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Senjecas dict. r

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ त्व त्य इ ई

पि पी
ए एै

पे पै
अ आ

प पा
ऒ ॵ

पॊ पॏ
ओ औ

पो पौ
उ ऊ

पु पू
तं तऺ तॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /tʷ/ /tʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


arb cyr dev geo grk heb run tng
r ر р ր ρ ר Arda
  • R, re̋uso रे॓उसो, from the word re̋use, Scotch elm, is the 17th letter of the Senjecan alphabet, the fifth in the vainűko, the clan which contains the alveolar consonants.
  • The tengwar are not visible on Frathwiki.


  1. afx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, e.g., ƣo-, proclitic which intensifies the word to which it is prefixed.
  2. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., réiða, postp. by < re̋iða, ride.
  3. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  4. There are 53 root words (lemmata) of which 31 are verbs and eight are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 75 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • r001 ra̋a̋|a, i.v. be possessed [> Kolami ŋg-, be possessed]. –i, adj. possessed. –ra, possession.
  • r002 ra̋a̋|di, adj. glad, gladsome [> Old English rōt glad]. -da, i.v. have a good time, be glad. -dı̋d̨a, t.v. gladden. -ðra, good time. -ðta, gladness.
  • r003 ra̋a̋ða, t.v. promote [> English read]. -ra, promotion.
  • r004 ra̋a̋|ȝa, 1. t.v. witness-, testify-, -(to), attest. 2. i.v. witness, testify [> Tamil ārāy, observe]. -iȝa̋ro, document. -iȝe̋kaþo, testimony, evidence. -ilu, witness.
  • r005 ra̋a̋sa, 1. t.v. croak. 2. i.v. croak [> Spanish rana, frog].
  • r006 ra̋a̋t|o, log [of wood] [> English rood]. -a, i.v. log. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. log.
  • r007 ra̋m̃a, t.v. tear-, -apart, -open [> Latin ēruō, tear out].
  • r008 ra̋|ta, 1. t.v. line (-up), align. 2. i.v. line (-up), stand in line [> Middle Low German rat, row]. -to, line, row, rank, file. –þmi, adj. -lined. –þm̃i, adj. linear, lineal. –þm̃ĕvi, adv. in a line.
  • r009 ra̋v|a, i.v. rage, rave, storm[> English rabid]. -ta, wrath, rage, ire, fury, frenzy, temper. -i, adj. irate, raging, enraged, frantic, fanatical, furious, raving, frenzied, wrathful. –ra, alignment.
  • r010 ra̋x|a, i.v. crackle, rustle, rattle. –lo, rattle.
  • r011 re̋e̋|i, adj. slim, slender [> English rare]. -a, i.v. slim (down), slenderize. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. slim, slenderize. -ta, slimness, slenderness. -va̋a̋lmes, those having slender leaves [the fifth order of living beings].
  • r012 re̋e̋|bo, belch, burp. -ba, i.v. belch, burp, eructate. -bı̋d̨a, t.v. belch, burp. -vra, eructation.
  • r013 re̋e̋|da, 1. t.v. cheer-, (-up, -on), encourage, hearten. 2. i.v. cheer (up). -di, adj. cheerful, cheery. -do, cheer. -ðra, encouragement, cheer.
  • r014 re̋e̋ð|i, adj. superior, paramount, supreme, foremost; super-, arch-. –asűr=u, emperor. =i, adj. imperial. =ta, empire. –se̋ilu, archimage. -ta, superiority.
  • r015 re̋e̋|ȝo, rule, standard, model, norm, criterion, principle, scruple, directive [> English ratio]. -iı̋d̨a, t.v. set right, adjust, regulate, standardize. -ilo, regulator. -imi, adj. principled, scrupulous. -ita, regulation.
  • r016 re̋e̋k|o, neigh [> Latin raccāre, growl]. -a, i.v. neigh, chortle.
  • r017 re̋e̋m|i, adj. dark [> Sanskrit राम rāma, dark]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. darken. -ta, darkness.
  • r018 re̋e̋|pa, 1. t.v. sneak, steal, prowl. 2. i.v. slink, sneak, skulk, steal, prowl [> English reptile]. -flu, sneak, prowler. -fra, stealth. -pi, adj. stealthy, furtive, surreptitious.
  • r019 re̋e̋ƣ|u, king [> English regal]. -a̋a̋ra, kingdom. -i, adj. royal, regnal. –muþı̋ȝ=u, council, royal court. =a̋a̋gu, majordomo.
  • r020 re̋e̋s|a, i.v. run; course [> English race]. –ankűlo, conveyor belt. -i, adj. cursorial. -lu, runner, courser. -o, course.
  • r021 re̋e̋t|o, roar, rumble. -a, i.v. roar, rumble, drone. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. roar.
  • r022 re̋e̋|ża, 1. t.v. extend; rack. 2. i.v. extend. -zra, extension, tension. -żo, extent. -ż̨i, adj. extensible, elastic.
  • r023 re̋|da, i.v. gutter, trickle down; elapse, lapse [of time]. –ðra, lapse [of time].
