iþa, change]. -ra, belief, faith; -ism. -ri, adj. faithful; f~, adj. faithless, unfaithful. -rta, faithfulness. -rtőso, creed [< tőso, statement].
  • 023 őőr|o, religious formula [> English oration]. -a, i.v. pronounce a ritual formula.
  • P.N. orgűma, the underworld, the abode of the damned; Hades; hell.
  • cpd óndane̋sra, afterlife [< ónda, prep. beyond; ne̋sra, death].
  • cpd ondásindőőr|a, Hinduism [< ónda, prep. beyond; sı̋nde, Indus; őőra, belief]. -lu, Hindu.
  • 024 pe̋e̋nu, god, deity [> Betul Gondi pēn, god]. ii-~, goddess.
  • P.N. perk̬űnu, divine avatar of the Children of Wood [> Lithuanian Perkūnas, thunder god].
  • P.N. perőőunu, name for Yumu [> Hittite Piru̯a-, a superior deity].
  • 025 pesa̋xa, Pesach.
  • 026 pĕrı̋ı̋su, Pharisee.
  • P.N. p̌ase̋nu, divine avatar of the Children of Fire [> Sanskrit Pūṣán-, keeper of flocks and herds].
  • drv ƥűdaþ|u, the Buddha [< ƥűda, t.v. enlighten]. -e̋slu, bodhisattva. -őőr=a, Buddhism. =lu, Buddhist.
  • cpd ƣám̃peene̋im|o, idol [< ƣa̋mi, false; pe̋e̋nu, god; e̋imo, image]. -tőzi, adj. idolatrous. -tozlu, idolater. -tőzra, idolatry.
  • drv ƣonőivi, adj. sacrosanct [< ƣo-, emphatic prefix; nőivi, adj. sacred].
  • 027 ƣős|o, ritual food [> English host]. -a, t.v. eat ''ritual food''.
  • pol rı̋zla, Dharma [< rı̋za, t.v. support; -l-, agentive suffix].
  • 028 rű|to, incense. -ta, i.v. incense. -tı̋d̨a, t.v. incense. -þpe̋e̋do, censer, thurible.
  • P.N. saata̋a̋nu, Satan.
  • 029 sa̋|ki, adj. holy, godly, hallowed, saintly [> English sacred]. -kı̋d̨a, t.v. hallow, sanctify, sanction. -ku, saint, holy man/woman; ~ku tı̋ru, Holy Trinity. -xf̨őþo, Transfiguration [< f̨őþo, light. -xra, sanctification, sanctity. -xta̋a̋t=a, pope. =i, adj. papal. -xta, holiness, godliness, saintliness.
  • 030 sa̋mu, shaman [> Evenki samān, shaman].
  • drv sa̋zlu, devil [< sa̋ża, i.v. slander].
  • 031 sɔ̋þ|o, incantation. -a, i.v. chant an incantation.
  • 032 šı̋ı̋to, sacrificial place [> Finnish hiisi, evil spirit].
  • P.N. ṡaba̋ta, Sabbath.
  • cpd ṡuvda̋ro, Purgatory [< ṡűva, purge; da̋ro, place].
  • 033 ṡ̨űű|u, soul [loquent being] [> Japanese chì, blood]. -de̋uxlu, psychopomp.
  • P.N. tarőnu, divine avatar of the Children of Earth [> English thunder].
  • 034 te̋mo, sacred place [> English temple].
  • cpd toðpa̋a̋þo, Paradise [< tődi, adj. original; pa̋a̋þo, garden].
  • 035 tove̋ru priestess; úf~, high priestess.
  • 036 tőz|a, 1. t.v. worship, adore. 2. i.v. worship, adore [> Tamil toẓu, worship]. -de̋mo, church, temple, mosque. -lu, worshipper. -ra, worship, adoration. -te̋ro, worship room, chapel.
  • 037 þa̋fno, chalice.
  • 038 þa̋x|o, religious ceremony, ritual, rite [> Japanese chìka-, swear]. -a, i.v. celebrate a-, -ceremony, -ritual. -lu, presider at a ceremony.
  • 039 þangı̋ru, god [> Japanese chigír, swear].
  • cpd úfðeesve̋uðu, cardinal [< űpi, adj. chief; ðees-, spiritual meaning prefix; ve̋uða, t.v. look over].
  • 040 űűn|u, spirit [being] [> Mongolian ɣon, spirit]. -a, spirit [abstraction]. -i, adj. spiritual. -m̃a̋ko, fetish. -ta, spirituality.
  • cpd vaðte̋e̋|o, gospel [< va̋di, adj. good; te̋e̋o, news]. -a, i.v. evangelize. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. evangelize. -lu, evangelist.
  • P.N. zaráþusta̋r|u, Zoroaster. -őőr=a, Zoroastrianism. =lu, Zoroastrian. =rm̃i, adj. Zoroastrian.

Senjecas snow and ice