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Senjecas dict. z

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Pronunciation table

b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb kat hir han
z ζ з զ ज़ ض ז
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  1. There are 33 root words (lemmata) of which 27 are verbs and four are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 94% percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • z001 za̋|a, i.v. shimmer [> Etruscan za, shimmer]. -o, shimmer.
  • z002 za̋|ga, 1. t.v. disturb, inconvenience, ruffle; disorder, upset, derange. 2. i.v. interrupt; upset; interfere [> Mongolian *seg, interruption]. -gi, adj. disturbed, upset, ruffled, inconvenienced. -ƣra, disturbance, interruption, investigation, inquiry, inconvenience, perturbation; upset, intrusion, disorder, derangement; interference.
  • z003 za̋ȝ|a, dawn [> Korean saebyeok, 새벽, dawn]. -a, i.v. dawn.
  • z004 za̋þ|o, pillow, cushion. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. pillow, cushion.
  • z005 za̋x|a, 1. t.v. investigate, inquire-, delve-, -,into, search-, -after, -out. 2. i.v. investigate, delve [> Etruscan zax, investigate]. -lu, investigator.
  • z006 ze̋e̋m|a, 1. t.v. warn, caution, forewarn, admonish. 2. i.v. warn, forewarn, admonish [> Korean zamga-, use caution]. -e, intrj. beware, look out, ware, careful! -i, adj. careful, cautious, wary, gingerly. -o, warning; fig. anxiety. -ra, caution. -ta, caution, wariness. -vi, adv. carefully, cautiously, warily, gingerly. -ża̋a̋ro, warning cry.
  • z007 ze̋|bi, adj. strange, weird, odd [> Mongolian sebegẏn, strange]. -vta, strangeness.
  • z008 ze̋|gi, adj. brave, gallant, valiant [> Turkish jijit, brave man]. -gı̋d̨a, t.v. brave. -gu, brave man. -ƣta, bravery, gallantry, valor. -ƣvi, adv. bravely.
  • z009 ze̋|la, 1. t.v. awake, awaken, wake (up), waken, rouse. 2. i.v. awake, awaken, wake (up), waken, rouse [> Evenki sele-, wake up]. -i, adj. awake. -ra, waking, awakening, reveille.
  • z010 ze̋|po, rust [> Japanese さび sabí, rust]. -fs̨őőmi, adj. rustproof. -pa, i.v. rust. -pi, adj. rusty. -pı̋d̨a, t.v. rust.
  • z011 ze̋þ|o, drought. -i, adj. droughty.
  • z012 zı̋|da, 1. t.v. drag, tow, haul, tug. 2. i.v. drag, haul, tug [> Georgian tr, drag]. -do, train [of dress]. -ðlu, hauler, teamster.
  • z013 zı̋f|a, 1. t.v. spy. 2. i.v. spy [> Japanese shií-, slander]. -lu, spy.
  • z014 zı̋g|a, 1. t.v. sigh. 2. i.v. sigh [> Japanese しゃっくり shakkuri, hiccup]. -o, sigh.
  • z015 zı̋|ka, 1. t.v. dream. 2. i.v. dream [> Korean 꿈 kkum, dream]. -ki, adj. dreamy. -ko, dream; fancy. -xlu, dreamer, visionary.
  • z016 zı̋|la, 1. t.v. rule (over). 2. i.v. reign, rule [> Etruscan zil, rule]. -laþu, subject. -lba̋ko, scepter. -lbűka, royal line, dynasty. -lda̋ƣlu, successor to the throne. -li, adj. regnant, ruling. -l̤u, ruler. -lo, rule. -lra, rule, reign. -lse̋=do, throne; ~dom na̋va, abdicate, renounce the throne; semús o ~dom dőm̃a, enthrone, raise to the throne; ~dom ke̋e̋þa, ascend the throne. =ðke̋e̋þo, accession to the throne. =ðme̋e̋ðu, pretender. =ðte̋ro, throne room. =ðxe̋ilu, heir apparent. -lsűnatu, court [retinue].
  • z017 zı̋lþu, praetor.
  • z018 zı̋n|a, t.v. form, mold [> Japanese しな shìna, article]. -lu, former. -me̋iþ=a, 1. t.v. transfigure. 2. i.v. transfigure. -ra, transfiguration. -o, form, feature, formation, figure. -ra, formation. -si, adj. formative.
  • z019 zı̋sa, t.v. baste [Sew.] [> Korean sičhi-, baste].
  • z020 zı̋þ|a, 1. t.v. concern. 2. i.v. worry, fret. [> Japanese shìta-, be anxious]. -i, adj. anxious, apprehensive, worried, careworn, fretful, troubled. -ra, anxiety, apprehension, worry, care. -še̋ido, cold sweat.
  • z021 zı̋x|a, 1. t.v. paint (over), tincture. 2. i.v. paint [Etruscan zix, paint]. -aþo, painting. -lu, painter. -te̋lo, palette. -t̬i, tincture, paint. -űűra, (art of) painting.
  • z022 zőőla, 1. t.v. flutter. 2. i.v. flutter [> Gondi hōl-, shake].
  • z023 zőőmb|i, adj. idle [> Tamil cōmpu, idle]. -ĕta, idleness.
  • z024 zőr|a, t.v. furnish, supply, provide. -o, furnishings, supplies, provisions.
  • z025 zűm|a, 1. t.v. squeal. 2. i.v. squeal. -o, squeal.
  • z026 zűr|i, adj. female [> Svan zuräj, woman]. -u, female.
  • z027 zűs|a, i.v. aspire [> Etruscan zusa, strive]. -i, adj. aspiring. -ra, aspiration.
  • z028 ža̋r|o, limit, end [> Georgian ზღვარი zɣvari, limit]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. limit, set limits for, confine.
  • z029 že̋r|o, tribute, toll. [> Svan zwer-, collect tribute]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. collect [tribute, toll].
  • z030 z̨a̋a̋s|i, adj. bleak, desolate, desert(ed) [> Japanese, sùsam-, come into disorder]. -a, i.v. ravage, ruin. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. lay waste, devastate, ravage, ruin; squander. -lu, ravager. -o, ruin. -ra, bleakness, desolation, ruination.
  • z031 z̨a̋n|i, adj. light yellow [> Evenki siŋarīn, yellowish]. -a, i.v. turn-, become-, -light yellow. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. color-, make-, -light yellow.
  • z032 z̨a̋r|a, 1. t.v. shave. 2. i.v. shave [> Japanese そる sóru, shave]. -lo, razor. -lu, barber. -ṡı̋flo, shaving brush.
  • z033 z̨őők|o, bow, loop [> Nanai sịoχor, loop]. 1. i.v. -a,loop. 2. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. loop.
  • z034 z̨őőm|i, adj. strong, stout, tight, fast, rigid [> Japanese しめる shimeru, shut]. -ta, strength, stoutness, tightness, fastness, rigidity.

Senjecas dict. ż