  • r024 re̋|ga, 1. t.v. wind, reel. 2. i.v. wind. -ƣlo, reel, winder, windlass, winch, capstan, crank. –ƣra, torsion.
  • drv réið|a, postp. by [< re̋iða, ride]. –ko, (supermarket) cart.
  • r025 re̋ika, 1. t.v. scribble, scrawl, scratch. 2. i.v. scratch, splutter [of pens] [> German Reihe, row].
  • r026 re̋ira, i.v. quiver, waver.
  • r027 re̋iv|a, 1. t.v. ring. 2. i.v. ring, peal. -o, ring, ringing, peal.
  • r028 re̋|ka, 1. t.v. decide [> English reckon]. 2. i.v. decide, determine. –ko, decision, ruling. –xra, determination. –xsi, adj. decisive.
  • r029 re̋m|o, lath, batten [> German Rahmen, frame]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. lath, batten.
  • r030 re̋m̃|i, adj. vast, extensive, ample, capacious, voluminous, far-reaching, sweeping. -ta, vastness, ampleness, capaciousness.
  • r031 re̋n|a, 1. t.v. climb (up), clamber up, scramble up, mount, scale, ascend. 2. i.v. climb, scale, mount, ascend, rise (up), go up, clamber; fig. be promoted [> English run]. -a, postp. up from. –ı̋ȝo, run, sequence [cards]. -m̃i, adj. gradual, gentle [slope]. -o, degree. -ra, climb, ascension, ascent, rise, rising.
  • r032 re̋|pa, t.v. snatch (up), grab, carry-, -off, -away, rape, abduct [> English rape]. –flu, abductor, rapist.
  • r033 re̋s|a, t.v. stab, puncture; spur on, prod, goad. -lo, spike, goad. -re̋þ=o, rowel. =nı̋ðo, spur.
  • r034 re̋s̨a, ill will, malevolence, enmity.
  • r035 re̋tu, buffoon, jester, clown [> Georgian reṭ-, spin [of the head]].
  • r036 re̋þ|o, wheel, roll, cylinder, roller, caster [> German Rad, wheel]. -a, i.v. roll, trundle. -i, adj. rolled, cylindrical, convoluted; watered [of fabric]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. roll (up), trundle; water [fabric]. -le̋e̋iso, rut, track [of a wheel]. -muxműűl=o, cigar. =ko, cigarette. -ra, volution. -sı̋ı̋ɫo, cog. -va̋a̋nlu, wheelwright.
  • r037 re̋ud|a, 1. t.v. sob. 2. i.v. sob [> Bavarian rotzen, blow the nose]. -o, sob.
  • r038 re̋uð|i, adj. red, ruddy [> English red]. -a, i.v. blush, flush. -gı̋li, adj. titian. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. redden, color-, make-, -red. -ta, redness. -t̬i, rubifacient.
  • r039 re̋uga, t.v. burst-, -forth, -out, break forth.
  • r040 re̋upa, 1. t.v. pluck (out), tear out, pull (up), pick. 2. i.v. pluck, pick [> English rip].
  • r041 re̋uva, t.v. be-, -due to, -up to.
  • drv re̋v|o, vein [of a leaf] [< re̋vo, rib]. -i, adj. ribbed, costal. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. rib.
  • r042 rı̋ı̋n|o, balk, ridge, bank [between fields].
  • r043 rı̋l|a, age. -a, post. at the age of [> Etruscan ril, at the age of].
  • r044 rı̋ƣ|a, i.v. burrow [> Inupiaq aɣɣak-, dig]. –o, burrow.
  • r045 rı̋r|a, i.v. quake, palpitate. -o, quake.
  • r046 rı̋z|a, t.v. prop, stay, support, shore up, brace, uphold [> Etruscan riza, support]. -a, postp. with, in support of, for. -bőto, fulcrum. -lo, prop, stay, leg, support, brace.
  • r047 rőő|bi, adj. hollow. -ba, i.v. excavate. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. hollow (out), excavate, chamfer, flute, undermine. -bo, excavation, cavity, hollow, concavity. -vǧe̋ti, adj. concave. -vta, excavation, grooving, fluting.
  • afx -rőgi, suffix used in naming plants, e.g., banrőgi, soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) [< ba̋na, t.v. wash].
  • r048 rőiv|o, spot, stain, blot. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. spot, stain, blot.
  • r049 rőuk|a, t.v. crease. –o, crease.
  • r050 rőża, t.v. burst-, wrench-, force-, fling-, -open.
  • r051 rűűm|a, 1. t.v. extend hospitality to. 2. i.v. extend hospitality. -i, adj. hospitable. -lu, host. -ra, hospitality. -ve̋e̋l̤u, guest master.
  • r052 rűűn|o, letter [alphabet], rune [> English rune]. -a, i.v. spell. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. spell. -ȝa̋ra, orthography, spelling. -pa̋f=o, alphabet. =i, adj. alphabetic, abecedarian.
  • afx -ru, noun suffix used to name a person connected with, belonging to, or a resident of what is named in the noun base, e.g., þe̋e̋no, lowland; þe̋e̋nru, lowlander, flatlander.
  • r053 rűz|a, t.v. engrave [> Etruscan ruze, engraving]. –lo, burin. –lu, engraver. -o, engraving. –rűűno, glyph.

Senjecas dict. s