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States of the World (Qihep)

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Here there is a list of all states on Earth (according to Wikipedia), with their Qihep names.

The names of the states of the world are usually loanwords, so they are expressed by phonetic compounds, with normal syllables used for their phonetic value instead of their meaning. They are thus usually written with an underline. Names like state, kingdom, federation or democratic are not used directly but they are translated and not underlined.

The names of the states can be used as the relative adjective, and can be compounded to express the name of the inhabitants and of the related language.

  • Itālia: Itālia vranvran, Italian population, Itāliavran, an Italian, Itāliaxēp, the Italian language

Some states have however developed an alternative adjectival form. This form will be used for the compound words, if they refer to the culture, while the name of the country will still be used when referring to the state.

  • Doiclān: Doiclān vranvran, Doiclānvran, an inhabitant of Germany, but doicvran, a person speaking German, doicxēp, the German language

The names are listed in their Latin transcription, with the syllable used separated, to show the correct syllabication of the name in Qihep.

States of Europe - Ewrōpa elān la

English Qihep Adjective
Albania ści-py-ri-ja ści-pyr
Andorra yn-do-ry
Armenia ha-ja-stān
Austria ō-sty-ra-ix
Azerbaijan ā-ser-ba-i-ǵan ā-ser
Belarus bi-e-la-rus
Belgium bel-gi-ka
Bosnia and Herzegovina bōs-na-xer-tse-go-vi-na bōs-na
Bulgaria byl-ga-ri-ja byl-gar
Croatia xyr-vat-ska xyr-vat
Cyprus ci-pros
Czech Republic ce-sko
Denmark den-mak
Estonia ē-sti
Finland su-o-mi
France fran-sy
Georgia sa-xar-ty-ve-lo sa-xar-ty
Germany do-ic-lān do-ic
Greece e-la-da
Hungary ma-ǵar-or-sāg ma-ǵar
Iceland is-lān
Ireland ē-ri-y
Italy i-tā-li-a
Kazakhstan ka-sax-stān ka-sax
Latvia lat-vi-ja
Liechtenstein lix-tyn-śta-in
Lithuania lit-va
Luxembourg ly-tsy-būk
Malta mal-ta
Moldova mol-do-va
Monaco mo-na-ko
Montenegro tsyr-na-go-ra
Netherlands nē-dyr-lān
Northern Macedonia srōk ma-ke-do-ni-ja ma-ke-don
Norway nōr-gy
Poland pol-ska
Portugal pur-tu-gal pur-tu-gēs
Romania ro-my-ni-a ro-myn
Russia ra-si-ja rus-ki
San Marino san-ma-rī-no
Serbia syr-bi-ja syr-by
Slovakia slo-ven-sko
Slovenia slo-vē-ni-ja slo-vēn
Spain e-spa-ńa
Sweden sver-je
Switzerland el-vē-ti-a
Turkey tūr-ci-je
Ukraine u-kra-ī-na
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
bōl bri-tyn i srōk ē-ri-y
mēskytsy horvranmeś
Vatican City va-ti-kā-no
va-ti-kā-no byl

Other European Names - Drug Ewrōpa ńīm la

English Novelatine Adjective
Parts of states (Important territories which are not independent states)
Catalonia ka-ta-lu-ńa
England in-gy-lān
Sardinia sar-di-ńa sar-du
Scotland skot-lān
Sicily si-cī-li-a
Wales kym-ri
Common institutions
European Union ew-rō-pa mēskytkȳt
Former countries
Czechoslovachia ce-sko-slo-ven-sko
Federal Republic of Germany
West Germany
do-ic fanēvranvranhormeś
tsap do-ic-lān
German Democratic Republic
East Germany
do-ic ńikvranhor vranvranhormeś
xīs do-ic-lān
Jugoslavia ju-go-slā-vi-ja
Soviet Union
Union of Socialist Sovietic Republics
so-vi-et mēskytkȳt
Unrecognized countries
Abkhazia ap-sny
Kosovo kō-so-vo
Southern Ossetia juǵ i-ry-ston
Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus
srōk ci-pros
tūr-ci-je vranvranhormeś

