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Senjecas buildings and settlements

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ǫ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


  1. afx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix added to a root, e.g., m̃e̋ha, t.v. wedge + lo, means suffix = m̃e̋hlo, keystone, dowel, cotter pin.
  2. cpd = a compound of two or more roots, e.g., a̋a̋me, flowing water + tűlo, tube = aamtűlo, aqueduct.
  3. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., te̋ro, room, chamber, < te̋ra, make room.
  4. pol = a word with a different, but related sense to an original word, e.g., sa̋iro, merlon < sa̋ira, t.v. project.
  5. These words are not numbered, as only original roots are numbered.
  6. Words in red indicate an object that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  7. At the end of the dictionary is a legend, 90/15+0/17%. This means that there are 89 root words (lemmata) of which 15 are verbs and none is an adjective which can be treated as a stative verb. The last number means that 17 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.

Buildings - de̋mos

  • cpd aamtűlo, aqueduct.
  • cpd aam̃da̋ro, auditorium.
  • 001 a̋ito, stilt house [> Lithuanian áit(i)vara-s, elf].
  • cpd áám̈olde̋mo, water mill.
  • cpd ánerka̋a̋xo, ancestral hall.
  • 002 arge̋l̨o, [Human] underground dwelling.
  • cpd ásn̨arde̋mo, movie house, cinema.
  • 003 atőȝo, shepherd’s cabin [> Etruscan shepherd’s cabin].
  • 004 a̋xlo, Pyran adobe house [> Georgian saxl-, house].
  • cpd bahde̋mo, pawnshop.
  • cpd beemde̋mo, guest house.
  • 005 be̋ƣo, barn [> Georgian beɣeli, barn].
  • cpd davþőlo, drawbridge.
  • cpd defde̋mo, tea house.
  • cpd deusde̋mo, station.
  • cpd disde̋mo, guardhouse.
  • cpd doþde̋mo, mint.
  • cpd eðde̋mo, restaurant.
  • cpd goolde̋mo, storehouse, warehouse.
  • 006 gűűlo, [Lithan] house [> Japanese kurá, shed].
  • cpd palte̋ro, rotunda.
  • 007 ha̋rmo, temple [> Sanskrit harmyá-, large house].
  • cpd ívgoolde̋mo, granary, grange.
  • cpd ȝaaxde̋mo, chandlery.
  • cpd ȝáxtÿfaarde̋mo, pharmacy.
  • cpd ȝeexde̋mo, hospital, sanatorium.
  • cpd ȝoðde̋mo, tannery.
  • cpd kaþfáársade̋mo, department store.
  • cpd koinde̋mo, community house.
  • cpd kolde̋mo, jail, prison, penitentiary.
  • cpd k̬olde̋mo, butcher shop.
  • cpd lam̃de̋mo, bathhouse.
  • cpd liiƣde̋mo, pottery.
  • cpd lei|da̋a̋ro, stadium, arena. -ðde̋mo, playhouse, theater.
  • cpd losde̋mo, sawmill.
  • cpd luvde̋mo, library.
  • cpd maðde̋mo, meadery.
  • cpd malde̋mo, hostel.
  • cpd méztunde̋mo, college.
  • cpd mevde̋mo, dance hall.
  • cpd miþde̋mo, post office.
  • cpd muþ|da̋ro, meeting place. -de̋mo, meeting house, assembly hall.
  • 008 m̃a̋sto, palace. [> Greek ἄστϋ, city].
  • cpd m̃éémolde̋mo, windmill.
  • cpd m̃einde̋mo, wine house.
  • cpd m̃eiṡe̋sl|o, manor house, estate, villa. -i, adj. manorial.
  • cpd m̃eƣde̋mo, carriage house, garage.
  • cpd nesde̋mo, bank.
  • cpd néṡaiðde̋mo, crematory.
  • cpd numvűrƣo, observatory.
  • cpd oonde̋mo, skyscraper.
  • cpd omm̃e̋e̋so, barracks.
  • cpd oƣde̋mo, orphanage.
  • cpd oþde̋mo, lodge.
  • cpd peþxa̋po, airport.
  • cpd piiƣde̋mo, smokehouse.
  • 009 ƥala̋go, mansion [> Mongolian balaɣasun, fortress].
  • cpd raaþm̃e̋e̋so, log house.
  • cpd sade̋m|o, store. -ko, shop.
  • cpd saƣte̋ro, coat-, cloak-, -room.
  • cpd saþda̋ro, caravansary
  • cpd sax|de̋mo, brewery. -m̃e̋e̋so, alehouse, beer-house, pub, bar, tavern.
  • cpd suuþde̋mo, museum.
  • cpd surde̋mo, latrine, outhouse.
  • cpd šefde̋mo, dormitory.
  • cpd s̨áálaþde̋mo, railway station.
  • cpd s̨uþde̋mo, dairy.
  • 010 ṡokőmo, temporary shelter used by Human herders [> Hungarian soɣVm, snow hut].
  • 011 tala̋so, cottage, hut, cabin [> Finnish talas, hut].
  • cpd taƣde̋mo, inn, hotel.
  • cpd teeƣde̋mo, distillery.
  • 012 tőto, canal, channel [> Tamil toṭṭi, trough].
  • cpd tozde̋mo, church.
  • cpd tunde̋mo, school.
  • drv þőőro, tower [< þőőra, t.v. tower ].
  • drv þőlo, bridge [< þőla, t.v. bridge].
  • 013 va̋rgo, square [> Middle Low German barg-, barn without walls].
  • cpd vooƣde̋mo, bakery.
  • 014 vűno, chalet.
  • 015 vűrƣo, watchtower [> English burg].
  • 016 xőto, [Hydoran] hut [> Naikri khoṭa, cowshed].
  • cpd zarþőőro, bell tower.
  • cpd zõðde̋mo, greenhouse, conservatory, hot house.

