Modern terminology in Poswa and Pabappa

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Poswa and Pabappa are adept at coining new words, although Pabappa takes many loans from Poswa. Pabappa words in italics denote words recently loaned from Poswa. Words for which no Pabappa entry is given in this table also use the Poswa word, adapted to Pabappa's sound system.

i will try to rework this around verbs instead of nouns/.

cellphone & computer terms


probably just going to use a list here, not table. these might have multiple forms, or might have a single form for each action but with each one varying among /-mp-/ "hip", /-ntš-/ "pocket/handhold", and /-p-/ "hand" as the agent of motion. Note that /ntš/ does *not* mean "fingertip"; this sense comes from the archaic zero-locative, thus "what fits in a handhold", and that is why it only appears in compounds.

There is no requirement that these words be U verbs, but as newly coined technology terms, outside the classical vocabulary, the U verbs are convenient.

Smartphone gestures

The word for a glass screen in a building is supupatša, so perhaps a phone's screen could be supupala.

  1. swipe: pipup-U-, pipep-U-, both "to scrape with the hand". These could be abbreviated to pup-U- and pep-U- on the assumption that the initial /pi/ is also "hand", when in fact it means "scrape". Also note that (unless I remove it) /pipup-U-/ already means "masturbate"; this is not necessarily a problem, since U verbs are generally colloquial and the literal meaning of the word for masturbate is just "to make oneself happy with their hands".
    Wopampi pipupubi.
    Swipe right.
  2. tap ~ press: puntš-U-
  3. long press
  4. rotate: šesp-U-
  5. shake
  6. drag
  7. multi-touch press
  8. pinch inward (to zoom): bebbup-U-, bebbap-U-, wovup-U. But the first two may be corrupt ... need to check updated dictionary to find etymologies.
    Supupalapi bebbupubwi.[1]
    Pinch the screen.
  9. spread outward (to zoom)
  10. palm swipe (does this still exist?)
  11. multi-finger swipe (does this still exist?)
  12. flick (does this still exist?)

Computer mouse gestures

Note that computer terms like "reboot" would not likely be U-verbs ... U-verbs are mostly useful for describing physical movements.

  1. click
  2. double-click
  3. left-click
  4. right-click
  5. scroll (with mouse wheel)
  6. to move the mouse
  7. to press and then move the mouse (make a selection etc)
  8. hover


If Pabappa borrows Poswa's U verbs, it would likely take the stem, add an /i/, and then conjugate them as ordinary verbs with the suffixes beginning with /b/. U verbs never arose in Pabappa and thus could not have "survived". Alternatively, they could borrow the stem and add a /u/ instead. /i/ would be the "scholarly" choice (matching semantics), while /u/ would be the commoner's choice (matching sound).


Examples of coined words for modern technology

English Poswa Pabappa Shared
Other notes
cellphone pampappep pampappep pocket voice electronics
chemical (warfare) bumpša punsasis animal queen Pabappa version adds sis "bomb" weapons
chemical (formula, recipe) fompaevabašša pompanibasa substance that breaks down into two others chemistry
cosmetic shampoo puppsafamiši hairstyle liquid soap cosmetics/fashion
sunglasses cosmetics/fashion
shampoo (in general) safamiši apublip beauty (liquid) soap; hair (liquid) soap one word for beauty also means "hair of the head" cosmetics/fashion
sunblock, sunscreen cosmetics/fashion
suntanning lotion cosmetics/fashion
clock (in general) appliances
wristwatch appliances
car, automobile pepope cart vehicle can also be parsed as "bubble vehicle", but this is due to coalescence
of two unrelated words.
This is just one of several words
car, automobile puppabu seat vehicle transportation
refrigerator šapes literal meaning "fresh box", but first three letters are the same as one word for snow appliances
robot pužwabiam slave born of machines slave (pula) born of machines (bwabiam)
robot žamapili amabili slave that walks
calculator pwurpavwab purpawab math machine
calculator pwurpožem purpodem math machine
calculator pwuvbwem pubbuem math machine assumes požem ---> bwem in Poswa,
which causes r ---> v
gun (in general) baepimpwembwa ulpassumpu tube aiming bullets[2] an SOV compound weapons
cannon baeptwappwembwa ulpussumpu tube aiming bombs [3] an SOV compound weapons
handgun, pistol bipimpwembwa hand aiming bullets the word for tube is omitted an SOV compound weapons
handgun, pistol ulpassumpusum handheld tube aiming bullets an SOV compound weapons
rifle baebapimpwembwa reed aiming bullets an SOV compound
torpedo weapons
DNA pypae a repurposed old coinage from an old word for placenta biology
balloon wawampaelum wawampailum air buoy
balloon --- pesimplum wind buoy
computer pwurpavwab pubitom purpawab pubitom calculator with pictures on it
computer pwurpavwab baviam purpawab babiam calculator with pictures on it
computer pubapwurpavwab puba purpawab calculator of drawings
computer pafapwurpavwab papa purpawab calculator of maps
computer wembvapwurpavwab wemba purpawab calculator of maps
pill (medicine) blibip egg


  1. this assumes a shift of /bʷb/ > /bʷ/, even though this would cause the verb to merge with its own passive form. This may not be as problematic as it sounds, because in most cases the verb would immediately follow a word in the accusative case, clarifying that it is not a passive.
  2. As used by slingshots. Thus, the word for bullet is not itself a modern coinage.
  3. Pabappa assumes that the word for bomb was pus, rather than having a separate existence as a passive noun, which would have caused it to change to sis