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Senjecas dict. ȝ

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb kat hir han
ͷ ӎ ւ מ م
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  1. affx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, e.g., -m̃e, enclitic cnj. or.
  2. comp = compound, a word of two or more words, e.g., m̃eȝe + sa̋a̋ra, t.v. know = m̃eisa̋a̋ra, ornithology.
  3. derv = derivative, a word derived from a root, e.g., ge̋ulo, glowing coal < ge̋ula, t.v. bake under hot coals.
  4. poly = a word having a meaning similar to that of the original lemma, e.g., m̃ena̋a̋m̃a, t.v. get off [bus, train]. < m̃ena̋a̋m̃a, disembark].
  5. These words are not numbered, as only lemmata are numbered.
  6. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  7. At the end of each alphabetic section is a legend, e.g., Total: 66/32+10/64%. This means that there are 66 root words (lemmata) of which 32 are verbs and ten are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that 64 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • affx -m̃-, adj. suffix used to indicate pertaining to, connected with, belonging to, of the nature of, or characteristic of what is named in the noun base, e.g., na̋ȝe, dog; na̋im̃i, canine, doggish.
  • m̃001 m̃a̋a̋|ba, 1. t.v. wail, bewail, lament, bemoan. 2. i.v. wail, bewail, lament, keen, bemoan [> English weep]. -bo, wail(ing), lament(ation), keen. -b̨i, adj. lamentable. -vga̋a̋ȝo, dirge.
  • m̃002 m̃a̋a̋ð|a, t.v. ford; ~om de̋e̋sa ne, see no way out, find no solution [> English wade].
  • m̃003 m̃a̋a̋n|i, adj. empty, vacant, void, unoccupied, blank, plain, devoid [Gen.], all gone [> English want]. m̃a̋a̋n, zero. -a, i.v. empty, evacuate, drain. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. empty, evacuate, drain, vacate. -o, drain. -ra, void, vacuum, vacancy, evacuation. -ta, emptiness, blankness, the Void.
  • m̃004 m̃a̋a̋s|i, adj. waste, bare [> English waste].
  • m̃005 m̃a̋a̋|ta, t.v. predict, foretell, prophesy, presage, forecast, prognosticate, vaticinate [> English vatic]. -ti, adj. prophetic, vaticinal. -to, prophecy, prediction, prognostication, outlook. -t̨i, adj. predictable. -þlu, prophet, seer. -þra, prediction, prophesying.
  • m̃006 m̃a(r), quotative ptc. [> Hittite wa(r)-, quotative ptc.].
  • m̃007 m̃a̋ð|a, 1. t.v. pledge, guarantee. 2. i.v. pledge, guarantee, give security [> German Wette, bet]. -i, adj. guaranteed. -o, pledge, guarantee, bail, surety, security, warrant. -ra, guarantee.
  • m̃008 m̃a̋|ga, t.v. sheathe, cover over with; shroud, enshroud; overlap [> English vagina]. -go, sheath. -ƣni, adj. sheath-like.
  • m̃009 m̃aı̋, intrj. woe!, alas!; mús ~, woe is me! [> English woe].
  • derv m̃a̋il|a, t.v. pursue relentlessly, hound [> m̃a̋ile, wolf]. -ǧe̋rða, i.v. lope.
  • m̃010 m̃a̋iþ|a, i.v. declare, state, predicate [> Avestan vaθā, judicial statement]. -aþo, declaration. -i, adj. predicate. -o, predicate. -ra, declaration. -ro, statement.
  • m̃011 m̃a̋|ȝa, 1. t.v. alter. 2. i.v. alter, transform [> Finnish vaihta-, exchange]. -ira, alteration, transformation.
  • m̃012 m̃a̋|ka, 1. t.v. empower, power. 2. i.v. have power to [Finnish väki, people]. -xm̃i, adj. potential. -xra, power, potency. -xri, adj. powerful, potent.