States of Asia - Āsia elān la

English Qihep Adjective
Afghanistan av-ga-ni-stān
Armenia ha-ja-stān
Azerbaijan ā-ser-ba-i-ǵan ā-ser
Bahrain bax-ra-in
Bangladesh ban-la-deś ban-la
Bhutan tuk-ūl
Brunei bru-naj
Cambodia kam-pu-ci-y
China - People's
Republic of China
cōn-qo - ńikvran dī cōn-qo
Cyprus ci-pros
East Timor xīs ti-mōr
Georgia sa-xar-ty-ve-lo sa-xar-ty
India in-di-a
Indonesia in-do-ne-si-a
Iran ī-rān
Iraq i-rah
Israel īs-ra-el
Japan ni-hon
Jordan ur-dun
Kazakhstan ka-sax-stān ka-sax
Kuwait al-ku-wēt
Kyrgyzstan hur-rus-stān
Laos lāw
Lebanon lib-nēn
Malaysia my-lej-si-y
Maldives di-ve-hi-rā-je
Mongolia mon-gol-ul-sy mon-gol
Myanmar mi-y-ma
Nepal ne-pal
North Korea co-son
Oman u-mān
Pakistan pā-ki-stān
Palestine fi-la-stīn
Papua New Guinea pā-pu-a-ni-u-gi-ni pā-pua
Philippines pi-li-pi-nas
Qatar ha-tar
Russia ra-si-ja ru-ski
Saudi Arabia sa-ū-di-jah a-ra-bī-ja sa-ū-di-jah
Singapore si-ny-pōr
South Korea hān-guk
Sri Lanka śrī lam-kā
Syria sū-ri-jā
Taiwan - Republic
of China
taj-wān - cōn-qo
Tajikistan to-ǵi-ki-stān to-ǵik
Thailand pra-tēt-taj taj
Turkey tūr-ci-je
Turkmenistan tūr-ky-me-ni-stān tūr-ky-men
United Arab Emirates mēskytsy arabī āmirmeś la
Uzbekistan os-be-ki-stān os-bek
Vietnam vi-et-nām
Yemen ja-man

States of Africa - Afrika elān la

English Qihep Adjective
Algeria al-ǵa-sā-ir
Angola an-go-la
Benin be-nen
Botswana bo-tsu-ā-na
Burkina Faso bur-ki-na-fa-so
Burundi u-bu-rūn-di
Cameroon ka-my-run
Cape Verde ka-bu-ver-dy
Central African Republic pya-fri-ka vranvranhormeś pya-fri-ka
Chad cād
Comoros ko-mo-ri
Democratic Republic of Congo kon-go ńikvranhor vranvranhormeś kon-go
Djibouti ǵi-bū-ti
Egypt mis-ry
Equatorial Guinea pydīngrāf gu-i-ne
Eritrea er-tra
Eswatini e-su-a-tī-ni
Ethiopia ī-ti-ō-pi-ā
Gabon ga-bon
Ghana ga-ny
Guinea gu-i-ne
Guinea-Bissau gu-i-ne-bi-saw
Ivory Coast kot-di-vu-ar
Kenya ke-ni-a
Lesotho li-sū-tu
Liberia laj-bi-y-ri-y
Libya lī-bi-ā
Madagascar ma-da-ga-ski-a-ry
Malawi ma-la-wi
Mali mā-li
Mauritania mū-rī-tā-ni-ā
Mauritius mo-ris
Morocco mag-rib
Mozambique mu-san-bi-ki
Namibia ny-mi-bi-y
Niger nī-ǵer
Nigeria naj-ǵi-ri-a
Republic of the Congo kon-go vranvranhormeś kon-go
Rwanda ur-gu-ān-da
São Tomé and Príncipe saw-to-me-prin-si-pi
Senegal se-ne-gāl
Seychelles se-śel
Sierra Leone si-e-ry-li-ow-ni
Somalia sō-mā-li-a
South Africa juǵ afrika vranvranhormeś juǵ afrika
South Sudan juǵ sū-dān
Sudan sū-dān
Tanzania tan-sa-ni-a
The Gambia gem-bi-y
Togo to-go
Tunisia tū-nis
Uganda u-gan-da
Zambia sān-bi-y
Zimbabwe tsim-ba-bu-e

States of North America - Srōk Amerika elān la

English Qihep Adjective
Antigua and Barbuda en-tī-gu-y-bār-dū-dy
Bahamas by-hā-mys
Barbados bār-bej-dys
Belize by-līs
Bahamas by-hā-mys
Canada ke-na-da
Costa Rica kos-ta-ri-ka
Cuba ku-ba
Dominica do-mi-nik
Dominican Republic do-mi-ni-ka-na vranvranhormeś
El Salvador el-sal-va-dor
Grenada gri-nej-dy
Guadeloupe gu-ad-lup
Guatemala gu-a-te-ma-la
Haiti a-i-ti
Honduras on-du-ras
Jamaica ǵy-mej-ka
Mexico me-xi-ko
Nicaragua ni-ka-ra-gu-a
Panama pa-na-ma
Saint Kitts and Nevis syn-kit-sy-nī-vis
Saint Lucia syn-lu-si-y
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines syn-vin-tsyn-gre-ny-dī-nys
Trinidad and Tobago tri-ni-ded-ty-bej-go
United States of America a-me-ri-ka mēskytsy elān la a-me-ri-ka

States of South America - Juǵ Amerika elān la

English Qihep Adjective
Argentina ar-xen-ti-na
Bolivia bo-li-vi-a
Brazil bra-siw
Chile ci-le
Ecuador e-qa-dor
Guyana gaj-yā-ny
Paraguay pa-rag-waj
Suriname sū-ri-na-my
Uruguay ur-ug-waj