Tents and yurts - vőutos, nűűros

  • 017 fuba̋go, sticks supporting the upper rim of a yurt [> Turkish huɣ, hut].
  • 018 ke̋e̋nto, wall of yurt.
  • 019 nűűr|a, i.v. set up a yurt. -o, yurt.
  • 020 tı̋so, tent roof of birch bark [> Komi tiska, tent roof of birch bark].
  • 021 vőu|ta, 1. t.v. pitch [tent]. 2. i.v. tent, camp, encamp. -tı̋ȝo, camp. -to, tent. -þlu, camper.
  • 022 x̨űg|a, i.v. erect the central pole of a tent [> Evenki e, threshold]. -o, central pole of a tent.

Rooms – te̋ros

  • cpd daarte̋ro, workroom.
  • cpd duƣte̋ro, kitchen.
  • cpd ðurte̋ro, room of portals.
  • 023 e̋ðo, lobby, vestibule, foyer, entrance hall [> Finnish esi, front].
  • cpd eðte̋ro, dining room, refectory.
  • cpd goolte̋ro, pantry, larder.
  • 024 ka̋a̋xo, hall [> Turkish koɣ, hall].
  • 025 ke̋to, living room, quarters.
  • 026 me̋e̋do, ceiling loft, attic, garret [> Telugu mēḍa, upper chamber].
  • cpd múslam̃te̋ro, sauna bath.
  • cpd n̨ofte̋ro, room in the front, but.
  • cpd oite̋ro, toilet [room].
  • cpd puus̈e̋ðo, porch, veranda.
  • cpd puuste̋ro, room in the rear, ben.
  • cpd ƣiþte̋ro, shower room.
  • cpd siim̃te̋ro, spring room.
  • cpd siƣte̋ro, laboratory.
  • cpd šefte̋ro, bedroom.
  • drv te̋ro, room, chamber [< te̋ra, make room].