  • m̃013 m̃a̋l|i, adj. strong, mighty, robust, intense [> German walten, rule]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. strengthen, invigorate, fortify, intensify. -mi, adj. intensive. -ra, dominion, mastery. -ta, might, strength, intensity.
  • derv m̃a̋ng|i, adj. steep, precipitous [< m̃a̋ngo, precipice]. -ĕta, steepness.
  • m̃014 m̃a̋|pa, i.v. gossip, meddle, tattle. -flu, gossip(monger), meddler, tattler, tattle. -fri, adj. gossipy, full of gossip. -fsi, adj. gossipy, inclined to gossip. -po, gossip.
  • derv m̃a̋s|i, adj. left, sinistral, left-handed [< m̃a̋so, left hand]. -i, postp. to-, on-, -the left of. -þi, adv. on the left. -þim, adv. to the left. -þis, adv. from the left.
  • m̃015 m̃a̋t|o, wrinkle, pucker. -a, i.v. wrinkle, pucker; ṡűbom ~, wrinkle-, furrow-, -the brow, frown. -i, adj. wrinkled, puckered; rugose. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. wrinkle, pucker.
  • m̃016 m̃e̋e̋|a, 1. t.v. blow-, (-away, -along); fan. 2. i.v. blow [> English vent]. -ṡűrko, wind current. -ka̋a̋lo, windfall. -k̬ı̋ı̋li, adj. calm, windless. -l=o, fan. =te̋ƣo, fanblade. -me̋lo, anemometer. -o, drift. -pa̋do, windvane, weather-, -vane, -cock. -pásvi, adv. in no time, like wildfire.
  • m̃017 m̃e̋e̋iro, wire [> English wire].
  • m̃018 m̃e̋e̋|ri, adj. true, correct, just, so; ~ m̃ı̋ka, prove true, turn out [> English very]. -ra, i.v. obtain, be-, -the case, -in force, hold true. -rı̋d̨a, t.v. right, correct, rectify, amend, set right, admonish. -rȝe̋xno, verdict. -rm̃e̋k=o, fact. =ri, adj. factual. -ro, right, prerogative. -r̈a, truth; ~ra̋s éna, in-, -truth, -fact, -reality, truly. -r̈i, adj. truthful. -rta, rightness, correctness. -rvi, adv. truly, rightly, frankly, as a matter of fact, in fact, rightwise.
  • m̃019 m̃e̋e̋|so, house, dwelling, residence, habitation, domicile [> English was]. -sı̋d̨a, t.v. house. -sa, i.v. dwell, live, reside, abide, inhabit, lodge. -sı̋d̨a, t.v. house. -sm̃=i, adj. living, dwelling, resident; domestic. =ĕta, domesticity, family life. -slu, dweller, resident, inhabitant. -slűko, address. -sra, residence, habitation. -su, household. -s̨i, adj. inhabitable.
  • affx -m̃e, enclitic cnj. or [> Latin -ve, or].
  • m̃020 m̃e̋|da, 1. t.v. marry, wed, espouse. 2. i.v. be-, get-, -married; ~ súna, marry into [a family] [> English wed]. -da̋a̋no, wedding ring. -daþu, spouse. -di, adj. marital, matrimonial, conjugal. -do, wedding, espousal. -ðba̋a̋o, marriage bond. -ðlűƣ=a, t.v. betroth, affiance. =aþu, betrothed. =o, marriage vow. =ra, betrothal, betrothment. -ðm̃e̋o, epithalamium. -ðra, marriage, matrimony, wedlock; nuptials. -ðṡe̋nra, divorce.
  • m̃021 m̃e̋ð|i, adj. capricious, whimsical, fickle, arbitrary. -ta, caprice, whim, whimsy, fickleness.
  • m̃022 m̃e̋ga, t.v. fasten-, knit-, -together [> English wick].
