States of the World (Qihep)
Here there is a list of all states on Earth (according to Wikipedia), with their Qihep names.
The names of the states of the world are usually loanwords, so they are expressed by phonetic compounds, with normal syllables used for their phonetic value instead of their meaning. They are thus usually written with an underline. Names like state, kingdom, federation or democratic are not used directly but they are translated and not underlined.
The names of the states can be used as the relative adjective, and can be compounded to express the name of the inhabitants and of the related language.
- Itālia: Itālia vranvran, Italian population, Itāliavran, an Italian, Itāliaxēp, the Italian language
Some states have however developed an alternative adjectival form. This form will be used for the compound words, if they refer to the culture, while the name of the country will still be used when referring to the state.
- Doiclān: Doiclān vranvran, Doiclānvran, an inhabitant of Germany, but doicvran, a person speaking German, doicxēp, the German language
The names are listed in their Latin transcription, with the syllable used separated, to show the correct syllabication of the name in Qihep.
States of Europe - Ewrōpa elān la
English | Qihep | Adjective |
Albania | ści-py-ri-ja | ści-pyr |
Andorra | yn-do-ry | |
Armenia | ha-ja-stān | |
Austria | ō-sty-ra-ix | |
Azerbaijan | ā-ser-ba-i-ǵan | ā-ser |
Belarus | bi-e-la-rus | |
Belgium | bel-gi-ka | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | bōs-na-xer-tse-go-vi-na | bōs-na |
Bulgaria | byl-ga-ri-ja | byl-gar |
Croatia | xyr-vat-ska | xyr-vat |
Cyprus | ci-pros | |
Czech Republic | ce-sko | |
Denmark | den-mak | |
Estonia | ē-sti | |
Finland | su-o-mi | |
France | fran-sy | |
Georgia | sa-xar-ty-ve-lo | sa-xar-ty |
Germany | do-ic-lān | do-ic |
Greece | e-la-da | |
Hungary | ma-ǵar-or-sāg | ma-ǵar |
Iceland | is-lān | |
Ireland | ē-ri-y | |
Italy | i-tā-li-a | |
Kazakhstan | ka-sax-stān | ka-sax |
Latvia | lat-vi-ja | |
Liechtenstein | lix-tyn-śta-in | |
Lithuania | lit-va | |
Luxembourg | ly-tsy-būk | |
Malta | mal-ta | |
Moldova | mol-do-va | |
Monaco | mo-na-ko | |
Montenegro | tsyr-na-go-ra | |
Netherlands | nē-dyr-lān | |
Northern Macedonia | srōk ma-ke-do-ni-ja | ma-ke-don |
Norway | nōr-gy | |
Poland | pol-ska | |
Portugal | pur-tu-gal | pur-tu-gēs |
Romania | ro-my-ni-a | ro-myn |
Russia | ra-si-ja | rus-ki |
San Marino | san-ma-rī-no | |
Serbia | syr-bi-ja | syr-by |
Slovakia | slo-ven-sko | |
Slovenia | slo-vē-ni-ja | slo-vēn |
Spain | e-spa-ńa | |
Sweden | sver-je | |
Switzerland | el-vē-ti-a | |
Turkey | tūr-ci-je | |
Ukraine | u-kra-ī-na | |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
bōl bri-tyn i srōk ē-ri-y mēskytsy horvranmeś |
bri-tyn |
Vatican City | va-ti-kā-no va-ti-kā-no byl |
States of Asia - Āsia elān la
English | Qihep | Adjective |
Afghanistan | av-ga-ni-stān | |
Armenia | ha-ja-stān | |
Azerbaijan | ā-ser-ba-i-ǵan | ā-ser |
Bahrain | bax-ra-in | |
Bangladesh | ban-la-deś | ban-la |
Bhutan | tuk-ūl | |
Brunei | bru-naj | |
Cambodia | kam-pu-ci-y | |
China | cōn-qo | |
Cyprus | ci-pros | |
East Timor | xīs ti-mōr | |
Georgia | sa-xar-ty-ve-lo | sa-xar-ty |