Parts of a house – m̃eesfa̋a̋ȝos

  • 027 a̋ulo, court.
  • 028 be̋h|e, t.v. floor. -fa̋lo, floor board. -o, floor, flooring.
  • 029 bőðo, platform.
  • 030 b̨a̋so, deck [> Tungus biasere-, decking].
  • cpd demn̨őpo, façade.
  • 031 ðű|ra, 1. t.v. shut the door on s.o./, close the entrance-, -to, -of. 2. i.v. shut the door [> English door]. -ro, door, portal. -rkőmto, doorframe. -rnı̋ðo, door-, -handle, -knob. -rpőrto, doorway. -rƥőso, doorsill. -r̈e̋no, doorstep.
  • 032 f̨a̋nxo, door-, -post, -jamb [> Mongolian enike, doorpost].
  • 033 ı̋bo, yard [> Turkish ev, house].
  • 034 kőƣɫo, chimney.
  • 035 kőr|a, t.v. roof [> Saami goarân, hairy skin covering]. -fa̋do, parapet. -kűto, roofing, roof covering. -lu, roofer. -o, roof. -pa̋lðo, gutter. -ta̋a̋ino, roof tile, flagstone. -tűlo, downspout. -tűngo, skylight. -þ̨őfo, roof thatch.
  • 036 ƥőso, threshold, sill [> Japanese hashí, bridge].
  • 037 ra̋po, flue [> Finnish räppänä, flue].
  • 038 sa̋rmo, smoke hole in roof [> Kamas mā-zɛro, smoke hole in tent].
  • 039 sı̋ko, lintel [> Japanese shìkii, threshhold].
  • cpd suxðűro, revolving door.
  • 040 ṡı̋ı̋s|o, column, pillar. –aża̋mo, collonade, peristyle. -i, adj. columnar. -pe̋do, pedestal, footstall.
  • 041 ṡőlo, fireplace, hearth [> Tamil ulai, fireplace].
  • 042 ta̋þ|o, gate, gateway [> Kolami daṭam, door]. -vűrƣo, barbican.
  • cpd teƣf̨őőlo, portico.
  • 043 tűng|o, window. -ĕƥőso, windowsill. -ĕka̋ðo, shutter.

Construction - de̋mra

  • 044 ba̋lp|a, t.v. cover with slate [> Telugu balapamu, slate]. -o, slate.
  • 045 de̋ma, t.v. build, construct, erect, put-, set-, -up, raise [> English timber]. -a, structure, construction. -o, building, edifice, structure. -lu, builder. -ra, construction.
  • 046 d̬ı̋r|a, t.v. joist [> Georgian dire, beam]. -o, crossbeam, joist.
  • drv fa̋do, wall [< fa̋da, t.v. wall (in)].
  • cpd falgődo, wooden partition.
  • 047 fe̋e̋no, roof shingle.
  • 048 ge̋fs|a, t.v. plaster, stucco. -o, plaster, stucco.
  • 049 gő|do, interior wall [> Telugu gōḍa, wall]. -ðbaȝa̋lo, alcove.
  • cpd ɠorðe̋iho, adobe.
  • 050 ha̋b|a, t.v. place a-, -beam, -girder, -balk [> Gipuzcoan abe, beam]. -o, beam, girder, balk.
  • afx m̃e̋hlo, keystone, dowel, cotter pin [< m̃e̋ha, t.v. wedge].
  • pol ƣőőro, roof-tree, ridgepole, ridge beam [< ƣőőra, i.v. protrude].
  • afx renı̋ȝo, steps, stairs, staircase [< re̋na, t.v. climb].
  • 051 rőőto, rafter joint.
  • pol sa̋iro, merlon [< sa̋ira, t.v. project].
  • 052 se̋rk|a, t.v. wattle [> English sartorial]. -o, wattle.
  • 053 sı̋ı̋p|a, t.v. lay sod. -o, sod.
  • 054 s̨őőro, structure made of poles [> Turkish sırık, pole].
  • 055 ṡ̬űm|a, mortar. -o, mortar.
  • 056 tűvro, ridgepole [> Inupik tūrraq, ridgepole].
  • 057 þa̋a̋k|o, rafter [> Korean thɨ́r, frame]. -ı̋ȝo, framework of a roof, rafters.
  • 058 þa̋a̋mo, ceiling [> Turkish dam, roof].
  • cpd þ̨ofkőro, thatched roof.
  • 059 żőf|o, inner corner [> Japanese yòko, side]. -ða̋no, corner shelf.