  • m̃023 m̃e̋h|a, t.v. (fasten-, split-, -with a) wedge; fig. silence, confound [> English wedge]. -ȝa̋ra, cuneiform script. -lo, wedge, gusset. -ne̋uo, cuneiform sign. -zı̋ni, adj. cuneiform.
  • comp m̃éinm̃exle̋żo, wine list [< m̃e̋ino, wine; m̃e̋ko, thing; le̋żo, set].
  • m̃024 m̃e̋ip|a, i.v. writhe, wriggle; meander, wind [of rivers] [> English wipe]. -i, adj. winding, tortuous, fractuous. -o, meander.
  • derv m̃e̋|im̃i, adj. avian [< m̃e̋ȝe, bird]. -ini, adj. birdlike.
  • m̃025 m̃e̋iƣa, t.v. oscillate [> German Wiege, cradle].
  • m̃026 m̃e̋|ȝe, bird [> English avian]. -im̃i, adj. avian. -ini, adj. birdlike. -isa̋a̋r̈=a, ornithology. =a̋a̋gu, ornithologist. -ite̋utu, bird folk [Ethrans]. -ȝe̋ðlo, aviary, birdhouse. -ȝe̋e̋vlu, bird-bidder [Ethrans]. -ȝı̋ȝo, flight-, flock-, -of birds.
  • m̃027 m̃e̋|ko, thing, object, article, item, body [> English wight]. -ki, adj. real, concrete, material, objective. -xle̋żo, list, inventory, register, roll, catalog. -xta, reality.
  • m̃028 m̃e̋|la, 1. t.v. write-, compose, -(poetry). 2. i.v. write-, compose-, -poetry. -li, adj. poetic. -l̤u, poet. -lo, poem. -l̨őm=o, ballad. =a̋a̋gu, balladeer.
  • m̃029 m̃e̋lk|o, dazzle. -i, adj. dazzling. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. dazzle.
  • m̃030 m̃e̋ɫ|a, t.v. affirm, ratify, confirm, approve, validate, sanction, be in favor of; say yes; ~ va̋a̋, i.v. asseverate [> English vow]. -i, adj. affirmative, valid. -ra, affirmation, ratification, confirmation, validation, sanction, approval. -ta, validity.
  • m̃031 m̃e̋m|a, 1. t.v. vomit, heave, throw up, spew. 2. i.v. vomit, be sick, heave, throw up, spew [> English vomit]. -o, vomit. -t̬i, emetic.
  • m̃032 m̃e̋n|a, 1. t.v. love, cherish, be in love with. 2. i.v. love, be in love [> English Venus]. -aþ=u, beloved. =i, adj. beloved. -lu, lover. -pa̋lba, sweet nothings. -ra, love, affection. -t̬i, love potion.
  • poly m̃ena̋a̋m̃a, 1. t.v. get off [bus, train]. 2. i.v. get off. [< m̃ena̋a̋m̃a, disembark].
  • m̃033 m̃enðónu, adv. at last, finally, in short, in fine, eventually.
  • m̃034 m̃e̋nżo, sidepiece; wing [of a chair] [> German Wange, cheek].
  • affx m̃er-, adv. prefix re-.
  • m̃035 m̃e̋nżo, sidepiece; wing [of a chair] [> German Wange, cheek].
  • affx m̃er|de̋x=a, 1. t.v. regain, retrieve, pick up. 2. i.v. retrieve. =ra, retrieval. -me̋ȝa, t.v. re-establish.
  • m̃036 m̃e̋s|a, west [> English west]. -a, i.v. wester, move-, travel-, -west. -i, adj. western, westerly, occidental. -þi, adv. in the west. -þim, adv. westwards. -þis, adv. from the west.
  • m̃037 m̃e̋sl|i, adj. cheap, inexpensive. -a, i.v. get cheaper, come down in price; cheapen. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. make cheaper, reduce the price of; cheapen, deprecate, disparage. -o, bauble, trinket, trifle.