India | in-di-a | |
Indonesia | in-do-ne-si-a | |
Iran | ī-rān | |
Iraq | i-rah | |
Israel | īs-ra-el | |
Japan | ni-hon | |
Jordan | ur-dun | |
Kazakhstan | ka-sax-stān | ka-sax |
Kuwait | al-ku-wēt | |
Kyrgyzstan | hur-rus-stān | |
Laos | lāw | |
Lebanon | lib-nēn | |
Malaysia | my-lej-si-y | |
Maldives | di-ve-hi-rā-je | |
Mongolia | mon-gol-ul-sy | mon-gol |
Myanmar | mi-y-ma | |
Nepal | ne-pal | |
North Korea | co-son | |
Oman | u-mān | |
Pakistan | pā-ki-stān | |
Palestine | fi-la-stīn | |
Papua New Guinea | pā-pu-a-ni-u-gi-ni | pā-pua |
Philippines | pi-li-pi-nas | |
Qatar | ha-tar | |
Russia | ra-si-ja | ru-ski |
Saudi Arabia | sa-ū-di-jah a-ra-bī-ja | sa-ū-di-jah |
Singapore | si-ny-pōr | |
South Korea | hān-guk | |
Sri Lanka | śrī lam-kā | |
Syria | sū-ri-jā | |
Taiwan | taj-wān | |
Tajikistan | to-ǵi-ki-stān | to-ǵik |
Thailand | pra-tēt-taj | taj |
Turkey | tūr-ci-je | |
Turkmenistan | tūr-ky-me-ni-stān | tūr-ky-men |
United Arab Emirates | mēskytsy arabī āmirmeś la | |
Uzbekistan | os-be-ki-stān | os-bek |
Vietnam | vi-et-nām | |
Yemen | ja-man |
States of North America - Srōk Amerika elān la
English | Qihep | Adjective |
Antigua and Barbuda | en-tī-gu-y-bār-dū-dy | |
Bahamas | by-hā-mys | |
Barbados | bār-bej-dys | |
Belize | by-līs | |
Bahamas | by-hā-mys | |
Canada | ke-na-da | |
Costa Rica | kos-ta-ri-ka | |
Cuba | ku-ba | |
Dominica | do-mi-nik | |
Dominican Republic | do-mi-ni-ka-na vranvranhormēś | |
El Salvador | el-sal-va-dor | |
Grenada | gri-nej-dy | |
Guadeloupe | gu-ad-lup | |
Guatemala | gu-a-te-ma-la | |
Haiti | a-i-ti | |
Honduras | on-du-ras | |
Jamaica | ǵy-mej-ka | |
Mexico | me-xi-ko | |
Nicaragua | ni-ka-ra-gu-a | |
Panama | pa-na-ma | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | syn-kit-sy-nī-vis | |
Saint Lucia | syn-lu-si-y | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | syn-vin-tsyn-gre-ny-dī-nys | |
Trinidad and Tobago | tri-ni-ded-ty-bej-go | |
United States of America | a-me-ri-ka mēskytsy elān la | a-me-ri-ka |
States of South America - Juǵ Amerika elān la
English | Qihep | Adjective |
Argentina | ar-xen-ti-na | |
Bolivia | bo-li-vi-a | |
Brazil | bra-siw | |
Chile | ci-le | |
Equador | e-qa-dor | |
Guyana | gaj-yā-ny | |
Paraguay | pa-rag-waj | |
Suriname | sū-ri-na-my | |
Uruguay | ur-ug-waj |
Other State Names - Drug elān la ńīm
English | Novelatine | Adjective |
Parts of states (Important territories which are not independent states) | ||
Catalonia | ka-ta-lu-ńa | |
England | in-gy-lān | |
Sardinia | sar-di-ńa | sar-du |
Scotland | skot-lān | |
Sicily | si-cī-li-a | |
Wales | kym-ri | |
Common institutions | ||
European Union | ew-rō-pa mēskytkȳt | |
Former countries | ||
Czechoslovachia | ce-sko-slo-ven-sko | |
Federal Republic of Germany West Germany |
do-ic fanēvranvranhormeś tsap do-ic-lān |
German Democratic Republic East Germany |
do-ic ńikvranhor vranvranhormeś xīs do-ic-lān |
Jugoslavia | ju-go-slā-vi-ja | |
Soviet Union Union of Socialist Sovietic Republics |
so-vi-et mēskytkȳt | |
Unrecognized countries | ||
Abkhazia | ap-sny | |
Kosovo | kō-so-vo | |
Southern Ossetia | juǵ i-ry-ston | |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
srōk ci-pros tūr-ci-je vranvranhormeś |