Furnishings - re̋e̋ðos

  • cpd aaþvı̋ðo, brazier.
  • 060 ala̋mo, wadding [> Hungarah alom, litter].
  • 061 a̋uxo, oven [> English oven].
  • 062 ave̋ro, bedding [> Inupik aššaq, curtain].
  • cpd bixna̋do, mosquito net.
  • 063 da̋k|a, t.v. (cover as with a) blanket [> Turkish jorɣan, blanket]. -o, blanket, coverlet.
  • pol de̋e̋|o, bed. -ke̋m̃o, bedspread.
  • 064 ða̋n|a, t.v. place-, put-, -on a shelf [> English den]. -o, shelf, ledge, berm, platform. -se̋do, bench.
  • 065 e̋rgo, cupboard, cabinet, closet [> Mongolian ergineg, cupboard].
  • 066 inle̋ƣo, sleeping platform [> Yupik iŋlǝq, bed].
  • cpd ȝege̋rgo, ice box, refrigerator.
  • 067 katı̋lo, Hydoran sleeping mat [> Tamil kaṭṭil, cot].
  • 068 ke̋mo, stove [> Japanese kàma, stove].
  • 069 kőőmo, carpet [> Japanese kòmo].
  • 070 la̋fso, space behind the fire place.
  • cpd lam̃|da̋ro, spa, bathing place. -te̋ro, bathroom. -vı̋ðo, bathtub.
  • cpd maaþšı̋ı̋ro, wooden floor.
  • cpd meeðtűngo, attic-, garret-, -window.
  • 071 műűd|a, t.v. curtain (off), cover with curtains, drape [> Tamil mūṭu, cover]. -o, curtain, drape.
  • cpd oute̋rgo, wardrobe.
  • cpd peelőm̃o, sink.
  • cpd piðse̋do, couch, sofa.
  • 072 pűlto, awning, tilt.
  • 073 rőiso, lattice.
  • 074 sı̋þo, ladder [> Korean sadari, stairs].
  • cpd surse̋do, toilet [fixture].
  • 075 ṡa̋a̋po, mat [> Tamil cāppai, grass mat].
  • 076 ṡa̋ṡo, sleeping-, -pallet, -shelf.
  • 077 ta̋a̋ɫɫo, mattress.
  • cpd tírkoonzűþo, gable.
  • 078 totı̋lo, cradle [> Tamil toṭṭil, cradle].
  • 079 űngo, canopy [> Chaplino ávik, canopy].
  • 080 űűvo, balcony.
  • 081 ve̋e̋urno, cornice, molding.
  • 082 xeena̋þo, wall mat [> Turkish kanat, yurt wall].

Settlements - ı̋xos

  • 083 ce̋im̃|o, [Human] settlement [> English civil]. -muþı̋ȝu, council. -ne̋e̋ilu, materfamilias, head-woman. -ru, villager.
  • 084 da̋|bo, [Pyran] village [> Georgian daba, small city]. -vmuþı̋ȝu, village council. -vne̋e̋ilu, headwoman. -vru, villager.
  • 085 ðűűn|o, citadel, castle, fort, fortress [> English town]. -da̋su, governor; ðéé~, vice-governor. -muþı̋ȝu, citadel council. -ru, citadel resident.
  • 086 kı̋l|o, [Lithan] village [> Finnish kylä, village]. -muþı̋ȝu, village council. -ne̋e̋ilu, headman, reeve. -ru, villager.
  • 087 k̨őngu, [Lithan] settlement head [> Manchu an, clan head].
  • 088 lőbo, farmstead [> Navarese lobiro, farmyard].
  • 089 na̋a̋|do, [Hydoran] settlement. [> Konda nār_u, village]. -ðmuþı̋ȝu, village council. -ðne̋e̋ilu, headwoman -ðru, villager.
  • 090 r|ı̋ȝo, city. -iine̋e̋ilu, mayor. -ı̋ı̋ko, town. -ı̋ı̋ru, citizen.