  • m̃038 m̃e̋|ṡa, 1. t.v. want. 2. i.v. will, be willing; want [> Greek ἑκών, willingly]. -sra, will, want; tús ~a̋s épa, as you will.
  • m̃039 m̃e̋um|i, anim. adj. much, many; a great deal of; a lot of; lots of [> English omni-]. -dı̋ı̋l=i, adj. ambiguous, indeterminate. -ǧe̋n=a, polygyny. =i, adj. polygynous. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. lavish, shower. -m̃e̋ð=a, polygamy. =i, adj. polygamous. -m̃ı̋ı̋r=a, polyandry. =i, adj. polyandrous. -o, much, a lot. -r=i, adj. lavish, prodigal, profuse. =ĕta, lavishness, prodigality. =ĕvi, lavishly. -ta, multiplicity. -te̋e̋ri, adj. multi-colored, polychromatic. -vi, adv. much, a lot.
  • m̃040 m̃e̋v|a, 1. t.v. waft. 2. i.v. waft, fly [like dust], rise up [> German wabern, waft]. -ra, wafture.
  • m̃041 m̃ı̋ı̋|i, adj. separate(d), distinct, discrete, apart [> Sanskrit -, apart, asunder]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. separate. -ȝi, adj. separable. -ra, separateness, distinctness. -vi, adv. apart, asunder, separately.
  • m̃042 m̃ı̋ı̋r|u, man [male human]. [> English virile]. -bűko, male line. -m̃i, adj. manly, masculine, virile. -ta, manhood, virility, manliness.
  • m̃043 m̃ı̋ı̋|so, poison, toxin, bane [> English virus]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. poison; taint. -si, adj. poisonous, toxic, baneful. -s̈a̋a̋r̈=a, toxicology. =a̋a̋gu, toxicologist.
  • m̃044 m̃ı̋ı̋ta, 1. t.v. wilt, wither, shrivel (up). 2. i.v. wilt, wither, shrivel.
  • m̃045 m̃ı̋ı̋xa, 1. t.v. interweave, interlace. 2. i.v. interlace [> English withe].
  • affx m̃i- (m̨̃ before a vowel), prefix for the conversive, e.g., őuta, dress; m̨̃őuta, undress.
  • derv m̃idı̋ı̋la, i.v. be-, -unimpressed, -underwhelmed.
  • m̃046 m̃ı̋ðo, firewood [> English wood].
  • derv m̃igőþo, negative [Photo.].
  • derv m̃iǧe̋la, t.v. disentangle, untangle.
  • m̃047 m̃ı̋ȝ|i, adj. purple [> English violet]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. color-, make-, -purple, empurple. -a, i.v. turn-, become-, -purple.
  • derv m̃iȝűga, t.v. unharness; detach.
  • derv m̃ika̋ð|a, t.v. uncover, expose to view, show up. -ra, exposure.
  • derv m̃ikűűsa, t.v. unhire, fire.
  • derv m̃ikı̋|a, t.v. undo. -ȝi, adj. defeasible.
  • derv m̃iɫe̋ni, adj. cheap, tight, stingy.
  • derv m̃imőra, t.v. unhorse.
  • derv m̃im̃a̋ga, t.v. unsheathe.
  • derv m̃ine̋uda, t.v. break [cease function].
  • m̃048 m̃ı̋n|i, adj. oblique [> Finnish vino, awry]. -ta, obliquity, obliqueness.
  • derv m̃ipe̋la, t.v. unfold.
  • m̃049 m̃ı̋p|o, pointed stick [> Sanskrit vip, rod]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. sharpen a stick.
  • derv m̃ire̋e̋|da, t.v. discourage, intimidate, daunt. -di, adj. daunting. -ðlu, daunter.
  • derv m̃ire̋|ṡa, t.v. disarrange, disorder, disarray, mess (up), clutter; unsettle, disorganize. -sra, disorder, disarray, disorganization. -sta, disorderliness. -ṡi, adj. disorderly. -ṡo, mess, clutter, hodge-podge.
  • derv m̃ita̋a̋za, t.v. unlock.
  • m̃050 m̃ite̋r|i, adj. further, farther, ulterior. -im, adv. from now on, in-, for the-, -future. -u, adv. farther, further, furthermore, moreover, besides; ~ (a̋te), continue! proceed! go on!
  • m̃051 m̃ı̋þa, t.v. shake, agitate, make vibrate.
  • derv m̃iþ̨a̋xa, t.v. unemploy, lay off.
  • derv m̃iva̋la, t.v. strip-, clear-, -of leaves.
  • m̃052 m̃őő|ga, 1. t.v. take-, -in addition, -more; add (on), put on; add to [Gen.], supplement. -gi, adj. additional, extra, supplemental; intercalary. -ƣfe̋e̋to, nickname. -ƣra, addition, supplement.
  • m̃053 m̃őő|ta, t.v. inspire. -þhe̋la, flash of inspiration. -þm̃i, adj. inspirational. -þra, inspiration. -þri, adj. inspirational.
  • m̃054 m̃o, cnj. or, or else. ~...~, cnj. either..or.
  • m̃055 m̃őd|a, t.v. revile, rail, nag, vituperate. [> Lithuanian vadìnti, call]. -i, adj. vituperative.
  • m̃056 m̃őői|ki, adj. vital. -xta, vitality.
  • m̃057 m̃őpo, sleeping hole in snow [> Mansi vāpi, pit in the snow].
  • m̃058 m̃őrn|a, t.v. chafe, gall, excoriate. -i, adj. chafed, galled, chapped. -o, excoriation, gall.
  • m̃059 m̃őso, fork in the road [> Mordvinic o, corner].
  • m060 m̃ő|ta, t.v. mop (up). -þlo, mop.
  • m061 m̃őu|ro, leak, leach [> English urine]. -a, i.v. trickle, seep, percolate; leach. -ri, adj. leaky. -rı̋d̨a, t.v. leak, trickle, percolate, infiltrate; leach. -r̈a, leakage, seepage. -rvı̋ðo, leach tub.
  • m̃062 m̃űű|ra, 1. t.v. protect, screen, defend, stand up for, vindicate; escort, convoy [Mil.]. 2. i.v. defend [> English weir]. -ra, protection, defense, vindication. -rarkőmo, stockade. -raþu, ward. -rlu, protector, defender. -rműƣdo, rampart, mound. -rṡ̬aþm̃őőno, escort, convoy. -rt̬i, vaccine. -r̨i, adj. tenable, defensible.
  • m̃063 m̃ű|ȝa, 1. t.v. border (on), abut; adjoin, be contiguous to. 2. i.v. be bounded (by, Gen.), abut, march [> Komi vi̮je̮s, boundary]. -ita̋a̋ino, boundary stone. -ita̋im=a, borderland, frontier (country), march. =ve̋e̋l̤u, marquis, marchioness. -ȝa, border, boundary, limit, contiguity.
  • m̃064 m̃űn|a, 1. t.v. forget. 2. i.v. forget [> Finnish unohta-, forget]. -i, adj. forgetful, oblivious, absent-minded. -ta, oblivion, forgetfulness.
  • m̃065 m̃us, pers. pron. we [> English we].
  • m̃066 m̃űsi, adj. expensive, dear, costly.
  • derv m̨̃ő|sa, t.v. exculpate, acquit. -s̨i, adj. exculpatory.
  • derv m̨̃uðn̨a̋|ra, t.v. manumit, emancipate. -rlu, emancipator. -r̈a, manumission, emancipation.
  • derv m̨̃űɫa, t.v. unfreeze, defrost.

Total: 66/32+10/64%